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Quick Facts

Medium Of InstructionsMode Of LearningMode Of Delivery
EnglishSelf StudyVideo and Text Based

Course Overview

The Total Quality Management certification course is an eight-week-long digital program that gives you extensive insights into the concepts of quality. You will get an overview of how nuances of quality have changed over the years starting from the historical perspective of Deming and Juran. The course teaches basic concepts related to quality assurance, fishbone diagrams, house of quality, and more.

The Total Quality Management online program will also discuss various types of sample distributions, probability distributions, and how they are utilized in quality control. You will also learn about brainstorming, the design of experiments, and relevant ideas used in statistical quality control. The course uses real-life examples, recorded lectures, and case studies to provide an in-depth understanding of the ideas.

The Total Quality Management training helps you explore different kinds of hypotheses testing procedures. You will understand the significance of these procedures and learn how inferences about quality can be drawn through them.

The Highlights

  • Eight weeks course length 
  • Operations/Management studies category
  • Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kanpur offering
  • Online course
  • Certification available
  • Elective course type
  • Undergraduate/Postgraduate level course
  • AICTE-approved FDP course
  • Self-directed learning
  • Exam and Enrolment date information provided

Important dates

Certificate Exam Date

Start Date : 27 Apr, 2025

Programme Offerings

  • Case Studies
  • online learning
  • Free course access
  • Written examination
  • Industry-Expert Instructor
  • video lectures
  • Updated Curriculum
  • A shareable certificate
  • assignments
  • An offering of IIT Kanpur
  • Self-paced learning
  • learning material.

Courses and Certificate Fees

Fees InformationsCertificate AvailabilityCertificate Providing Authority
INR 1000yesIIT Kanpur
  • The Total Quality Management course is free to access and enroll in.
  • The examination fee for the written exam is Rs. 1,000 only.

Total Quality Management – I fee structure - 

Course option


Total Quality Management - I (Access only)


Total Quality Management - I(Exam fee)

Rs. 1,000

Eligibility Criteria

You should have an educational background in probability and statistics before joining the Total Quality Management online program.

To become eligible for the Total Quality Management certification, you must achieve a final score of 40% or more. The final score is the sum of the average assignment score (25% weightage) and offline written exam score (75% weightage). You need to meet both these criteria by scoring at least 10/25 marks in assignments (best six out of eight) and 30/75 in written exam, respectively.

What you will learn

Statistical skills

Total Quality Management syllabus covers a wide range of concepts related to quality management. When you complete the course, you will be familiar with:

  • Probability distributions such as Z square, Chi-square, and F distributions
  • Distinctive types of hypotheses testing and their one-to-one significance with quality
  • Nuances of Quality Assurance (QA)
  • Quality management systems
  • Concepts of charts – x bar charts, pie charts, etc.
  • The idea of how concepts of quality can be brought to different aspects of life – work, manufacturing sector, education, service sector, etc.

Who it is for

The Total Quality Management online course is mainly intended for students pursuing a master's in economics, Mechanical and Industrial engineering, business administration, Mathematics/Statistics, and operations management/operations research. This program will also be useful for Ph.D. students in relevant domains.

Admission Details

Join the Total Quality Management course by Swayam with these series of steps given below.

Step 1 – Click or tap this hyperlink - You will directly reach the course webpage of Total Quality Management. 

Step 2 – Get to the top of the page and click on the ‘Sign-in/Register’. The Swayam registration page will open.

Step 3 – You can click on the ‘Sign up now button to generate a new account by filling in the required info. Or, you can instantly log in by linking either of these existing IDs – Google, Facebook, or Microsoft.

Step 4 – Lastly, click on the ‘Join’ button on the Total Quality Management course page to confirm your enrolment.

NOTE – You must check the online Swayam portal to confirm the final enrolment date.

Application Details

You can join the Total Quality Management program by Swayam for free without filling any application form. Simply log on to the Swayam website, generate an account, sign in, provide basic info like email address, name, etc. and enrol in the online course.

There is an application form for the written exam of the Total Quality Management online course. You must submit this online registration form if you want to appear for the written exam.

The Syllabus

Evaluation process

The offline written exam for the Total Quality Management certification will be held on a specific date at designated exam centers. The exam will be held in a morning session (9 am to 12 pm) and an afternoon session (2 pm to 5 pm). The date for the exam can be found on the Swayam website.

Registration URL will be made available in the near future, along with additional information about the exam centers. You must pay the specified exam fee, fill in and submit the online registration form to confirm your appearance in the Total Quality Management course exam.


IIT Kanpur Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

1: Which educational institute delivers the Total Quality Management program?

The Total Quality Management course is delivered by the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kanpur.

2: Do I need to pay for the Total Quality Management course?

The access to video content, discussion forum, and assignments of the Total Quality Management training is free of cost. But you have to pay the exam fee to take the written exam.

3: Who is the instructors for Total Quality Management training?

Professor Raghu Nandan Sengupta of IIT Kanpur will be your instructor for the Total Quality Management course.

4: What are the prerequisites to enroll in the Total Quality Management program by Swayam?

You must have a good understanding of statistics and probability concepts.

5: Will I get a physical copy of the Total Quality Management certification?

No, you will only receive an e-certificate after you fulfill the eligibility criteria.



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