The main aim of the Basic Principles and Calculations in Chemical Engineering certification program is to introduce the participants to the subject of chemical engineering. The online course will provide all the basic knowledge in the Basic Principles and Calculations in Chemical Engineering online course.
The program has been specially formulated for the students who have graduated from the domain of chemical engineering. Over the period of twelve weeks, the Basic Principles and Calculations in Chemical Engineering certification syllabus in detail will be covering the topics namely- dimensional homogeneity, modes of chemical processes, pressure and temperature, flow rate and its measurements, rate of mass transfer, general material balance equation and other topics related to the core concept of chemical engineering.
The Basic Principles and Calculations in Chemical Engineering by Swayam has been structured as the core for all the applicants. After completing the course the students will have their skills increased in the field of phase equilibrium.
The Highlights
Course partnered by Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati
The Basic Principles and Calculations in Chemical Engineering fees for registration are not required to be paid by the applicants.
The amount of Rs.1,000/- has to be deposited by the students for appearing in the examination and getting the certificate.
Basic Principles and Calculations in Chemical Engineering fees details -
Registration fee
Examination fee
Eligibility Criteria
All the students who are interested in applying for the Basic Principles and Calculations in Chemical Engineering program need to have a 10+2 certificate in the stream of science.
Certification Qualification Details
Students who want to get the Basic Principles and Calculations in Chemical Engineering certification are required to apply for an exam. They have to get themselves enrolled for the final examination. They have to appear for the exam from the designated center. To qualify for the certificate the applicants need to secure a score of 25% of the average of the best 8 assignments that are given to them out of the total number of 12 assignments. The candidates also need to score 75% marks out of 100 in the end-term exam. Thus, to get a certificate in the Basic Principles and Calculations in Chemical Engineering online course the participants need to have an examination score of >=40/100 and an assignment score of >=10/25.
What you will learn
Knowledge of engineering
After completing the Basic Principles and Calculations in Chemical Engineering certification course the students will learn about-
They will be learning about the physical properties of the transport of materials.
Candidates will study the mechanisms of the rate of change of momentum
Students in the programme will be studying the dimensional homogeneity concept and its application.
The Basic Principles and Calculations in Chemical Engineering certification syllabus will also contain the chapter on “flow rate”.
Applicants will learn about the various classification models of chemical processes.
The students will have their skills enhanced in the chapter on non-reactive processes and their various applications.
The fundamentals of material balance will also be learnt by the enrolled candidates.
Candidates will be studying the concepts of temperature and pressure flow during the course.
In the Basic Principles and Calculations in Chemical Engineering programme, they will also learn about the history and the role of chemical engineering.
The basic features of the chemical processes will also be covered in the program.
Who it is for
The following candidates can apply for the Basic Principles and Calculations in Chemical Engineering programme-
The students who are now pursuing biochemical engineering can apply for this online course.
Candidates who are interested to secure a certificate in the subject of “chemical engineering” can register for the programme.
Candidates who are Biochemical engineering graduate student/ graduate student of chemical science, chemical and technology/diploma holders in chemical engineering/graduate in petroleum science and technology can apply for this programme
Application Details
For applying in the Basic Principles and Calculations in Chemical Engineering online course the students need to follow the listed procedures-
Step 1: The candidates have to visit the mentioned program URL:
Note- The course is currently in progress hence the form for the application is not available. To know more details the students can contact the management.
The Syllabus
Definition, history and role of chemical engineers
Definition of chemical engineering
Role of chemical engineers in society
Basic features of chemical process
Classifications and modes of chemical processes
Basic features of chemical process and unit operation
Unit systems and dimensions
Dimensional homogeneity and its analysis,
Analysis of problem with solution
Variables and properties of material in systems
Physical and transport properties of materials and mixtures
Analysis of problem with solution
Pressure and temperature of flow process
Pressure and temperature and their measurements in flow process
Problem solving
Rate of chemical processes
Flow rate and its measurements
Flow rate and its measurements
Rate of momentum transfer
Rate of heat transfer
Rate of mass transfer
Analysis of problem with solution Solving problems3
Principles of material balance and its calculation
basis of engineering calculations
the general material balance equation
Balances on single and multiple unit processes without reaction
Solving problems
Material balances on non-reactive processes
Material balances on non-reactive processes with recycle and bypass
Solving problems
Material balances on reactive processes
Material balances on reactive processes
Solving problems
Material balances on combustion processes
Material balances based on combustion reactions
Solving problems
State equation of ideal gas and calculation
Basic equations of state for ideal gas and their calculations
State equation of non-ideal gas and calculation
Basic equations of state for non-ideal gas and their calculations
Phase equilibrium and Vapour Pressure
Saturation and Humidity
Principles of saturation
Psychometric chart and its use
Problem solving
Process of phase change
Principles of Energy
Concepts and units
Different forms of energy and their calculations
The general energy balance equation
Laws and Properties of thermodynamics
Laws of thermodynamics
Definitions of thermodynamic properties like Heat capacity
Calculation of enthalpy changes (without change of phase)
Enthalpy changes for phase transitions
Heat of formation, reaction and solution
Definition and calculations
The mechanical energy balance
Basic understanding with example
Enthalpy balances without reaction
Basic understanding with example
Energy balances on non-reactive processes of multiple inlet and outlet streams
Basic understanding with example
Enthalpy balances for heat of solution
Analysis with example
Energy balance with standard heat of reaction
Basic understanding with example
Energy balance with heat of reaction
Basic understanding with example
Energy balances on heat of combustion
Basic understanding with example
Material balances of unsteady state process
Basic understanding with example
Unsteady state energy balance
Basic understanding with example
Example of simultaneous material and energy balance
The methods of least squares
Linear equation fitting with experimental data with example
Non-linear algebraic equation system
Basic understanding with example
Numerical Integration
Basic understanding with example
Degree of freedom analysis
Basic understanding with example
Process flow sheeting and codes
Basic understanding
Case study-I on chemical process
Analysis with example
Case study-II on chemical process
Analysis with example 3
Evaluation process
To qualify for the certificate the applicants need to secure a score of 25% of the average of the best 8 assignments that are given to them out of the total number of 12 assignments. The candidates also need to score 75% marks out of 100 in the end-term exam. Thus, to get a certificate in the Basic Principles and Calculations in Chemical Engineering online course the participants need to have an examination score of >=40/100 and an assignment score of >=10/25.
1: Which are the industries intended for the program?
The following industries are supported by the course- industrial research and Development section of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering.
2: What education qualification is required for the course?
The students who are appearing for the Basic Principles and Calculations in Chemical Engineering training need to have a certificate in the stream of science at 10+2 level.
3: By whom will the program be conducted?
The faculty members of the Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati will be conducting the classes.
4: When will the application start?
The students who have registered themselves for the Basic Principles and Calculations in Chemical Engineering online course will be notified by the management.
5: What is the fee for the examination?
As the Basic Principles and Calculations in Chemical Engineering fee for the examination, the students need to deposit an amount of Rs. 1,000/-
6: For the program is scholarship available?
No for the Basic Principles and Calculations in Chemical Engineering certification course financial aid will not be made available.
7: When will the exam be conducted?
After the course comes to an end the examination for the Basic Principles and Calculations in Chemical Engineering certification will be conducted.
8: How long will it take for the certificate to be issued?
The certificate will be issued only to those students who apply for the examination.
9: Where can I get myself registered?
The students can get themselves registered in the course from the official site of Swayam.
10: What is the course duration?
The Basic Principles and Calculations in Chemical Engineering training will be conducted for a period of twelve weeks.