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Quick Facts

Medium Of InstructionsMode Of LearningMode Of Delivery
EnglishSelf StudyVideo and Text Based

Course Overview

The Transmission Lines and Electromagnetic Waves by Swayam online course focus on helping the candidates learn to write simple programs and visualize and experiment with them. The topics are analytical and computational. The analytical content will introduce the candidates to EM through transmission lines. Computational content will facilitate the visualization of the candidates. The concepts of EM will be taught broadly through transmission line theory. Practical learning will be emphasized by experimenting with codes. 

This course is initiated by the government of India. The Swayam platform offers NPTEL accredited courses verified by IITs. This course is verified by the Indian Institute of Technology Madras. The course provides re-certification. The course offers to bridge the gap between the advantaged and disadvantaged by providing them with quality education. It is an AICTE approved course.

The Transmission Lines and Electromagnetic Waves certification offers shareable flexibility. It will have logos of NPTEL and the Indian Institute of Technology Madras. The certification will specifically help master students and Ph.D. students in their academics. It will also profit the professionals in their work.

The Highlights

  • AICTE approved courses
  • NPTEL and IIT Madras verified
  • E-certification provided
  • 12 weeks of course
  • MHRD initiated
  • The course provided by Swayam 
  • Online learning program

Programme Offerings

  • assignments
  • discussion forum
  • assessments
  • case study
  • references
  • Books
  • audio lectures
  • video lectures

Courses and Certificate Fees

Fees InformationsCertificate AvailabilityCertificate Providing Authority
INR 1000yesIIT Madras (IITM)

The Transmission Lines and Electromagnetic Waves fees detail is in these following points- 

  • This course won’t charge anything. It is free for all.
  • The examination fee to be paid is Rs. 1,000. 

Transmission Lines and Electromagnetic Waves fees details -

Fee category

Amount in rupees

Program fee


Certification examination fee

Rs. 1000

Eligibility Criteria

Certification qualifying details

The participants must register in the certification exam registration form. Then to qualify for the certification, the participants must have to score the minimum passing grades in assignments and the end exam. The participant’s best 8 assignments must score a minimum of 10 and the final exam must score 40. These two are the necessary criteria to avail the certificate.

What you will learn

Knowledge of physics

The participants who belong to the photonics or electrical engineering segment are most likely to be benefitted from this course. Following are the learning outcomes of this Transmission Lines and Electromagnetic Waves certification course-

  • This course will help research scholars by providing them with guidance to begin their research.
  • This is a bridge course that will introduce the practical usage of electromagnetic waves.
  • The topics described in this course will be analytical and computational.
  • EM will be introduced by applying the transmission line theory.
  • The Transmission Lines and Electromagnetic Waves certification syllabus is divided into the transmission line, Maxwell’s equations and phase waves, interfaces, and waveguides.
  • The candidates will be taught to analyze computational EM.
  • Through programming skills, the candidates will learn to clear their basics in EM.
  • The visualization aspect of the content will be explored in the course.
  • The candidates will use codes to experiment and create new programs.
  • Step by Step guidance is ensured in this course curriculum.

Who it is for

The following participants can avail of the Transmission Lines and Electromagnetic Waves certification benefits-

  • Those individuals who are interested to gain more in-depth knowledge about electromagnetics must apply.
  • The participants who are in their M.Tech 1st year should apply for this course.
  • The participants who are in B.Tech 3rd or 4th year will be benefitted.

Admission Details

The Transmission Lines and Electromagnetic Waves program admission details are given in these following procedures-

Step1- The participants can click on this course URL -

Step 2: Followed by this, the candidate must sign in or register in the respective platform.

Step 3: In case you are an old user who has an account, you do not need to create an account again.

Step 4: Just sign in with the help of your mail id and password.

Step 6: The candidates who are new, must create an account. Thereafter, login using their credentials.

Step 7: Once you have logged in, fill in all of the necessary details needed for taking the course.

Step 8: Now the candidates have successfully taken The Transmission Lines and Electromagnetic Waves program syllabus.

