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Quick Facts

Medium Of InstructionsMode Of LearningMode Of Delivery
EnglishSelf StudyVideo and Text Based

Course Overview

Ergonomics Workplace Analysis certification is an elective course that is introduced on Swayam by the institutes NPTEL and IIT Guwahati and is held for a 4 weeks period. The meaning of Ergonomic workplace analysis is basically a process in which the ergonomic risk factors are evaluated with the help of several validated tools. When these risk factors get identified and evaluated, people can give recommendations for minimizing the factors that foster the development of musculoskeletal disorders which are work-related. When these disorders get improved the compensation cost, employee turnover, and absenteeism. This course helps in all the above-mentioned topics.

Ergonomics Workplace Analysis training will in the process of ergonomic analysis of workplace help an ergonomist to evaluate the environment of physical work or psychosocial risk factors like genetic risk factors that can lead to the development of musculoskeletal disorder that is work-related. 

The Highlights

  • 4 weeks programme
  • The course type is elective
  • Online classes held
  • IIT Guwahati faculty
  • Completion certificate
  • Government-approved certificate
  • Credits available

Programme Offerings

  • 4 Weeks Course
  • Online Course
  • completion certificate
  • Credit Points
  • free course
  • assignments
  • Final exam.

Courses and Certificate Fees

Fees InformationsCertificate AvailabilityCertificate Providing Authority
INR 1000yesIIT Guwahati (IITG)

The Ergonomics Workplace Analysis certification fee by NPTEL, and IIT Guwahati, is free. For attending the end proctored examination, candidates need to fill an online Swayam registration form by depositing a small Rs. 1,000 as the fee.

Ergonomics Workplace Analysis Fee Structure - 


Amount in INR

Programme Fee


Exam Fee

Rs. 1,000

Eligibility Criteria

Educational Qualification

  • The candidates must have at least got done with their graduation, and someone with a Master Degree or a Ph.D., and an elementary understanding of basic level Ergonomics shall be given extra preference. 

Certification Qualifying Details

  • Ergonomics Workplace Analysis certification by NPTEL and IIT Guwahati is given based on what the students have performed during their assignments and final test. If they are successful in getting 40 in total out of 100 where 10 out of 25 must be received in case of assignments, and also 30 out of 75 has to be secured in the case of the final examination. Anyone failing or not attending the exam will be left out from a certificate.

What you will learn

The Ergonomics Workplace Analysis certification syllabus will generate a brief of the entire evaluation process of the workplace analysis. The core topics included are an overview of the ergonomic system, subjective assessment tools, work effort, and fatigue, and loads more.

Who it is for

People with a graduation degree, and some kind of interest in the concepts of the basic level of ergonomics are the intended audience.

Admission Details

Follow this admission procedure for the Ergonomics Workplace Analysis classes below:

Step 1: Follow Swayam’s official website:

Step 2: Then make it a pout to find, and click the ‘Sign in/Register’ button.

Step 3: Next after addressing the account registration form, candidates have to again log in.

Step 4: Finally the course begins after all the above steps are correctly completed.

Application Details

Swayam allows just using some personal information like name, email address, and mobile number for registering for new accounts. Other than that no other detailed information is needed. Only if certification is a factor, candidates may have to fill in a form online which is the registration form for the proctored examination.

The Syllabus

  • Overview of Ergonomics and understanding of Ergo-system Overview of ergonomic workplace analysis

  • Classification of techniques used in Ergonomics research

  • Subjective assessment tool and Methods Postural evaluation

  • Measurement of Work Effort and Fatigue

Evaluation process

The end certification is provided only when the students are ready to pay Rs. 1000, and attend a proctored examination, and also receive 30 marks where the total is 75. Again clearing the exam will not allow the student's certificates as they have to get passing marks of 10 in 25 as an average of 4 assignments is held. Not getting the said marks will cancel the chances of earning a certificate.


IIT Guwahati (IITG) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

1: Who is the IIT staff behind the course curriculum?

The course curriculum is actually taken care of by professor Urmi R. Salve of IIT Guwahati.

2: What is the duration of the Ergonomics Workplace Analysis online certification course?

The EWA course duration is only 4 weeks.

3: Can Swayam be contacted by the students for the Ergonomics Workplace Analysis certification online?

Yes, definitely Swayam can be contacted by using their social media handles.

4: What is the number of credit points offered for this course?

The number of credit points is 1.

5: What is the level of the Ergonomics Workplace Analysis online course?

This is a postgraduate level course.


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