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Quick Facts

Medium Of InstructionsMode Of LearningMode Of Delivery
EnglishSelf StudyVideo and Text Based

Course Overview

Problem-solving for humans can be a tough nut to crack, and that is why certain approaches to problems can be tweaked for efficient resolution. Problem-solving in the field of artificial intelligence is not confined to a single approach but many. Problem solvers may be based on memory, search, reasoning, and knowledge representation. In AI: Constraint Satisfaction certification course, the approach to problem-solving by posing them as constraint satisfaction problems has been discussed lucidly along with the general methods to solve them. 

AI: Constraint Satisfaction certification by IIT Madras. The course is taught by renowned IIT Madras faculty Prof. Deepak Khemani. Throughout this course, candidates will learn how a user poses a problem as a CSP, and then calls an off-the-shelf solver. This course carries two credits and will teach candidates about the general approaches to solving finite domain CSPs while exploring how search can be clubbed with constraint propagation to determine solutions in the field of Artificial Intelligence.

The AI: Constraint Satisfaction online course is a companion to Artificial Intelligence: Search Methods for Problem Solving course and Artificial Intelligence: Knowledge Representation & Reasoning. It has been approved by AICTE as an FDP course to upskill the faculty in the current domain.

The Highlights

  • AICTE-approved FDP course
  • Taught by faculty from IIT Madras
  • A course designed for both undergraduate and postgraduate students
  • The syllabus spread over eight weeks
  • Use of multimedia technology in pedagogy
  • 12 weeks program duration 
  • Course program by Swayam 
  • Certificate of completion by IIT Madras and NPTEL

Important dates

Certificate Exam Date

Start Date : 22 Mar, 2025

Programme Offerings

  • Reading Material
  • video lectures
  • quizzes
  • discussion forum
  • audio lectures
  • Case studies.

Courses and Certificate Fees

Fees InformationsCertificate AvailabilityCertificate Providing Authority
INR 1000yesIIT Madras (IITM)

The AI: Constraint Satisfaction certification fees are as follows: 

Fee type


Course Fee


Certification Fee

Rs. 1,000

The candidates can audit the course for free. They will have to pay the specified fee to gain the e-certificate.

Eligibility Criteria


Applicants of AI: Constraint Satisfaction certification course are recommended to take up Exposure to AI:  Search Methods for Problem Solving and AI: Knowledge Representation & Reasoning course before taking up this course, but this is not a necessary requirement. 

Certification Qualifying Details

The examination is optional for students of the AI: Constraint Satisfaction Online Course but is compulsory for those wanting the online certification. The criteria for passing the examination include scoring 10 out of the 25 marks, which is the average of the best 6 assignments out of the total 8 assignments of the course and 30 out of the 75 marks in the proctored certification exam. Learners need to note that they will not receive the certificate even if their total score is 40/100 if they fail to maintain the minimum score in assignments and exams.

What you will learn

Knowledge of Artificial Intelligence

AI: Constraint Satisfaction certification syllabus has been crafted keeping in mind the educational and professional expectations of the intended audience from the course. The candidates will learn the following:

  • Knowing how model-based systems work
  • Conducting model-based diagnosis
  • Understanding constraint satisfaction problems through examples
  • Studying the concepts of graph ordering and directional consistency
  • Working with constraint networks and projection networks
  • Take a look at different kinds of backjumping including Gaschnig's back jumping and graph-based backjumping
  • Analyzing constraint propagation, path consistency, and i-consistency
  • Searching methods for solving CSPs

Who it is for

AI: Constraint Satisfaction Training serves as the right fit for the following categories of individuals-

  • Undergraduate students pursuing any degree in computer science.
  • Postgraduate students pursuing any degree in computer science.

Admission Details

For students who wish to pursue the course once available, AI: Constraint Satisfaction certification course comprises a simple, four-step admission process which is as follows-

Step 1: Go to the course URL-

Step2. Next click on the “Sign-in/Register” option to register yourself in the course.

Step3. You need to register or sign from your Facebook or Google or Microsoft account you can also log in from your registered swayam account.

Step4. Now you have to fill in all the details accurately and once done you will receive a verification code on your registered mail id, enter that verification code and tap on the “click” option.

Step5. Now once your id is verified you can start studying the course for free of cost.

Please note: Registrations for the current batch have been closed. The candidates can apply for this program once it reopens. 

Application Details

There is no application form involved in the enrolment process for the AI: Constraint Satisfaction certification course. You can either use your existing Swayam/Facebook/Microsoft/Google IDs to sign in or create a new Swayam learning account. 

To sign up, provide your username, password, and an active email address and enter the verification code sent by Swayam. Upon verification, your ID will be active, and you can access this training when it starts.

The Syllabus

  • Constraint satisfaction problems (CSP)
  • Examples

  • Constraint networks
  • Equivalent and projection networks

  • Constraint propagation
  • Arc consistency
  • Path consistency
  • i-consistency

  • Directional consistency and graph ordering
  • Backtrack free search
  • Adaptive consistency

  • Search methods for solving CSPs
  • Lookahead methods, 
  • Dynamic variable 
  • Value ordering

  • Lookback methods
  • Aschnig's backjumping
  • Graph based backjumping
  • Conflict directed back jumping
  • Combing lookahead with lookback
  • Learning

  • Model based systems
  • Model based diagnosis
  • Truth maintenance systems
  • Planning as CSP
  • Wrapping up


IIT Madras (IITM) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

1: How will the quizzes and assignments be evaluated for the AI: Constraint Satisfaction certification course?

Quizzes and assignments are self-assessed, so learners can assess their submissions once made.

2: In what medium will the lectures be delivered for the AI: Constraint Satisfaction training course?

The lectures and courses will be delivered only in English. The transcripts will also be in English but the video lectures may be subtitled in other languages

3: Which universities/colleges will offer credits in this course?

Candidates need to check with their respective university if it offers credits on AI: Constraint Satisfaction Certification.

4: What are the technical requirements of accessing the course?

AI: Constraint Satisfaction certification benefits learners in terms of convenience since there are no technical requirements per se; the content can be accessed on any device or browser.

5: What is the deadline for completing this AI: Constraint Satisfaction certification?

The end date of the course can be checked on the course URL. The exam will be held after that.

6: What is the maximum time which has to be devoted each day to the AI: Constraint Satisfaction online course?

The course is self-paced so learners need not comply with any time limit for each day. 

7: How can candidates get their doubts addressed about the AI: Constraint Satisfaction certification course?

An online discussion forum has been provided to candidates to get their doubts answered by the team.

8: Which books have to be referred for AI: Constraint Satisfaction online course?

Two books have been provided as a reference-

  • Rina Dechter, Constraint Processing, Morgan Kaufmann, 2003.
  • Deepak Khemani, A First Course in Artificial Intelligence, McGraw Hill Education (India), 2013.
9: Can international students pursue the AI: Constraint Satisfaction training course?

Any person from anywhere across the world can register for this course.

10: What are the other eligibility criteria for the AI: Constraint Satisfaction certification course?

Other eligibility requirements for the course can be checked on the course page.



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