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Quick Facts

Medium Of InstructionsMode Of LearningMode Of Delivery
EnglishSelf StudyVideo and Text Based

Course Overview

The Computer Architecture program offers candidates extensive learning on the different terminologies used in computer architecture. The participants will learn about the design of hardware and the different important elements related to it. The candidates will acquire learning on the layers of computer architecture.

The course is free of cost, the candidates need to take the end term exam for receiving certification. The certification helps candidates learn about assembly language and the operations in binary additions. After the candidates complete the fundamentals, the candidates will be exposed to the design of a simple processor.

Concepts and the memory system are some of the areas where the tutor has laid emphasis on during the Computer Architecture certification syllabus. The candidate also offers certification for candidates who are looking for qualifications in this area. The course covers all the topics required in the market currently. The certification will help candidates grow up in their career, and grow with the learning they acquire.

The Highlights

  • Undergraduate level
  • Certified course
  • Science and engineering category course
  • The duration of the course is 12 weeks
  • Core course type
  • Free course by IIT Delhi

Programme Offerings

  • Online discussion forums
  • quizzes
  • Self-assessments
  • video lectures
  • Reading Materials.

Courses and Certificate Fees

Fees InformationsCertificate AvailabilityCertificate Providing Authority
INR 1000yesIIT Delhi
  • The course of Computer Architecture online course can be registered by the candidates free of cost.
  • The end-term exam fee is Rs. 1,000, for the candidates who want to receive a certification.

Computer Architecture fees detail - 

Fees Category


Exam fees

Rs. 1,000

Eligibility Criteria


The aspirants registering for the Computer Architecture certification course must have knowledge about C programming. 

Certification Qualifying Details

The interested students must give the Computer Architecture certification end term exam for receiving the certification. There are certain guidelines for assessing the marks of the candidates.  Out of the total 12 assignments given to the candidates the average of the best 8 assignments will be considered for calculating the score. The participants must have a score of 25% in the total average marks of the assignment. In the end term exam of the candidates, out of the total marks i.e. 100, candidates must have a score of 75%.

The assignment marks, as well as the end-term exams, have to be scored by the candidates for getting a certificate. The candidates must score>=10/25 in their average assignment and score>=30/75 for the examination. The candidates will not be handed over the certificate if the final score is >=100 and they fail to secure the assignment marks.

What you will learn

Programming skills

The following key learnings will be acquired during the learning of Computer Architecture training.

  • The aspirants will gain insights into the different layers of computer architecture.
  • The participants will learn about how to develop the system of hardware and their implementations.
  • During the Computer Architecture online course, the candidates will learn a quantitative approach to solve any of the issues addressed.
  • The candidate will be taught how clustering can increase or decrease the efficiency of the hardware.
  • The course also covers algorithms for different operations subtraction and division.
  • The candidates will learn the interaction between the servers and their area of application.
  • The aspirants taking the course will also learn about the design of the pipeline and its functioning.
  • The lecture covers the characteristics of the layers involved in architecture planning.
  • The participants will also be taught the basic concept of processors and their usage.
  • The Computer Architecture training exposes candidates to the knowledge of memory systems and cache.

Who it is for

The following aspirants listed below can take the course of Computer Architecture certification benefits and explore more in it.

  • The participants seeking verified certification can take the course free of cost.
  • Students of 2nd year UG can also enrol in the course and brush up their skills in computer architecture.

Admission Details

The participants must follow the detailed process mentioned below for registering in the Computer Architecture program.

Step 1: The candidates need to paste the entire link into the web browser.

Please note: The join button is inactive at the moment.

The Syllabus


IIT Delhi Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

1: What are the timings of sessions for the registered Computer Architecture by Swayam?

There are no specific timings for the sessions to be held, the candidates will be notified about the entire schedule prior to the start of the course.

2: What are the different topics covered in the course?

The aspirants registering for the course can view the details of the course on the website.

3: If I face any technical error, whom to contact?

If the candidates face any technical issue while taking the course they must report it to the help desk or administration

4: What are the prerequisites of the Computer Architecture certification syllabus course?

The candidates must have learned the C programming language for taking the course successfully.

5: Will I receive the hard copy of the certificate?

The candidates will only receive an e-certificate of the course, no hard copies will be offered to the candidates.

6: How long will the course continue?

The duration of the course is 12 weeks for all the candidates taking the course.

7: What are the system requirements for the Computer Architecture certification course?

The candidates must have a good internet connection and laptop for doing well during the course.

8: When is the last date to apply for the course?

The candidates can get information about this on the respective website.

9: When will the end term exam be held?

The candidates will be notified about the same through their mail id before the completion of the course.

10: Who is the tutor for the course?

Detailed information about the tutor has been mentioned along with the details of the course.



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