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Quick Facts

Medium Of InstructionsMode Of LearningMode Of Delivery
EnglishSelf StudyVideo and Text Based

Course Overview

The Applied Linear Algebra online course introduces the fundamentals of eigenspaces, inner products, vector spaces, and linear transformations to electrical engineering aspirants. This program encompasses all the core learnings to help candidates master these concepts and progress to the further applied for linear Algebra courses. The training falls under these categories - ‘Instrumentation and Control’, ‘Signal Processing and Communication’ and ‘Communications Engineering, Electrical, and Electronics’. 

Spread across 12 weeks, the Applied Linear Algebra certification syllabus comprises vector spaces, eigenvalues’ applications, and positive operators. Candidates learn about solving linear equations, inner product spaces, normal operators, quotient space, and other critical learning areas. Set in the postgraduate/undergraduate level, this curriculum is a core program, currently ongoing on Swayam. 

The Applied Linear Algebra training also offers course certificates to eligible candidates, who register and clear Swayam’s program-end proctored test. Upon doing so, students will earn a digitally-verified certification with their credentials and institution logos, bearing testimony of their acquired knowledge in the concepts taught. The course also houses industry support from Artificial Intelligence, Communications, and Analytics. 

The Highlights

  • Undergraduate/postgraduate level
  • Online course with paid certification
  • Proctored test for evaluation
  • AICTE-approved FDP learning
  • References and books stated
  • Core training for 12 weeks
  • Diverse industry support
  • E-verified certificates
  • A trained educator from IIT Madras
  • Free enrolling 
  • Multi-category syllabus

Programme Offerings

  • IIT Madras faculty
  • 12-week studying
  • AICTE-approved FDP curriculum
  • E-verifiable certification
  • Extensive syllabus
  • Paid certificate test
  • Reference and books highlighted
  • Core course
  • Varied industry support.

Courses and Certificate Fees

Fees InformationsCertificate AvailabilityCertificate Providing Authority
INR 1000yesIIT Madras (IITM)
  • Candidates don’t have to pay any Applied Linear Algebra fees to learn, as it’s free training.
  • However, a Rs. 1,000 examination fee is applicable for those wanting a certificate.

Applied Linear Algebra fee structure 

Program option

Fees applicable

Applied Linear Algebra 


Proctored test for certificates 

Rs. 1,000

Eligibility Criteria

The Applied Linear Algebra certification course requires aspirants to have completed basic Calculus and a prior (initial-level) program in Linear Algebra. 

Certification qualifying details 

Learners seeking the Applied Linear Algebra certification must register and clear Swayam’s course-end proctored test, conducted in their designated centers. They must secure 10/25 in their class assignments and 30/75 in the final examination to earn the certificate.

What you will learn

Mathematical skill

Course-takers who adequately complete the Applied Linear Algebra program will achieve a professional-grade understanding of Applied Linear Algebra and its varied fundamentals, such as: -

  • Vector spaces and vectors
  • Linear maps, their associated spaces, matrices, definitions, column operations, invertible linear maps, solving linear equations, matrix ranks, change of basis, etc.
  • Linear operators’ eigenvectors and eigenvalues
  • Eigenvalues’ applications
  • Least squares and projections
  • Inner product spaces
  • Operators and linear maps’ adjoint
  • Normal operations 
  • Self-adjoint
  • Isometries and positive operators
  • Value decompositions - singular and polar

Who it is for

The Applied Linear Algebra online course is ideal for senior-level undergraduates and first-year Ph.D./postgraduates.

Admission Details

Step-: I - visit the Applied Linear Algebra program via this link. 

Step-: II Select ‘Sign-in/Register’ once you reach the training webpage.

Step-: III Sign up through the required details to create your new Swayam profile. If you already have one, use it to log in and continue. 

Step-: IV Finish registration and proceed to participate in the course once it begins.

Application Details

Learners can start with the Applied Linear Algebra online course without completing any admission forms. All they must do is either sign in via an existing Swayam account or create one. To do so, they should fill out their username, password, and email ID. Once done, Swayam will send over the verification code to activate the candidate’s account to start learning. Students can also use their Facebook/Microsoft/Google profile to register.

The Syllabus

  • Vectors and vector spaces

Linear Maps I
  • Definition
  • Spaces associated with a map
  • Matrices

Linear maps II
  • Invertible linear maps
  • Elementary row/column operations
  • Solving linear equations, Quotient space

Linear maps III
  • Four fundamental spaces
  • Rank of a matrix
  • Determinants
  • Change of basis

  • Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of linear operators

  • Applications of eigenvalues

  • Inner product spaces

  • Projection and least squares

  • Adjoint of linear maps and operators

  • Self-adjoint and normal operators

  • Positive operators, isometries

  • Polar and singular value decompositions

Evaluation process

Candidates should register for the Applied Linear Algebra certification test, held by Swayam in their designated examination centres via two sessions - morning and afternoon. To undertake this, students must pay Rs. 1,000.

An aspirant’s certification eligibility will be based on their final score, which is the total of their proctored test score and average assignment score. To pass and achieve certification, they must score 10/25 in their program assessments and 30/75 in Swayam’s test. Failing this criterion, students won’t receive certificates, even after securing 40/100 or more.


IIT Madras (IITM) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

1: What prerequisites should I fulfil to join this training?

You must first complete a basic program in Linear Algebra and know about introductory Calculus to enrol.

2: How can I avail of the certification? Is it digital-only?

You will have to pay Rs. 1,000 to register for Swayam’s proctored test and meet their certification requirements to attain the certificate. Yes, the certification is digital-only, as Swayam doesn’t furnish hard copies.

3: How many assignments does the curriculum include?

The Applied Linear Algebra certification syllabus entails 12 assignments. 

4: Who will deliver this training?

IIT Madras’s esteemed faculty member, Professor Andrew Thangaraj will teach this program.


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