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Quick Facts

Medium Of InstructionsMode Of LearningMode Of Delivery
EnglishSelf StudyVideo and Text Based

Course Overview

The course power electronics offered by the Swayam platform. The duration of this course is 12 weeks. It is a government certified course and is absolutely free of cost. In case the enrolled candidate wants to achieve the certification for this course then they have to appear for an exam and pay according to the guidelines of Swayam platform.

This course of power electronics is beneficial for students and instructors. The prerequisites for this course are basic electrical engineering, circuit theory, signals and systems.

All the undergraduate students belonging to the category of electrical, electronics and communications engineering, power systems and power electronics will be highly benefited from this course as this course will give a boost to their careers.

This course of power electronics is 100 percent online course offering a core level of knowledge of electricals and electronic systems.

The Highlights

  • Duration of the course is 12 weeks
  • Government certified course
  • Taught under the guidance of MHRD and NPTEL
  • App based learning
  • Interactive learning
  • Free of cost course
  • Enrolled candidates can achieve the certification for this course after appearing for a proctored examination
  • The fee for the certification exam is Rs 1,000 [Thousand rupees only]
  • The exam will be conducted physically at centres information for which will be provided later
  • The certificates issued after taking the examination will have the logos of NPTEL and IIT Madras
  • Only e-certificates will be available

Programme Offerings

  • Assignment
  • Online lectures
  • Books
  • References.

Courses and Certificate Fees

Fees InformationsCertificate AvailabilityCertificate Providing Authority
INR 1000yesIIT Madras (IITM)

The certificate exam fees for the course is -

Exam feesRs. 1,000

Eligibility Criteria

Work experience 

Work experience is not required for pursuing this course.


Educational background is required in basic electrical engineering, circuit theory, signals and systems.

Certification qualifying details 

The course of power electronics offered by the Swayam platform is free of cost for all the enrolled candidates but to gain certification for this course you have to appear for examination procedures. The registration fee for the examination is Rs 1000 (Thousand rupees only) and the candidate has to fulfill the criteria of 25 percent of average assignment score and 75 percent of exam score out of 100.

What you will learn

Knowledge of electronics

After successful completion of the course power electronics, the enrolled candidates will gain important insights on-

  • The course describes power processing electronic circuits like rectifiers, Ac voltage controllers, frequency converters, DC-DC converters and inverters.
  • The course introduces the basics of power semiconductor devices like SCRs, power BJTs, IGBTs and MOSFETs.
  • Analysis of power circuits in detail.
  • Analysis of waveforms and control techniques in detail.
  • Application of power electronic technology in the generation sector, transmission sector and in daily life.
  • This course will provide industry boost to UPS manufacturing, SMPS manufacturing and power electronic converter industries.
  • Understanding of simple daily life electrical systems like battery charger, motor drives, power supplies.

Who it is for

Admission Details

The procedure for admission to this course is as follows-

Step 1: Visit the Swayam platform.

Step 2: Select your course.

Step 3: Fill in your details.

Step 4: After filling in your adequate details you can avail all the lessons.

The Syllabus

  • Introduction to Power Electronics

  • Power devices : Diodes, SCRs, GTO, BJT, MOSFET, IGBT- Characteristics, working, selection and protection

  • AC-DC converter: half wave & full wave; uncontrolled, semi-controlled & fully controlled; single-phase and three-phase

  • Assignment No. 2 and 3 on single-phase and three-phase converters and simulations

  • AC-AC converters: AC voltage controllers and cycloconverters

  • Non-isolated DC-DC converters: Buck, Boost, Buck-boost & Cuk

  • Isolated DC-DC converters

  • DC-AC Inverters: Single-phase and three-phase, modulation techniques

  • Current Source inverter

  • Applications of Power Electronics in Generation, Transmission, Distribution & utilization sectors

  • Assignment No. 6 on Isolated DC-DC converters: Problems and simulation

  • Assignment No. 7&8 on DC-AC inverters (single-phase and three-phase): problems and simulation

Evaluation process

This course is free of cost but to achieve the certification for this course you have to appear for the examination procedures and pay Rs 1,000 for the registration. Additionally, you have to fulfil the criteria of 25 percent of average assignment score and 75 percent exam score out of 100 to gain the certification of this course.



IIT Delhi

IIT Delhi Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

1: What is the importance of this course?

This course is highly important and beneficial for electrical, electronics and communications engineering, power systems and power electronics students as well as instructors.

2: Why should i take this course?

If you have any educational backgrounds in electronics and communications engineering, power systems and power electronics or you work as an instructor then this course is highly recommended.

3: Will this course boost my career?

If the enrolled candidate studies this course with full concentration and dedication then this course will highly benefit your career.

4: What are prerequisites for this course?

The prerequisites for this course are basic electrical engineering, circuit theory, signals and systems.

5: Is this course free of cost?

All the courses offered on the Swayam platform are free of cost.

6: What should I do to achieve certification for this course?

To achieve certification for this course you have to appear for examination procedures and fulfill the certification eligibility criteria.

7: How can I register myself for giving the certification examination?

To register yourself you have to fill the registration forms and pay the fees details for which will be provided later.

8: Which industries can this course support?

This course can support UPS manufacturing, SMPS manufacturing and power electronic converter industries.

9: What is the eligibility criteria for fulfilling the certification procedures?

The enrolled candidate has to achieve 25 percent of average assessment score and 75 percent of exam score out of 100.

10: Is this course online?

All the courses offered on the Swayam platform are taught online.



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