The online certification course on Urban Transportation Systems Planning by Swayam will be covering the challenges need for efficient and effective planning of urban transport that is required in the modern-day. The online program will further be addressing the- growing travel demand and will be helping to formulate strategies to maintain sustainable development in a more affordable and sustainable way.
The Urban Transportation Systems Planning training has been divided and subdivided into nine modules that will be held for a period of twelve weeks. The session will further help in capacity building amongst policymakers, master students, and practitioners.
The Urban Transportation Systems Planning certification syllabus includes- Probit analysis, Logit model, Nested logit model, Two-stage modal split models, Multinomial logit model, Estimation of logit models. The course will be helping the students to make decisions and transport planning to make the urban transport more efficient and effective.
The Highlights
The course is imparted by Swayam
12 weeks course duration
The program provided by Swayam
Certificate of completion by IIT Kharagpur and NPTEL
The Urban Transportation Systems Planning fee for registration is free.
The students need to deposit Rs.1,000/- as examination fees
Urban Transportation Systems Planning fees details
Registration fee
Examination fee
Eligibility Criteria
Certification Qualification Details
To issue the Urban Transportation Systems Planning certification, the students have to get registered for the final examination. The candidates are required to get 75% marks in the end-term exam. They should also get an average of 25% in 8 out of 12 assignments.
What you will learn
Knowledge of Urban Planning
In the Urban Transportation Systems Planning online course, the applied candidates will deal with-
Students will be learning about the difficulties faced by the urban traffic systems.
The basic concepts with regard to planning and managing traffic will be given.
The facilities that are required for good terminal connectivity will also be covered.
Candidates will be studying the urban goods movement.
In the Urban Transportation Systems Planning certification syllabus, the link cost function is included
The general cost link function and its application is also included.
The advantages of disaggregate over the aggregate models are also incorporated in the course syllabus.
Students in the program schedule will be studying the multinomial logit model.
They will be working on the two-stage modal split models.
The binary logit model will also be studied by the enrolled students.
Who it is for
The Urban Transportation Systems Planning program is for-
Students who are pursuing their M.E. or M.Tech. degree from the domain of transportation engineering or equivalent course can apply for this course.
Application Details
The following steps are to be followed by the candidates to secure their seat in the Urban Transportation Systems Planning online course
Transport Planning Morphology: Problem definition, Solution generation, solution analysis
Evaluation and choice
Implementation Hierarchical levels of Urban Transport Planning: Conceptual Plan, Outline plan, Master plans, statutory or advisory plans, detailed development plans
Overview of 4-Stage Urban Transportation Planning Process
Overview of traditional four-step travel demand forecasting process: urban activity forecasts, trip generation, trip distribution, mode choice, traffic assignment specification, calibration, validation, and forecasting
Information needs for travel demand forecasting: study area, urban activities, zoning, urban activities, transportation system, travel information, types of movements data collection techniques (home-interview survey, commercial vehicle survey, innovative commercial vehicle tracking methods, intermediate public transport survey, cordon-line survey, post-card questionnaire survey, registration – number survey, license plate follow-up survey technique, tag-on- vehicle survey)
Trip Generation
Basic considerations in trip generation - amount of urban activity, character of urban activity, other considerations, special generators
Multiple Linear Regression- Regression analysis concept
The step wise approach with examples
Trip Generation (Continued…)
Multiple Linear Regression- Considerations for zonal based multiple regression, Considerations for household based multiple regression, matching productions and attractions Category analysis- Basic approach, specifying trip generation model (trip production model structure, trip attraction model structure, Internal- External trip generation), Trip generation model calibration (developing trip production rates, developing trip attraction rates), advantages and disadvantages Stability of trip generation model- Temporal stability, geographical stability
Trip generation model application- Trip production model application, Trip attraction model application
Trip Distribution
Basic considerations in Trip Distribution
P-A Matrix to O-D Matrix
Factors affecting trip distribution: Properties of transport network
Spatial separation between various zones Growth factor methods- Uniform factor method, Average factor method, Detroit Method, Fratar method
Furness method Synthetic methods -Introduction to Gravity Model
Trip Distribution (Continued…)
Gravity Model- Calibration
BPR Approach of calibration Intervening opportunities model: concept, advantages, limitations, Illustrative example, competing opportunities model
linear programming approach to trip distribution: concept, limitations
Modal split
Influencing factors of mode choice
Types of modal split models- trip end type and trip interchange type
Types of modal split models - trip end type (southern Wisconsin model) and trip interchange type (diversion curve model), limitations, aggregate and disaggregate models, advantages of disaggregate over aggregate modeling
Elements of the choice decision process
Framework for the choice process of an individual disaggregate mode choice models- Introduction, utility theory, probabilistic choice theory