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Quick Facts

Medium Of InstructionsMode Of LearningMode Of Delivery
EnglishSelf StudyVideo and Text Based

Course Overview

The Numerical Methods for Engineers course by Swayam is designed to give an overview of various numerical methods that are of great interest to scientists and engineers. This course focuses on the numerical techniques, its analysis and its properties. The theory behind numerical methods and applications of them are also discussed. Numerical methods are mainly used by computers to solve iterative and step-wise problems which are tedious to solve by hands.

This course covers concepts like curve fitting, interpolation, regression, linear systems and mathematical concepts like algebra, integration and differentiation. Various computational tools like FLUENT, Aspen, FORTRAN and MATLAB are used for teaching. Algebraic equations are solved using open and bracketing methods like Regula-Falsi, Bisection, Secant, Multivariate Newton’s method, Newton Raphson and Fixed point iteration.

The 12-week programme comprises weekly assignments and 2.5 hours of video tutorial every week. A discussion forum for clearing the doubts of the participants is also available. This course would greatly benefit the candidate to improve their problem solving ability.

The Highlights

  • Online learning
  • Discussion forum for dispelling doubts
  • Weekly assessments and assignments
  • Puzzles
  • Credit transfer
  • Quizzes
  • The course is available at free of cost
  • Video tutorials

Programme Offerings

  • video tutorials
  • tests
  • Work Sheets
  • Puzzles
  • discussion forum
  • E-classes
  • Weekly Tasks.

Courses and Certificate Fees

Fees InformationsCertificate AvailabilityCertificate Providing Authority
INR 1000yesIIT Madras (IITM)

The Numerical Methods for Engineers course by Swayam is provided at free of cost by the government of India. The candidate must pay an exam fee if he/she is willing to take the examination.The exam fee for this particular course is Rs.1,000

The exam fee structure for this course is detailed below:



Exam fee


Eligibility Criteria


Students who are currently pursuing UG in any branch of engineering and science shall take up this course.

Certification Qualifying Details

After completing the course, the Participant will be awarded a certificate on completion of the examination.

The Numerical Methods for Engineers course by Swayam needs the participants to score 40 marks out of 100 in the final score. The final score is calculated by summing 25 marks from weekly assignments and the rest of the marks from examination post course completion.

What you will learn

Mathematical skill

On successful completion of the Numerical Methods for Engineers course, the participant may excel in the following areas which include

  • Rules like a trapezoidal rule, Cramer’s rule and Simpson rule
  • Avoid errors due to truncation and rounding off and error analysis
  • Fixed point and secant iteration
  • Integration, regression  and differentiation concepts
  • Methods to solve algebraic equations
  • Matrix representation, Gauss elimination, Cramer’s rule, LU Decomposition, Eigenvalues, Iterative and relaxation methods in linear systems.
  • Regression concepts like least squares and linear regression
  • Initial and boundary value problems

Who it is for

The Numerical Methods for Engineers course by Swayam is fundamentally intended for the following participants 

  • UG students from Sciences
  • UG candidate from Computational Engineering field
  • UG participants from Computational Mechanics domain
  • UG participants from Computational Chemical Engineering field

Admission Details

The participants may follow the simple registration steps that are given below to register for the Numerical Methods for Engineers course by Swayam.

Step 1: Visit the Swayam portal through the link

Step 2: The participant must have an account in Swayam to register for the courses. They can Sign in if they already have an account.

Step 3: If the candidate doesn’t have an account he/she can register using mail ID and name.

Step 4: The registration link this course is not active presently. The candidate can wait for the registration link to get open.

The Syllabus

  • Binary Number System
  • Motivation and Applications
  • Accuracy and precision
  • Error propagation
  • Truncation and round-off errors

  • Matrix representation
  • Cramer’s rule
  • Gauss Elimination
  • Matrix Inversion
  • LU Decomposition

  • Iterative Methods
  • Relaxation Methods
  • Eigen Values

Bracketing Methods
  • Introduction to Algebraic Equations
  • Bracketing methods: Bisection
  • Reguli-Falsi

Open Methods
  • Secant
  • Fixed point iteration
  • Newton-Raphson
  • Multivariate Newton’s method

  • Numerical differentiation
  • error analysis
  • higher order formulae

  • Trapezoidal rules
  • Simpson’s rules
  • Quadrature

  • Linear regression
  • Least squares
  • Total Least Squares

  • Interpolation
  • Newton’s Difference Formulae
  • Cubic Splines

Initial Value Problems
  • Introduction to ODE-IVP
  • Euler’s methods
  • Runge-Kutta methods
  • Predictor-corrector methods

  • Extension to multi-variable systems
  • Adaptive step size
  • Stiff ODEs

Boundary Value Problems
  • Shooting method
  • Finite differences
  • Over/Under Relaxation (SOR)

Evaluation process

A final score is determined based on the assignment score and the test score. This examination score should be more prominent than or equivalent to 40. A test for 100 marks will be held.

75 marks from that test and 25 marks from assignment would be considered for certification. In excess of 10 marks from assignment and in excess of 30 marks from the test is required for a contender to get a certificate from Swayam.


IIT Madras (IITM) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

1: In what manner can the member search up for a specific course?

The member can search up for a course either using filters or categories. Filters like test date, course credits and course duration additionally provided. Classifications like on-going courses and up-coming courses are also available.

2: Could the contender go to classes using a mobile phone?

Surely, the candidate can go to the classes using the mobile too. The contender can visit the Swayam passage by logging through the site page or by using the application from play store.

3: Are the course content available offline?

No, the course and its content can be accessed only in online mode. The candidate can download or print some downloadable materials and use for further reference.

4: What is the duration of the course?

The Numerical Methods for Engineers course by Swayam is an undergraduate level programme which spans for a duration of nearly 12 weeks.

5: Can the candidate complete more than two courses at same time?

Yes, the candidate can take up multiple courses. The candidate can also look for courses of their own interest or domain and register for them at the same time.

6: Will the candidate receive a hard copy of certification?

Only e-certificate will be provided. Hard copies of certificates are not provided by Swayam. The certificate contains the candidate's name, photograph and score in exam with logos of IIT Madras and NPTEL.

7: Are books for reference available?

The name of the books with its respective Authors is available in the website itself. The candidate can find this information under the course page details.

8: What are the benefits of this course?

This course mainly focuses on the problems faced by engineers. It provides an overview of numerical methods in the science and engineering field. It offers various packages and software that eases the candidate in solving problems.

9: What is the fee of this course?

This course is available free of cost to all participants. The course is offered by the government to provide knowledge to all people of the nation at free cost. The candidate who wishes to take certification may pay an additional exam fee.

10: Where are the information regarding syllabus and instructor present?

The data like content of the course and bio of the instructor are available in the course detail page. The candidate can view these details even before enrolling for the course.


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