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Quick Facts

Medium Of InstructionsMode Of LearningMode Of Delivery
EnglishSelf StudyVideo and Text Based

Course Overview

The Introduction to interfacial waves online course is a study about the wider aspect of vibrations and oscillations along with the specific focus on the challenges in hydrodynamic stability. This National Program for Technology Enhanced Learning(NPTEL) online course is developed and offered by the Indian Institute of Technology(IIT) Bombay for students pursuing chemical engineering and mechanical engineering as an elective course.

The course instruction is conducted for twelve weeks and the course educator for this faculty development program is Dr. Ratul Dasgupta, an associate professor from the department of chemical engineering at IIT Bombay.

The students of this online training program are provided with three credit points and a course certificate. The course certificate consists of the logos of NPTEL and IIT Bombay adding more value to it. The online course on introduction to interfacial waves is provided on the Swayam education platform and is a postgraduate level program.

The Highlights

  • Twelve weeks program
  • Free training course
  • Online mode
  • Elective course
  • Three credit points
  • Postgraduate level program
  • AICTE approved course
  • NPTEL free online course
  • IIT Bombay faculty

Programme Offerings

  • videos
  • Course Modules
  • Lectures
  • Books
  • references
  • Free course access
  • assignments
  • Final Exam
  • Course Certificae
  • NPTEL and IIT Logos.

Courses and Certificate Fees

Fees InformationsCertificate AvailabilityCertificate Providing Authority
INR 1000yesIIT Bombay

The students are provided with free access to the ‘Introduction to interfacial waves’ classes but will have to pay for the exam registration to receive the course certificate.

Introduction to the interfacial waves fee structure :

DescriptionAmount in INR
Course FeeNil
Exam FeeRs 1000

Eligibility Criteria

Students with background knowledge of introductory transport phenomena or fluid mechanics are eligible to apply for this course.

Certificate qualifying details

For the course certificate, students are required to get a minimum average score of 10/25 (25%) in 8 out of 12 assignments and 30/75 (75%) in the final exam and have a final score of 40/100. 

What you will learn

Knowledge of engineering

The Introduction to interfacial waves syllabus is oriented for the students to understand the wave phenomena and the mechanical analogs of wave phenomena in flid systems along with the following aspects,

  • Point mass systems connected through springs 
  • Amplitude dependence of the frequency of the oscillator
  • Fundamental perturbation techniques
  • Shallow and deep-water approximations, phase and group velocity, frequency and amplitude dispersion
  • Capillary gravity waves
  • Lindstedt-Poincare method to explain stokes traveling wave
  • Resonant interactions among surface gravity

Who it is for

The Introduction to Interfacial waves certification course is aimed at the professionals in the industry who are interested in learning about interfacial waves, such as chemical engineers, mechanical engineers,  and the students pursuing chemical and mechanical engineering courses.

Admission Details

The admission for the course on ‘Introduction to interfacial waves’ by Swayam is done by registering online through the website.

Step 1: Go to the course page on the official website using the link,

Step 2: Click on the Register/Sign-In button.

Step 3: Fill in the details on the registration form and complete the enrollment.

Application Details

Introduction to interfacial waves course applicants are required to enter the basic details such as name, phone number, and email address on the registration form or can sign in using their valid Google or Facebook ID.

The Syllabus

  • Introduction to waves and oscillations
  • Normal modes of linear vibrating systems with finite degrees of freedom
  • Eigenmodes (shapes of oscillation) and frequencies
  • continuum limit

  • Normal modes of a string with fixed ends
  • A clamped rectangular and circular membrane
  • Introduction to elliptic functions

  • Nonlinear pendulum: exact solution using elliptic integrals
  • Amplitude dependence of frequency, 
  • Intro. to perturbation methods
  • Non-dimensionalisation

  • Perturbative solution to projectile equation
  • The regular perturbative solution to the non-linear pendulum
  • Lindstedt Poincare technique
  • Damped harmonic oscillator
  • Regular perturbation
  • Method of multiple scales

  • Multiple scales solution (contd..)
  • Duffing equation
  • Parametric instability and the Kapitza Pendulum
  • Introduction to Floquet theory

  • Mathieu equation stability tongues
  • Introduction to inviscid
  • Irrotational surface gravity waves in deep water
  • Boundary conditions
  • Non-dimensionalisation and linearisation
  • Dispersion relation

  • The general solution for surface gravity waves
  • Linearised standing and traveling waves
  • Phase and group velocity
  • Cauchy-Poisson problem for surface waves in deep water: rectilinear geometry
  • Waves in cylindrical geometry

  • Cauchy Poisson problem in cylindrical geometry
  • Cauchy-Poisson problem for delta function at origin and group velocity
  • Similarity solution
  • Stationary phase approximation
  • Capillary-gravity waves

  • Waves on finite depth pool
  • Shallow and deep water approx.
  • Group velocity and energy propagation
  • Axisymmetric Cauchy-Poisson problem with a Gaussian
  • Engineering applications
  • Rayleigh-Plateau instability

  • Waves and instability on a coated cylinder
  • Waves and instability on a cylindrical air column, physical
  • Interpretation
  • Shape oscillations of drops and bubbles
  • Physical interpretation of zero frequency

  • Applications of shape oscillation
  • Faraday instability on a fluid interface
  • Subharmonic response
  • Floquet analysis
  • Atomization from Faraday waves
  • Engineering applications, Waves on shear flows & Kelvin-Helmholtz

  • Stokes wave in deep water
  • Stability of Stokes wave (sideband instability)
  • Comparison of deep and shallow-water theory
  • Non-linear Schrodinger equation and KdV equation
  • Resonant interactions among water waves

Evaluation process

  • The final proctored certification exam is mandatory for issuing the certificate to the students.
  • The students with a minimum score of 30/75 (75%) in the exam are eligible to receive the certificate.
  • The exam registration and payment are done online through the website.


IIT Bombay Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

1: Which institute offers the NPTEL online course on ‘Introduction to interfacial waves’ provided on the Swayam platform?

The course is offered by the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay.

2: What is the duration of the ‘Introduction to Interfacial waves’ online course?

The online course is conducted for twelve weeks.

3: Can I access the ‘Introduction to interfacial waves’ training course for free?

Yes, the course is free for the students of this course.

4: What are the prerequisites to attend ‘Introduction to interfacial waves’ classes?

The students are required to have prior knowledge of introductory transport phenomena or fluid mechanics.

5: Is the ‘Introduction to Interfacial waves’ course certificate authorized?

The course certificate consists of the logos of NPTEL and IIT Bombay which represents its authenticity.



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