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Quick Facts

Medium Of InstructionsMode Of LearningMode Of Delivery
EnglishSelf StudyVideo and Text Based

Course Overview

The Introduction to Basic Spoken Sanskrit and Intermediate Level of Spoken Sanskrit training is a 12-week course, formed by IIT Kharagpur with Prof Anuradha Choudry as the instructor. Granting e-verifiable certificates to eligible students, the curriculum is focused on applicants from varying science, humanities, social sciences, computer sciences, and technology backgrounds.

In the first part of the Introduction to Basic Spoken Sanskrit and Intermediate Level of Spoken Sanskrit certification syllabus, candidates will learn about language formation fundamentals, use, and structure of sounds, words, along with some verbs and tenses. The second section deals with detailed grammatical structures, including different verb groups conjugated in varying endings. The program includes several verses to understand the Sanskrit language’s applications.

In the Introduction to Basic Spoken Sanskrit and Intermediate Level of Spoken Sanskrit program, candidates will also study various scholars worldwide and their perspectives about why Sanskrit is a brilliant language. After completion, candidates will master the understanding of Sanskrit, appreciate the language and apply it in daily life.

The Highlights

  • Elective course for undergraduates/postgraduates
  • Online mode certification
  • 12 weeks to complete
  • Social sciences and humanities category
  • Explained and discussed in English 
  • Weekly marked assignments 
  • Reference material
  • Proctored examination 
  • By IIT Kharagpur  
  • Certificate upon completion

Programme Offerings

  • Join for FREE
  • Marked internal assignments
  • Final examination
  • Online mode certification
  • English lectures
  • elective course
  • Social sciences and humanities category
  • Digital certification

Courses and Certificate Fees

Fees InformationsCertificate AvailabilityCertificate Providing Authority
INR 1000yesIIT Kharagpur
  • The Introduction to Basic Spoken Sanskrit and Intermediate Level of Spoken Sanskrit fees must be paid only if the candidate is interested in answering the final course-end exam. Participate simply by creating an account or pay a cost of Rs. 1,000/- to answer the exam for the e-certificate.

Introduction to Basic Spoken Sanskrit and Intermediate Level of Spoken Sanskrit fee structure

Course Title

Total fee

Introduction to Basic Spoken Sanskrit and Intermediate Level of Spoken Sanskrit    (participation only)


Introduction to Basic Spoken Sanskrit and Intermediate Level of Spoken Sanskrit   (with course-end certificate)

Rs. 1,000/-

Eligibility Criteria

Anyone interested in appreciating and understanding the Sanskrit language can join the Introduction to Basic Spoken Sanskrit and Intermediate Level of Spoken Sanskrit program. 

Certification qualifying details 

it is mandatory for students to register for Swayam’s test, securing 30 on 75 or above in it and an average of 10 on 25 or above in the internal assignments. These scores comprise the final score mentioned on the e-certificate. Learners should meet this criterion to gain the Introduction to Basic Spoken Sanskrit and Intermediate Level of Spoken Sanskrit certification.

What you will learn

Language skills

After the Introduction to Basic Spoken Sanskrit and Intermediate Level of Spoken Sanskrit training, candidates will acquire professional-grade knowledge about:

  • Basic grammatical structures in Sanskrit
  • Sanskrit’s unique characteristics and declensions
  • Vowels and Sandhi
  • Vocabulary, sentence structures, and forming questions
  • Changes in verb endings based on tenses, emotions, etc.
  • Poetic verses, stories, conversations reading, and appreciation

Who it is for

The Introduction to Basic Spoken Sanskrit and Intermediate Level of Spoken Sanskrit program is a language-related course. It is ideal for applicants from varying backgrounds, including Humanities, Social Science, Science, Technology, and Computer Science.

Admission Details

Step 1. Join the Introduction to Basic Spoken Sanskrit and Intermediate Level of Spoken Sanskrit by Swayam simply by visiting

Step 2. To start an account, open the ‘Sign-in/Register’ tab by clicking on it. 

Step 3. Enter your details and tap on the ‘send verification code’ option. If you have an account, skip this and log in with its credentials. 

Step 4. After receiving the code on your email ID, type it in the box, and click on ‘Verify Code’.

Step 5. Click on ‘Create’ to finalize the learning account and choose the course.

Application Details

Participants do not have to submit application forms to apply for the Introduction to Basic Spoken Sanskrit and Intermediate Level of Spoken Sanskrit certification course. Just tap ‘Sign-in/Register’ on the homepage and create your account by entering the email ID, password, and username.

The Syllabus

  • Introduction: Some Unique characteristics of Sanskrit -Basic introduction of oneself
  • Simple verbs Daily vocabulary

  • Introducing different declensions and tenses - 1

  • Introducing different declensions and tenses - 2

  • Practice with various verbs in different moods and tenses Summary of the Sentence structure with different questions

  • Introduction: Some Unique characteristics of Sanskrit
  • Revision of the main features of Part 1 of Introduction to Basic Spoken Sanskrit
  • Different verb forms
  • Daily vocabulary

  • Introduction of different declensions in the plural and tenses – 1
  • Daily Vocabulary
  • Poetic verses
  • conversations and stories

  • Practice with various verbs in different moods and tenses
  • Summary of the Sentence structures using the plural with different questions

  • Introduction of a few more words ending with consonants and their declensions
  • An Alternative Conjugation of verbs
  • Daily vocabulary
  • Poetic verses
  • conversations and stories

  • Introduction to their different declensions in singular
  • dual and plural
  • New verb forms
  • Daily Vocabulary
  • Poetic verses
  • conversations and stories

  • Introduction to Sandhi
  • Vowel with vowel / Vowel with consonant / Consonant with consonant / Aspirant with vowel or consonant
  • Poetic verse
  • reading and comprehension
  • conversations

  • Practice with a variety of word endings
  • various verbs in different moods and tenses
  • Summary of the Sentence structures using the plural with different questions

Evaluation process

Candidates are informed about the release of the registration form URLs in advance. Submit the form and pay the requisite fee to answer the examination. For more information about Introduction to Basic Spoken Sanskrit and Intermediate Level of Spoken Sanskrit by Swayam exam, refer to the registration form.

Candidates should be present at the specified time and date and Swayam’s allotted exam center. Pass the examination with 30 on 75 or above, including 10 on 25 or more for the in-curriculum assignments, to get your certificate.


IIT Kharagpur Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

1: Is the instructor a verified professional?

Yes. Professor Anuradha Choudry is well-versed in yoga, Sanskrit, Indian psychology, and various other languages. She is an assistant professor and teaches at IIT Kharagpur’s Department of Humanities and Social Sciences.

2: Do I have to pay fees to enrol for the Introduction to Basic Spoken Sanskrit and Intermediate Level of Spoken Sanskrit course?

No. You can audit it for free. 

3: Does the course allow credit transfer?

Yes. UGC and AICTE have approved credit-transfer from Swayam to the candidate’s university.

4: Who has verified this course?

The course is checked and verified by NPTEL and IIT Kharagpur.

5: Will I receive the hardcopy of the certificate?

No. Swayam will only issue this certification digitally. 



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