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Quick Facts

Medium Of InstructionsMode Of LearningMode Of Delivery
EnglishSelf StudyVideo and Text Based

Course Overview

This Basics Of Language Science Online Course manages major parts of the language. In the course the candidate will develop an understanding connection between language, brain, and the general society that we reside in. The students will feel like they realize how to respond to a ton of inquiries regarding different complexities or various kinds of miracles about language.

This course assists the candidate with managing the three significant parts of language specifically, the construction at the degree of sounds, words, and sentences, securing or learning of it, and the varieties inside and among dialects. The Basics Of Language Science Programme offers answers to a large portion of the interests that strike major when we consider how we gained the limit of language as a child.

This course will guide the candidate in depth of language science. In the Basics Of Language Science Training candidate can also take up the course certificate by giving the exam which will be held after the course completion. The course timing is flexible and candidates can study according to their time preference and the course faculty will be professor Rajesh Kumar from IIT Madras for making understanding easy to candidates.

The Highlights

  • Online learning certificate course 
  • 12 weeks course duration 
  • IIT Madras Faculty Prof. Rajesh Kumar 
  • Internal appraisal 
  • Elective course type 
  • Undergraduate and postgraduate level 
  • Independent course
  • Free course 
  • Course offerings in English
  • Programme offered in association with IIT Madras

Important dates

Certificate Exam Date

Start Date : 03 May, 2025

Programme Offerings

  • video lectures
  • Readings
  • Self assessment tests
  • Online discussion forum
  • quizzes.

Courses and Certificate Fees

Fees InformationsCertificate AvailabilityCertificate Providing Authority
INR 1000yesIIT Madras (IITM)
  • The candidates need not pay any fee amount to enrol or study in this programme.
  • The Basics Of Language Science Fees for the exam fee is  Rs. 1,000. To get the certification, it is compulsory to pay this fee amount and get the certificate of completion.

Basics Of Language Science Fees details 

Fee structure

Amount in Rs.

Exam Fee

Rs. 1,000

Eligibility Criteria

Certification Qualifying Details

Students will be granted the course certificate precisely only when they will score 25% of the average in best 8 assignments out of the entire 12 tasks and 75% in the end-term proctored test. The student who will be accessing the course for free and does not give the proctored exam will not be given the Basics Of Language Science Certification.

What you will learn

Language skills

In Basics Of Language Science certification syllabus the candidate will learn the below mentioned topics which will build up their knowledge in language.

  • They will learn the rules of word formation (singular – plural) which will help them to form the sentence correctly.
  • The students will develop an understanding in the category selections, selectional restrictions on verbs.
  • The students will learn about the language in society, education, and culture history of generative paradigm in the study of language.
  • They will understand the Binding theory and NP interpretations with structure of language and negation principles of binding theory.
  • The students will be able to know the word formation rule that is phonotactic with structure of language and negation.
  • The candidate will develop an understanding connection between language, brain, and the general society that we reside in.

Who it is for

The  Basics Of Language Science Certification Course can be taken by the following people mentioned below:

  • Any candidate from BA or MA or can be a research scholar in the area of linguistics or language or from language teaching can take this course.
  • The course can also be taken by any institute or company.
  • Organizations dealing with artificial intelligence or with language can get this course which will enhance their quality of work.

Admission Details

The interested candidate can follow these basic steps described below to take admission in the  Basics Of Language Science Online Course.

Step 1. They have to visit the official Swayam website by tapping on the mentioned link,

Step 2. Next after going through the details provided on the website they have to click on the “join now” button on the website.

Step 3. Now the candidate should use their Facebook or Microsoft account or Google account to register in the course. They can also sign from their Swayam account.

Step 4. Once the candidate will sign they have to fill in all the details asked there including their education details and institute details.

Step 5. The candidate will receive a verification code on the registered account and after entering the code enter on the “click” button.

Step 6. Now the candidate can start studying the Basics Of Language Science Certification Syllabus.

The Syllabus

  • Introduction of the Course

  • What is linguistics? 
  • What is language?
  • How do we study language?

  • Language and arbitrariness
  • Language and dialect

  • E vs I language
  • Language as a rule-governed system

  • Language faculty
  • Language in human mind

  • How do we learn language?

  • Language acquisition

  • Innateness: Some essential concepts

  • Structure of language at the level of sounds

  • Sounds (vocal apparatus)

  • Places and manners of articulation

  • Word formation / phonotactic rules

  • Rules of word formation (singular – plural)

  • Sentence: An introduction

  • Making of a sentence (components)

  • Grammaticality and acceptability

  • Subject and verb in a sentence

  • Sentence: Objects and verbs

  • Phrase structure

  • X-bar theory

  • Specifier and complement

  • Compliments and adjuncts

  • VP components

  • Category selections
  • Selectional restrictions on verbs

  • Thematic relations

  • Case

  • Morphological and abstract case

  • Structural case

  •  Exceptional Case Marking

  • Movement

  • Motivations for movement

  • Questions and movement

  • Passives and NP movement

  • Movement and raising

  • Binding theory and NP interpretations

  • Principles of binding theory

  • Constraints on movements

  • Structure of language and negation

  • Negation and negative polarity items

  • Structure
  • Language
  • Cognition
  • Pragmatics

  • History of generative paradigm in the study of language

  • Language in society, Education & Culture


IIT Madras (IITM) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

1: Are there any prerequisites in this course for the candidate to enroll themselves?

There are no prerequisites in this course for any learner.

2: Who will be providing the course certificate to the candidate for the successful course completion?

The course certificate will be provided under the swayam programme launched by the government of India.

3: How will the programme be delivered?

The mode of teaching will be online all throughout the course.

4: Where can we see the other courses offered in the swayam programme?

The candidate can visit the official website of swayam or can click on the link provided here on browser to visit the website directly (

5: What is the certification qualification for the candidate?

The candidate will get the certificate only if they score an average assignment score that is 10/25 and score in the exam that is 30/75. If one of the 2 criteria is not met, you will not get the certificate even if the final score is 40/100.

6: What is the course fee to be paid by the candidate?

The course is free of cost and candidates have to pay the exam fee for the certification which is also optional.

7: Who is the mentor in Basics Of Language Science by Swayam?

The mentor in this course will be professor Rajesh Kumar from IIT Madras for making understanding easy for candidates.

8: What is the language used in this course for teaching?

The medium of teaching will be in English medium and all the course content will be in the English language.

9: Can the student access this course on their mobile phone or the course can be accessed only on PCs?

The course can be accessed on any device which will be having an internet connection.

10: Can a candidate get themselves enrolled in various courses of swayam?

Yes, the candidate can get enrolled in various courses of swayam at the same time.



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