Components and working principles of tillage implements (active, passive and combination) used for seed bed preparation. Forces acting on passive tillage implements (mould board plough, disk plow and disk harrow) during operation and design of these implements.
Components and working principle of cultivator and spike tooth harrow. Forces acting on these implements during their operation. Design of a tractor drawn cultivator and a spike tooth harrow.
Solving problems related to design of passive tillage implements.
Components of active tillage implements, their working principles. Forces acting on the working elements of active tillage implements. Design of a tractor operated powered disk harrow.
Design of a tractor operated rotavator. Solving problems related to design of active tillage implements
Concept of using combination tillage implements. Classification of combination tillage implements, power requirement of combination tillage implements
Design of combined offset disk harrow (front gang powered and rear gang unpowered) and rota-cultivator
Measurements of performance parameters for evaluating passive, active and combination tillage implements
Solving problems related to performance evaluation of combined tillage implements
Different sowing equipment and components of sowing equipment. Working principle of different metering mechanisms. BIS standard for designing sowing equipment. Design of a tractor drawn seed drill.
Solving problems related to design of sowing equipment.
Design of a multi-crop drum seeder. Design of unmanned paddy seeder for wetland. Design concept for precision dropping of seeds with a tractor drawn seed drill. Performance parameters for evaluation of any sowing equipment.
Need for liquid chemical applicators, their classification. Components of liquid chemical applicator. Working principle of commonly used knapsack sprayer and tractor drawn boom type liquid chemical applicator.
Design of a tractor drawn boom type liquid chemical applicator (selection of tank, agitator, pump and atomizer). Determination of droplet size and their distribution, factors affecting droplet size distribution. Testing of liquid chemical applicator both in the laboratory and in the field. Design of a solar energy operated unmanned boom type liquid chemical applicator
Machinery for harvesting of forage and cereal crops and their components. Different cutting mechanisms used for harvesting. Design of a tractor drawn rota-slasher. Design of an electric vertical conveyor reaper for harvesting cereal crops. Design of an onion harvester and a cabbage harvester.
Basic mechanism of threshing, different threshing equipment and classification of threshers. Power requirement of any threshing equipment. Factors affecting performance of a thresher and parameters for performance evaluation of a thresher. Design of a spike tooth type thresher for cereal crops. Design of a solar energy operated wire-loop type paddy thresher