Tags: The course admissions are closed at the moment. Candidates need to wait until the admission window reopens.

The Syllabus

Circuit model of a lossless transmission line
  • Introducing space coordinate in circuit diagram
  • The notion of delay in a lossless interconnect
  • LC ladder equivalent
  • The spatial derivative in equations for V and I
  • Telegraphers equations
  • Decoupling to wave equation
  • Meaning of the analytical solution to wave equation - The existence of voltage and current waves

Programmatic approach to solving partial differential equations - Finite differences
  • Taylor’s series approximation to first and second derivatives
  • Partial derivatives
  • Octave/Matlab based solution to voltage in a capacitor (Laplace solver)
  • Meaning of Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions and the voltage in parallel plate capacitor
  • Octave/Matlab to solve wave equation
  • Octave/Matlab to solve Telegrapher’s equations
  • Implication of short circuit or open circuit in a transmission line
  • The reflection coefficient
  • Time domain reflectometry
  • Time of flight based inferences
  • Bounce diagrams and time evolution of voltage

Non-idealities in the transmission line circuit model
  • Resistor and conductor in circuit equivalent
  • Steady state AC in transmission line
  • The propagation constant and characteristic impedance
  • Impedance in the transmission line
  • Standing Wave and Voltage Standing Wave Ratio
  • Power in transmission line

Impedance matching
  • Quarter wavelength transformer
  • Stub based matching

Equivalence of Maxwell’s equations and telegraphers equations

Programmatic solutions to Maxwell’s equations using Octave/Matlab

Power and Poynting vector

Losses in propagation and propagation constant, Polarization (the only difference from transmission lines)
  • Linear, circular, elliptical

Reflection and transmission at interfaces (analogous to transmission lines)
  • Reflection coefficient and transmission coefficient
  • Standing waves
  • Effect of reflection and transmission on Polarization (different from transmission lines)

Dielectric-Dielectric and Dielectric-Metal interfaces, Fresnel coefficients,Brewsters angle,Total internal reflection

Parallel plate and rectangular waveguides, Modes of parallel plate and rectangular waveguides

The cut-off frequency, Dispersion


IIT Madras (IITM) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

1: Is there any discount available on the examination fee?

As given in the Transmission Lines and Electromagnetic Waves fees detail, the required examination fee is Rs. 1,000. There is no information about the required discount.

2: How many assignments do we have to submit in the course?

The candidates will be given a total of twelve assignments in the course. The best 8 assignments out of 12 will be counted for the total score.

3: What are the subject categories of Transmission Lines and Electromagnetic Waves online course?

The subject category of Transmission Lines and Electromagnetic Waves online course is Photonics and Electrical, Electronics and communications engineering.

4: Will my certification of Transmission Lines and Electromagnetic Waves program display my picture?

Yes, the certification offered in this course will display the candidate’s picture, photograph, and score of the final exam.

5: Where can I gain more information about the Swayam platform?

The candidates can gain more information about the Swayam platform in the “About Swayam” section. It is present in the top section of the Swayam platform.

6: Is there any easier way to access the Swayam platform?

The candidates can easily enroll in the Transmission Lines and Electromagnetic Waves training by downloading the Swayam app on mobile phones or any other preferred devices.

7: Which industries are supported in this course curriculum?

This course will be used on industrial knowledge. The industries supported in this course curriculum are- ISRO, BEL, HFSS, Comsol.

8: Where will I get the information on Transmission Lines and Electromagnetic Waves training examination centers?

The candidates will get more information on examination centers in the exam registration form. The candidates must check the certification registration form properly and in detail.

9: How safe are my details which I filled in the personal details form?

The Swayam platform is a government-initiated online learning platform. The platform ensures the safety of the personal details of the candidates in the Privacy Policy present on the left bottom side of the page.

10: Who are the Transmission Lines and Electromagnetic Waves certification course instructor?

Professor Ananth Krishnan, a faculty member at the department of electrical engineering in IIT Madras is the Transmission Lines and Electromagnetic Waves course instructor.


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