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Quick Facts

Medium Of InstructionsMode Of LearningMode Of Delivery
EnglishSelf StudyVideo and Text Based

Course Overview

The Advanced Dynamics online course is offered by Swayam, an initiative by the education ministry of the Indian government. Knowledge of dynamics is helpful not only for estimating dynamic forces for design like machine tools, aeronautical and automotive systems but also for comprehending occurrences such as cyclonic circulation, tides, boomerang flight, top precession, etc.

This Advanced Dynamics training covers the essential subjects in rigid and particle body dynamics utilizing analytical and Newtonian dynamics methods. The course will begin with kinematics in non-inertial and inertial (rotating) frames, then move on to examine the various ways to study the dynamics of a system of particles, single particle, rigid bodies in two dimensions and three dimensions, and ultimately the analytical dynamics approach. The Advanced Dynamics syllabus will place a heavy focus on problem-solving and is designed to provide students with a solid foundation in dynamics.

The Highlights

  • 3 credits
  • Course provider Swayam
  • Video lectures
  • 100% free of cost
  • Undergraduate/Postgraduate-level study
  • AICTE-approved certificate
  • Offered by IIT Kharagpur
  • Online learning
  • 8 weeks duration

Programme Offerings

  • Reading Materials
  • tests
  • Self-assessment
  • quizzes
  • Online discussion forums
  • Video lectures.

Courses and Certificate Fees

Fees InformationsCertificate AvailabilityCertificate Providing Authority
INR 1000yesIIT Kharagpur

Advanced Dynamics Fees - 



Advanced Dynamics


Certification exam fee (optional)

Rs. 1,000

Eligibility Criteria

Certification Qualifying Details

The candidate must complete both the curriculum and the quizzes. To acquire the Advanced Dynamics certification, participants must pass a final test administered by Swayam.

What you will learn

Knowledge of engineering

After completing the Advanced Dynamics online certification course, students will learn about the kinematics of particles, coordinate systems, relative motion, rotating frames, cyclonic circulation, the kinetics of particles, Foucault pendulum, angular momentum, integrals of newton’s second law, conservation laws, newton’s law of gravitation, systems with the flow, systems with variable mass, newton-Euler equations, dynamics of rigid bodies, boomerangs and gyroscopes, the geometry of rotation, configuration space, introduction to analytical dynamics, Lagrange’s equation of motion, constraints, constraint forces, hamilton’s principle, conservation and coordinates laws, generalized momentum, Noether’s and symmetry theorem, etc.

Who it is for

The intended audience of the course is students from the field of Aerospace Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Physics.

Admission Details

To get admission to the Advanced Dynamics online program, follow the step by step procedure mentioned below:

Step 1. To open the official Swayam course website, click on the link given below

Step 2. Begin the registration process by clicking on the Register button.

Step 3. You may use your Google, Facebook or Microsoft account to sign up or enter your email and password manually.

Step 4. To navigate to the account details page, click the 'Join' button.

Step 5. Fill in the required information to begin the course.

The Syllabus

  • Coordinate systems
  • Kinematics of particles
  • Rotating frames
  • Relative motion

  • Kinetics of particles
  • Cyclonic circulation
  • Foucault pendulum

  • Integrals of Newton’s second law
  • Angular momentum
  • Conservation laws

  • Impact
  • Newton’s law of gravitation and tidal dynamics

  • Systems with variable mass
  • Systems with flow

  • Dynamics of rigid bodies
  • Newton-Euler equations

  • Dynamics of tops
  • Gyroscopes and boomerangs

  • Rotation matrix and its parametrization
  • The geometry of rotation

  • Introduction to analytical dynamics
  • Configuration space
  • Constraints
  • Generalized coordinates and forces

  • Hamilton’s principle
  • Lagrange’s equation of motion
  • Constraint forces

  • Generalized momentum
  • Cyclic coordinates and conservation laws

  • Symmetry and Noether’s theorem
  • Hamiltonian and its conservation


IIT Kharagpur Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

1: The Advanced Dynamics course includes how many credit points?

The Advanced Dynamics course includes 3 credit points.

2: Which course provider offers the Advanced Dynamics online course?

Swayam offers the Advanced Dynamics online course.

3: Which institution’s faculty delivers online lectures on Advanced Dynamics classes?

IIT Kharagpur’s faculty delivers online lectures on Advanced Dynamics classes.

4: What is the total duration of the Advanced Dynamics training?

The total duration of the Advanced Dynamics training is 12 weeks.

5: The Advanced Dynamics tutorial is of which level?

The Advanced Dynamics tutorial is Undergraduate/Postgraduate level.


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