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Quick Facts

Medium Of InstructionsMode Of LearningMode Of Delivery
EnglishSelf StudyVideo and Text Based

Course Overview

The Leadership for India Inc: Practical Concepts and Constructs program is a 12-week core curriculum that helps candidates gain a comprehensive understanding of management and leadership varying domains, blending real-world practice and theory distinctively. Through an extensive learning structure, the course explains leadership’s significance in business and industrial growth, its real-life case studies, theory’s practical applications, etc., all through a multi-disciplinary approach.

The Leadership for India Inc: Practical Concepts and Constructs certification syllabus encompasses 12 modules, each covering vital topics like leadership theories, how it’s used for sustainable growth, processes, functional models, structures, philosophies, competency leadership, and more. Through all this, the course paves the way for aspirants to build necessary skills for achieving leadership positions in organizations. 

What’s more, the Leadership for India Inc: Practical Concepts and Constructs training features IIT Madras’s Professor, C Bhaktavatsala Rao, whose multi-decade business and industrial expertise spans various industries. Thus, course-takers get the opportunity to learn from this field’s veteran and opt for a program certificate to showcase their verified knowledge in leadership concepts and skills.

The Highlights

  • ‘Management Studies’ category
  • 12-week core learning
  • Postgraduate, online curriculum
  • IIT Madras’s experienced faculty member
  • AICTE-approved FDP program
  • Industry support from various start-ups and companies
  • End-of-the-term examination
  • Real-world case studies
  • Practical applications
  • Soft skills development
  • References and books stated
  • E-verified certifications awarded
  • In-person proctored test 
  • Free admission

Programme Offerings

  • Renowned IIT Madras educator
  • core learning
  • online program for postgraduates
  • Management Studies
  • Real-time examples
  • Theory’s practical applications
  • Proctored evaluation
  • 12 weeks long

Courses and Certificate Fees

Fees InformationsCertificate AvailabilityCertificate Providing Authority
INR 1000yesIIT Madras (IITM)
  • While there are no Leadership for India Inc: Practical Concepts and Constructs fees for this course, learners must pay the exam fees to register for Swayam’s proctored test, to gain certification.

Leadership for India Inc: Practical Concepts and Constructs fee structure

Training Type

Total Fees Applicable 

Leadership for India Inc: Practical Concepts and Constructs


Leadership for India Inc: Practical Concepts and Constructs - Proctored exam registration

Rs. 1,000

Eligibility Criteria

Students must be graduates to gain admission into the Leadership for India Inc: Practical Concepts and Constructs program. 

Moreover, Swayam mandates students to register and undertake their term-end evaluation for the Leadership for India Inc: Practical Concepts and Constructs certification. To attain certificates, learners must gain >=10/25 in their learning assignments and >=30/75 in this proctored test.

What you will learn


The Leadership for India Inc: Practical Concepts and Constructs training will enable its candidates to acquire substantial knowledge about the following: -

  • Competency leadership
  • Leadership procedures, theories, structures, succession, and development
  • Transformational leadership models
  • How leadership facilitates sustainable growth
  • Functional leadership models
  • Legendary leadership
  • Leadership philosophies

Who it is for

The Leadership for India Inc: Practical Concepts and Constructs training course is the best fit for these course-takers: -

  • Ph.D. and MBA candidates
  • Industry leaders
  • Sales Managers
  • Executives
  • Administrators
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Business professionals

Admission Details

  • You must first visit  to view the Leadership for India Inc: Practical Concepts and Constructs program, it’s in-depth details and examination rules.
  • Once you’ve finished reading through, click on ‘Sign-in/Register’.
  • The login/register web page will appear. If you are already a Swayam account-holder, enter its details and proceed to enrolment. If not, provide the required information to start your account. 
  • Select ‘send verification code.
  • Swayam will deliver the verification code to your email. Use it to activate your ID and enroll.

Application Details

There is no Leadership for India Inc: Practical Concepts and Constructs admission form for students to fill out. Instead, they’ll have to merely create their Swayam account and enrol. To do so, they must fill in their email ID, username, and password, and verify it. They can also use their Facebook, Microsoft, or Google account to register and gain admission.

The Syllabus

Introduction to Leadership
  • Introduces the course
  • Discusses various aspects of leadership and management as important domains of study
  • Multiple thought streams of management and related thought leaders are presented

Leadership Theories

Reviews the important theories of leadership that have had chronological evolution and recognition in management literature.

Leadership for Sustainable Growth
  • Discusses the role of leadership in contemporaneous and futuristic contexts
  • Defining roles and responsibilities for a new world socio-economic order of sustainable growth
  • The connect leadership has with technology, business and sustainability is established.

Competency Leadership
  • Reviews various leadership qualities including traits, skills and attributes, and identifies certain common essential qualities
  • The apex leadership competency framework is unique to this course.

Leadership Processes
  • Focuses on processes and methodologies for developing leaders in organizations, including through self-development.

Leadership Structures
  • Discusses the importance of reinforcing as well as disrupting established product and service structures, and leveraging organizational structures to create new growth niches.

Leadership Development and Succession
  • Examines the critical aspects of leadership transitions and CEO successions, based on Indian and global case studies.

Functional Leadership Models
  • Functional leadership, being a prerequisite for organizational leadership, is discussed in terms of five key domain-specific leadership models.

Transformational Leadership Models - 1
  • Discusses unique aspects of transformational leadership models, with examples based on specific organizational and business contexts.

Transformational Leadership Models - 2
  • Presents additional transformational leadership models, with examples based on specific people development approaches.

Leadership Philosophies
  • Identifies and analyses various philosophical conundrums involved in leadership and presents ways to resolve such dilemmas and paradoxes for individual and organizational effectiveness.

Legendary Leadership
  • Studies five leaders from the fields of public eminence, academic excellence, industrial competitiveness, pharmaceutical innovation, and conglomerate development for unique Indian leadership models.
  • The course concludes with a tribute to Mahatma Gandhi, a leader who defies any comparison, nationally and internationally. The lecture builds a model of authentic leadership drawing ten instructive lessons from his life, relevant for leadership in any organization.

Evaluation process

Swayam requires candidates to pay the requisite fees, register, and clear their end-of-the-term proctored examination, to acquire the Leadership for India Inc: Practical Concepts and Constructs certification. They will conduct this test at their designated centers on prescribed dates, through two sessions. Students must register once the online forms are out. 

In the exam, learners must score at least 30/75, and a minimum of 10/25 in their curriculum assignments, to obtain the certificates. Swayam won’t award certification if they don’t meet these requirements, even after scoring 40/100 or more.


C Bhaktavatsala Rao

IIT Madras (IITM)

IIT Madras (IITM) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

1: Can I pursue this curriculum as an undergraduate?

No. This course requires a graduation degree as an enrolment prerequisite. 

2: What is the learning duration?

You will be undertaking the Leadership for India Inc: Practical Concepts and Constructs online course for 12 weeks.

3: What is the program commencement date?

The course begins on the prescribed date. 

4: Does any industry recognize this training?

Yes. This program is well-recognized by a broad range of industries, organizations, and start-ups.

5: If I want the certificate’s hard copy, can I request it?

Unfortunately, Swayam currently doesn’t offer certification hard copies.



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