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yesIIT Kanpur

The Syllabus

  • Course Brief - A brief description of the course content; Downloading and installing R and R Studio 
  • Exploring R - A description of the basic utilities available in R and R Studio 
  • R preliminaries - Using R as a computational tool; Illustrative use of R for data handling 
  • Using Simple Commands - Some examples of R-commands 
  • Working with R - Importing data into R; Simple applications for data handling

  • Basic Statistical Concepts - Measurement scales; Null hypothesis statistical testing (NHST) 
  • Practical Significance of Results - Statistical power of a test; Effect size; Statistical and practical significance of results 
  • Univariate Data - Univariate statistical analysis: Z-test, t-test, F-test, correlations 
  • Multivariate Techniques - An overview of multivariate techniques: selecting an appropriate multivariate technique for a given dataset 
  • Data Manipulation - Scaling data: Mean-centering and standardizing data

  • Data Preparation - Visual (graphical) examination of data: box-plot, stem and leaf plot, histogram; Missing values; Outliers 
  • Examining the Data - Examining the data for univariate and multivariate assumptions 
  • Transformations for Non-normal Data - Transformations for skewed data; Selecting between square-root, inverse, and logarithmic transformations; Interpreting results based on the transformed data

  • Analytical Models - Descriptive, graphical, and mathematical models 
  • Principal Components Analysis (PCA) - Introduction to different factor analysis techniques; Basic concepts; manually doing PCA; Factor structure and rotation of factor structure 
  • Performing Principal Components Analysis - Using R-packages for computing PCA in R; Interpreting the R-output

  • Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) - Introduction to EFA; Comparison of PCA and EFA; Performing EFA; Higher order factor analysis 
  • Application of Factor Analysis - Issues in PCA and EFA; Illustrative applications of PCA and EFA 
  • Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) - Objectives of CFA; Comparison of CFA and EFA; Performing CFA and interpretation of R-output

  • Regression Analysis - Bivariate and multiple regression analysis; Assumptions of regression analysis; Multicollinearity and its effect on the regression model 
  • Performing regression analysis - Interpretation of R-Output; Multivariate multiple regression analysis 
  • Cluster analysis - Objectives of cluster analysis; Similarity measures; Hierarchical clustering; the concept of dendrogram

  • Performing Cluster Analysis - Interpreting R-output 
  • Discriminant Analysis - Objectives of discriminant analysis; comparison with regression analysis and clustering
  • Performing Discriminant Analysis - Two-group discriminant analysis; Multiple group discriminant analysis

  • Logistic Regression - Objectives of logistic regression; Logistic regression model; Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) Curve 
  • Performing Logistic Regression - Interpretation of R-Output 
  • Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) - Univariate ANOVA; Factorial ANOVA designs; Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA)

  • Computing ANOVA and ANCOVA - Interpretation of R-output 
  • Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) - Analytical approach to MANOVA; Wilks lambda and other statistics to test the statistical significance of MANOVA results 
  • Computing and interpreting MANOVA - Computing MANOVA for two groups and multiple groups; Interpretation of R-output

  • Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) - Introduction to CCA; Statistical tests for significance testing 
  • Performing Canonical Correlation Analysis - Illustrative example and interpretation of R-output 
  • Multidimensional scaling (MDS) - Spatial models; Similarity and distance; multidimensional map

  • Performing Multidimensional Scaling - Interpretation of R-output 
  • Correspondence Analysis - Basic concepts; Creating perceptual maps 
  • Conjoint Analysis - The concept of utility (worth); Assessing part worth and whole worth based on the product attributes

  • Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) - Exogenous and endogenous variables; Reflective and formative constructs; inner model and outer model; Statistics related to SEM
  • Performing Structural Equation Modeling - Interpreting R-output and reporting the results 
  • Partial Least Squares for SEM (SEM-PLS) - Sample size considerations; SEM-PLS as a technique for data that violates multivariate assumptions; Other approaches to the issue of non-normal data in SEM



IIT Kanpur



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