Data Visualization and Wrangling, working with data frames, processing large data, Statistical Inference
Hypothesis Testing, and Confidence Intervals, Application with R
Introduction to Stationarity, ARMA/ARIMA Modelling, ACF/PACF, Model Building and Goodness-of-Fit, Modelling Non-stationary process, Cointegration and VECM Models, Time-series forecasting, Implementation in R
Portfolio Optimization with two securities and multiple securities
Construction of efficient frontier and market portfolio
Portfolio performance evaluation and construction of market portfolio
Asset Pricing Models, Implementation in R
Introduction to regression modelling
Simple and Multiple Linear Regression
Assumptions of classical linear regression model and its violations, issues of heteroscedasticity, multicollinearity, autocorrelation
Application with asset pricing models, and implementation with R
Introduction to Volatility Modelling
Historical volatility models, ARCH/GARCH Models, VaR/CvaR models, Implementation in R
Linear probability models
Logit Model and Probit Models
ROC curve, classification matrix
Maximum Likelihood Estimation
Finance Use case and implementation in R
Introduction to Panel Models
Fixed effects, Random effects
First difference
LSDV estimators
Hausman test statistics
Finance Use case and implementation in R
Introduction to quantile regression, regression quantiles, optimization scheme with quantile regression, theoretical underpinnings, Finance use case with R implementation
Introduction to Markov Process
Transient and Recurrent processes, absorption probabilities
Finance use case and implementation in R
Basics of GGPLOT, Layering, Facet wrap, aesthetics, geometric objects, Use case with R implementation
Trend Analysis and Indicators,
Bollinger bands, trendlines, candle stick charts,
Dow theory, classical patterns, Momentum Indicators, R implementation