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Quick Facts

Medium Of InstructionsMode Of LearningMode Of Delivery
EnglishSelf StudyVideo and Text Based

Course Overview

It is crucial to study the fundamentals of Digital Circuit Design to gain an understanding of microprocessor chips, standard cells, and circuits. The Digital IC Design online course, designed by IIT Madras is available free of cost on Swayam. The training aims to impart knowledge of these topics to the candidates who enroll in this program.

In the Digital IC Design training, candidates will study various topics like computational efficiency, standard cell, resistance, delay, voltage transfer, operating the frequency of a designed circuit, and many more. This training is fundamental for pursuing VLSI Design as a major. The course gets industry support from all major VLSI Design companies.

The Digital IC Design certification syllabus is designed at the undergraduate degree level. The curriculum covers topics from categories like VLSI Design, Electrical Engineering, Communications Engineering, and Electronics Engineering. Prof. Janakiraman Viraraghavan from IIT Madras leads this course. Throughout the course, candidates will solve multiple assignments, and the average score will be added to the final certification score.

The Highlights

  • Free programme
  • Online course
  • Certification available
  • Faculty development program
  • Expert faculty 
  • IIT Madras course 
  • Undergraduate level training

Important dates

Certificate Exam Date

Start Date : 27 Apr, 2025

Programme Offerings

  • Free Audit
  • Certificate
  • IIT Madras
  • experienced instructor
  • FDP
  • Undergraduate level training
  • Comprehensive curriculum.

Courses and Certificate Fees

Fees InformationsCertificate AvailabilityCertificate Providing Authority
INR 1000yesIIT Madras (IITM)
  • Candidates can choose the free audit option for the course and enroll for free. 
  • The free audit does not include the certificate. To avail of the certification, you need to pay the Digital IC Design certification fee. 

Digital IC Design course fee structure - 


Total fee

Digital IC Design


Digital IC Design certification

Rs. 1,000

Eligibility Criteria

Candidates must have completed a course on Digital Logic Design in order to become eligible for enrollment in the Digital IC Design training by Swayam. 

Certificate Qualification Details

Students will be eligible for the Digital IC Design certification only if they pass the internal evaluations and final exam with the minimum stipulated marks.

What you will learn

Knowledge of electronics

After completing the Digital IC Design program, candidates will be able to: 

  • Characterise the key delay quantities of a standard cell 
  • Designing circuit for performing certain functionalities with a specified speed
  • Convert the combinational block to pipelined circuit
  • Evaluating the power dissipated in circuits (leakage and dynamic)
  • Identify the critical path of combinational circuits
  • Computing maximum operating frequencies of designed circuits

Who it is for

The Digital IC Design course by Swayam is the perfect fit for those interested in Circuit Design and VLSI Design.

Admission Details

  • To take admission in the Digital IC Design program by Swayam, click on the link given below:
  • Go through the course details and hit the “Sign in” option. 
  • Enter your name, username, email ID, and password to create a new account. Or, log in via your Facebook/ Google/ Microsoft account. 
  • Start learning after a successful registration. 

Application Details

Although the Digital IC Design certification course does not have an online application form, candidates are required to enter their details like email address, name, password, and username to register for the course.

The Syllabus

  • The CMOS Inverter construction
  • Voltage Transfer Characteristics  

  • Resistance
  • Capacitance
  • Transient response

  • Dynamic
  • Short Circuit
  • Leakage power – Stacking Effect

  • Combinational Circuit Design
  • capacitance

  • Parasitic Delay
  • Logical Effort 
  • Electrical Effort

  • Gate sizing
  • Buffering

  • Asymmetric gate
  • Skewed gates
  • Ratio’ed logic

  • Dynamic Gates 
  • Domino logic 
  • Static Timing Analysis

  • Sequential circuits and feedback
  • Various D flip flop circuits – Static and Dynamic

  • Setup and Hold Time measurement
  • Timing analysis of latch/ flop based systems

  • Adders – Mirror adder, Carry Skip adder, Carry Select adder, Square Root adder

  • Multipliers – Signed and Unsigned arithmetic, Carry Save Multiplier implementation

Evaluation process

There are two criteria to get a Digital IC Design course certification. Candidates have to appear for an offline final exam to obtain the certification and secure >=30/75 marks. They also have to submit all assignments, and the average of their eight best assignments must surpass >= 10/25 marks.

Further, the weightage of the final exam in the total score is 75% whereas that of the internal evaluations is 25%. The candidates’ total score should be >= 40/100.


IIT Madras (IITM) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

1: Will we study topics like Verilog Design and Automated Tool Flow?

No, this course does not cover these topics. Instead, it discusses circuit design concepts at the transistor level in great detail.

2: How can I verify the certification?

You will get an e-certificate that you can verify at

3: Is the final exam conducted through the online mode?

No, the final proctored exam is conducted offline, at Swayam’s examination centres.

4: How can I check if the exam will be held in my city?

You can check this in the exam application form when it is released.

5: What information does the certificate display?

The certificate will display your name, photo, the logos of NPTEL and IIT Madras, and your final score along with the breakup.


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