Join the Electronic Theory of Solids course to get introduced to electrodynamics, electronic properties of solids, superconductivity applications, and more.
The Electronic Theory of Solids programme by Swayam is a 12-week course that begins with a straightforward example of a two-atom solid. This course builds on this example and discusses the theory of electrons in an N-atom solid. The application to thermal and electrical properties in solids is also discussed.
The Electronic Theory of Solids training explains symmetries and how they relate to emergent electronic properties. Next, the course introduces the magnetism of solids to the students, and the origin and types of magnetic states are outlined. Students also learn about the concept of magnetic long-range order with examples.
Furthermore, the Electronic Theory of Solids certification course introduces the historical developments and basic superconductivity concepts. Students learn how to work out the BCS theory and the Cooper problem. Additionally, all successful participants of the course receive a certificate of completion to highlight their advanced skills.
The Electronic Theory of Solids certification is free to study. If you want a certificate, register for the final proctored exam conducted at specific centres. Please refer to the fee structure given below.
Electronic Theory of Solids course fee structure -
Course material
Final exam fee
Rs. 1,000
Eligibility Criteria
Learners of the Electronic Theory of Solids online course must study elementary quantum mechanics before joining this programme.
Moreover, submission of assignments and clearing of the final proctored exam is mandatory if you wish to receive the Swayam certificate.
What you will learn
After completing the Electronic Theory of Solids training, you will learn the following:
Novel electronic concepts related to graphene and carbon nanotubes
Various magnetic states and their origin
Description of a magnetic Hamiltonian
Concepts and historical developments of superconductivity
Fundamentals of Quantum Hall effect
Magnetoresistance and spin filtering
Who it is for
The Electronic Theory of Solids certification course is designed for undergraduate and postgraduate students in Chemistry, Physics, Electronics, Material Science, Nano-science, Electrical Engineering, and Nano-technology fields.
Admission Details
Step 1. Click on this link to directly reach the ‘Electronic Theory of Solids’ course page -
Step 2. Make an account on the Swayam website.
Step 3. Join the course on the date mentioned on the course page.
Application Details
Students who want to study the Electronic Theory of Solids training have to log in to the Swayam website. If you do not have an account, register by providing your email address, educational details, work experience details, contact information, full name, and password. After this, you can wait for the course to begin.
The Syllabus
Free electron theory of metals
Fermi-Dirac distribution
Free electrons
Boundary conditions
Density of levels in 1, 2 & 3 dimensions
Fermi momentum and Fermi energy
Connection between electron density and Fermi energy
Independent electron systems
Degenerate fermi gas: Specific heat
Semiclassical theory of transport
Drude theory and Hall effect
Electronic properties of solids: the two-atom solid
Theory of electrons in an N-atom solid
Linear combination of atomic orbitals – band formation
Periodic potential
Bloch's theorem
Tight binding approximation
Brillouin zones for square, triangular, cubic lattices and energy bands in reduced zone scheme
Fermi surface in several cases
Instabilities of the Fermi surface
Novel electronic structures: graphene and carbon nanotubes
Concept of symmetries and their relevance in emergent electronic properties
Topological insulators
Elementary concepts of low dimensional electron gas
Quantum dot
1D and 2D electron gas introduced
2D electrons in a magnetic field
Integer quantum hall effect
Spin filtering and magnetoresistance
Spintronics and its applications
Future directions in spin- or valley-tronics
Magnetism and its origin
Magnetization and susceptibility
Dia-, para- and ferro-magnetism
Larmour diamagnetism
Hund’s rule and paramagnetism
Van Vleck paramagnetism
Curie’s law
Thermal properties of magnetic insulators
Pauli paramagnetism
Magnetic interactions
Two-electron system
Spin-spin interactions – exchange interaction
Super and itinerant exchange
Magnetic order
XY and Heisenberg spin models
Mean-field theory
Ground states and thermodynamics
Phenomenology of Superconductors
Superconductivity in metals and alloys
New Superconductors
Zero Resistance
Meissner Effect
London equation and two- fluid model
Attractive interaction
Cooper problem – instability of the Fermi surface
Pair formation and binding energy
BCS theory
SC gap and transition temperature
Sp. heat jump at Tc
coherence length and penetration depth: electrodynamics of superconductors
Type-I and II SC
Quantum interference
Josephson effect
SC junctions
Squid and its application
Novel superconductors
Evaluation process
Students need to pay and appear for the proctored final examination to be eligible for the Electronic Theory of Solids programme certificate. Students’ exam score should be at least 30/75, and the average assignment score should be at least 10/25 if they wish to be eligible for the completion certificate. If any of these criteria are not met, the certificate will not be granted.
IIT Kharagpur Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)
1: Is this an undergraduate-level course?
This programme is meant for undergraduate and postgraduate level students.
2: What is the course type for the Electronic Theory of Solids programme?
The Electronic Theory of Solids certification is an elective course.
3: Is this certification offered by an Indian university?
Yes, this certification programme is offered by IIT Kharagpur.
4: Is this an AICTE approved course?
Yes, Electronic Theory of Solids is an AICTE approved FDP course.
5: Is this a free course?
Yes, you can study this course free-of-cost. However, there is a fee to register for the final exam and obtain a certificate.