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EnglishSelf StudyVideo Based

Courses and Certificate Fees

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INR 1000yesIIT Kanpur

The Syllabus

Introduction about the Course, Conduction Fundamentals, The diffusion equation and the boundary conditions, 1-D Steady State Conduction in Various Geometry, Heat Transfer from Extended Surfaces

Heat Transfer from a Tapered Fin, Heat Transfer from an Annular Fin, 2-D Conduction: Analytical Solution, 2-D Heat Conduction in a Finite Cylinder

Transient Conduction, Unsteady State Conduction in an Infinite Slab, Conduction in a Semi- Infinite Solid

Computational Methods for Conduction, ADI Scheme and TDMA, Methods for solving Steady State Conduction

Introduction to Convection-1, Velocity and the Thermal Boundary Layers, Flow and heat transfer over a heated flat plate-1, Flow and heat transfer over a heated flat plate-2

Approximate Method for calculating heat transfer on a heated flat plate, Heat Transfer from non-zero pressure-gradient surfaces, Internal flows and heat transfer (preliminaries)

Flow and heat transfer in a circular pipe; Thermally fully developed flow in a pipe, Turbulent Flow and Heat Transfer (preliminaries), Prandtl’s mixing length and universal velocity profile,

Turbulent flow and heat transfer in a pipe, Natural (Free) Convection (preliminaries), Free Convection on Vertical Flat Plate and Other Geometries

Introduction to Boiling heat transfer, Wetting and heterogeneous nucleation, bubble growth, Pool Boiling, Regimes of pool boiling, Nukiyama curve

Condensation heat transfer, Filmwise condensation, Nusselt analysis, Dropwise condensation, modeling

Introduction to Heat Exchangers, Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient, Fouling, Evaporators, and Condensers, Performance analysis, Logarithmic Mean Temperature Difference, Effectiveness, Number of Transfer Units

Passive thermal management, Theory and operation of heat pipes, Limitations, Modeling capillary limit, Two-phase Thermosyphons, Non-conventional heat pipes




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