The aspirants can enroll in the Patent Law for Engineers and Scientists by Swayam and have an in-depth learning on the patent law to scientists and engineers.
The Patent Law for Engineers and Scientists certification course offers candidates a good understanding of the law of patent. The course offers the aspirants a better grip of learning on the fundamentals of the analysis. Experts will be conducting the sessions and exposing them to various industries based on their experience.
All the terms have been discussed with examples in the course. Discussion forums have been kept for every module so that the candidates are able to have crystal clear learning on every terminology. Quizzes comprises questions which are on the topic held by IIT Madras. Requirements of patentability have been laid emphasis on during the patent law for engineers and scientists nptel online course.
The Patent Law for Engineers and Scientists training also comes with certification where the candidates can use the certificate for applying in any of the industries. The candidates will gain skills on drafting a patent specification and several implementations of person skilled art. The video lectures can be watched depending upon the availability of the course.
There is no Patent Law For Engineers And Scientists certification fee.
There is a registration fee for Rs. 1,000 for the end term exam of candidates seeking certification.
Patent Law for Engineers and Scientists fees detail -
Fees Category
Amount in Rs.
Certification fees
Exam Fee
Rs. 1000
Eligibility Criteria
The aspirants enrolling in the Patent Law for Engineers and Scientists certification course must have a background degree in science or technology.
Certification Qualifying Details
An end term examination has been designed in the Patent Law for Engineers and Scientists certification by Swayam, and NPTEL and IIT Madras for helping the candidates receive certification. In every module, there is an assignment. The candidates need to give all assignments. The average marks will be calculated for the assignments considering the score for the best 8.
The score must be at least 25% in the assignments. The end-term exam will be held after the candidate's complete syllabus. The score for the end-term exam must be 75%. If the candidates just have the assignment score or the end term exam, either of one. They will not be given the certificate.
What you will learn
Knowledge of law
The Patent Law for Engineers and Scientists certification syllabus offers learning on the various grounds for grant of compulsory license.
The candidates will learn about the office of patent and how it was established.
The participants will acquire learning on
Basic understanding for drafting a patent specification will be cleared by the experts taking the course.
The course will help candidates learn about the specifications of provisional patents.
The course also offers knowledge on wrongful obtaining of the invention and mention of inverters.
The aspirants will be gaining insights on the division and dating of applications.
The candidates will be learning about the new amendments made in the rules.
During the intellectual property law for engineers and scientists, the students will be taught about the patentability of inventions statutory exceptions to patentability.
The course will also help the aspirants have firm knowledge on restoration of lapsed patents.
Who it is for
The list of the aspirants given below can take the training successfully for Patent Law for Engineers and Scientists certification:
The students like the ones becoming engineers or scientists.
The aspirants seeking for certification in this domain can also register for the course.
Admission Details
The candidates need to follow all the steps below for Patent Law for Engineers and Scientists classes.
Step 1: The participants need to copy paste the link or open the link in the browser.
Please note: Candidates can apply once the enrollment opens.
The Syllabus
Introduction to the Indian Patent System Patent Laws as Concepts
Understanding the Patents Act, 1970
Understanding the Patents Rules, 2003; Preliminary Sections
Preliminary Rules
What’s New in the Patents (Amendment) Rules, 2016
Easy way to read the Patents Act and Rules
Patentability of Inventions Statutory Exceptions to Patentability
Novelty and Anticipation
Inventive Step
Capable of Industrial Application
Person Skilled in the Art
Patent Specification Provisional and Complete Specifications
Structure of a Patent Specification—Title, Abstract, Description, Claims, etc
Reading a Patent Specification—Fair basis, Enabling Disclosure, Definiteness, Priority
Introduction to Patent Drafting
Patent Prosecution: Patent Applications Patent Application—Who Can Apply
True and First Inventor
How to Make a Patent Application
What to include in a Patent Application
Types of Patent Applications
Patents of Addition
Dating of Application
Patent Prosecution: Publication and Examination - I Publication of Application
Request for Examination
Examination of Application—First Examination Report
Patent Prosecution: Publication and Examination – II Expedited Examination of Application
Search for Anticipation—Procedure, withdrawal of Application
Consideration of Report of Examiner
Patent Prosecution: Powers of Controller Powers of Controller—Examination Stage
Consideration of report by examiner
Refuse or Amend Applications
Division of Applications
Dating of Application, Anticipation, Potential Infringement
Putting Applications in Order
Amendments during Prosecution
Patent Prosecution: Opposition Pre-grant opposition
Post-grant opposition
Wrongful obtaining of invention
Mention of Inventor
Opposition in General
Patent Prosecution: Practice at the Patent Office- I Secrecy Provisions
Grant of Patents
Rights Conferred by Grant
Rights of Co-Owners
Term of Patent
Restoration of Lapsed Patents
Patent Office and Patent Prosecution, Surrender
Revocation—Grounds for Revocation
Register of Patents, Patent Office and its Establishment
Patent Agents
Use and Acquisition by Government
Compulsory Licensing
Compulsory Licensing—Working of Patents
Grounds for Grant of Compulsory License, Revocation
Patent Licensing
Patent Enforcement
International Arrangements and Other Miscellaneous Provisions
Intellectual Property Appellate Board
Declaratory Suits
Infringement Suits
International Application—Convention Application, PCT Application, Application Designating India, Multiple Priorities, PCT Timeline, Fees, Application
In Relation to Grant of Patents; Timelines, Application, Examination, Publication etc.
Evaluation process
A proctored exam in any centre offered by Swayam shall be conducted that will be held at the end of a course. The stdeunts shall have to acquire passing marks combined in both assignments, and the proctored examination. The final exam score must be 75% out of 100, and the 25% has to be secured on an average in the 8 assignments out of the total 12.
IIT Madras (IITM) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)
1: What is the Patent Law for Engineers and Scientists certification benefits?
The candidates will be able to add it to their CV or resume and get better jobs and hike in salary.
2: Who is the teacher for the course?
The teacher for the course has been mentioned on the information of the tutor on the website.
3: Are there any exams in between the modules for the Patent Law For Engineers And Scientists online course?
No, there are assignments, quizzes, and learning materials for every module.
4: Can I postpone the end term exam?
The candidates can ask their query to the administration or the help desk if they approve for the same.
5: Can I skip the assignments and quizzes and move to the next module?
The assignments and quizzes cannot be skipped for moving to the next module.
6: What topics does Patent Law for Engineers and Scientists certification syllabus have?
The candidates can have a look at the topics covered during the course on the website.
7: Whom should I reach if I don’t want to continue with the course?
The aspirants can reach the help desk or the administration if they have any such plan of leaving the course.
8: What is the Patent Law for Engineers and Scientists fees for getting a hard copy of certification?
There is no fee for receiving the certificate for the course, only the end term exam has fees of Rs. 1,000.
9: What is the total time period of the course?
The total time period of the course is 12 weeks, the candidates will be completing the course in this period.
10: How will I get the Patent Law for Engineers and Scientists online course?
Once the aspirants complete the course successfully and are done with the end term exam they will receive it on their mail id.