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Quick Facts

Medium Of InstructionsMode Of LearningMode Of Delivery
EnglishSelf StudyVideo and Text Based

Course Overview

The Wheeled Mobile Robots programme is a collaborative online course by IIT Madras and IIT Palakkad. Students will learn algorithms and measurements to design basic electrical and mechanical robots. The curriculum adopts an elective approach to product design, mechanical engineering, technology, and manufacturing processes subjects. Those interested in mobile robotics and are at their graduate/undergraduate level will gain the most from this course.

Aiming at undergraduate/postgraduate students, the Wheeled Mobile Robots certification syllabus is spread across eight weeks. It explains sensors, robot types, mapping, motion controlling, navigation, and error propagation. Students will also learn the Newton-Euler and Lagrange-Euler methods of mobile dynamics. Assignments and study references come along as course materials.

Learners can opt for the Wheeled Mobile Robots certification to verify their newly acquired knowledge. They must register via the course website for the proctored examination conducted by Swayam at select examination centres. Additionally, they must complete the study and submit all the in-course assignments.

The Highlights

  • Elective training
  • Assignments
  • Eight-week programme
  • Free learning
  • NPTEL and IIT Madras’s e-verified certificate
  • Final proctored examination
  • Diversely-categorised curriculum
  • Payable certificates (e-verifiable)
  • Online training
  • Ongoing course
  • Illustrated examples 
  • UG/PG-tier learning

Important dates

Certificate Exam Date

Start Date : 23 Mar, 2025

Programme Offerings

  • video lectures
  • online learning
  • assignments
  • Final proctored exam
  • Eight-week programme
  • Elective curriculum
  • E-certificate.

Courses and Certificate Fees

Fees InformationsCertificate AvailabilityCertificate Providing Authority
INR 1000yesIIT Madras (IITM)

The Wheeled Mobile Robots by Swayam is free to learn from. For the certificate, students must pay a fee of Rs. 1,000 for the certifying proctored examination. 

Wheeled Mobile Robots course Fee Structure - 

Course Option


Learning only


Learning + Certification

Rs. 1,000

Eligibility Criteria

There are no criteria to enroll in the Wheeled Mobile Robots training. The curriculum is open to all interested candidates. 

Certification qualifying details

To avail of the certificate that comes with the Wheeled Mobile Robots programme, candidates must secure at least 10/25 in the assignment (average marks of best six assignments) and 30/75 in the proctored test (after 75% conversion).  

What you will learn

Robotic skills

By completing the Wheeled Mobile Robots certification course, learners will be able to:

  • Design and analyse robotic devices.
  • Understand algorithms, mathematical modelling and computations, approaches, and motion controlling methods for mobile robotic systems.
  • Explore sensor systems relating to navigation, state measurements, and localisation.
  • Analyse and recognise basic electrical and mechanical systems about robots’ manipulation and locomotion.

Who it is for

Students pursuing their university studies (PG/UG) in mobile robotics and other related subjects can apply for the Wheeled Mobile Robotics online course.

Admission Details

Step 1. Click the weblink: Wheeled Mobile Robots - Course ( and go through the Wheeled Mobile Robots online course.

Step 2. Select the ‘Sign-in/Register’ option.

Step 3. Candidates can use their Facebook/Google/Swayam/Microsoft account to log in. If not, they may enter an email ID and other required details to open a Swayam ID.

Step 4. Verify your learning account by clicking ‘send verification code’.

Step 5. Enter the received code and click ‘create’.

Application Details

Applicants need not submit a written application to enrol for the Wheeled Mobile Robots training. They must log onto Swayam’s portal using their username, password, and mail address to undertake the programme.

The Syllabus

  • Introduction to mobile robots and mobile manipulators
  • Principle of locomotion and types of locomotion
  • Types of mobile robots: ground robots (wheeled and legged robots), aerial robots, underwater robots and water surface robots.

  • Kinematics of wheeled mobile robot
  • Degree of freedom and maneuverability
  • Generalized wheel model, different wheel configurations
  • Holonomic and non-holonomic robots.

  • Dynamics of mobile robot: Lagrange-Euler and Newton-Euler methods
  • Computer based dynamic (numerical) simulation of different wheeled mobile robots.

  • Sensors for mobile robot navigation: magnetic and optical position sensor, gyroscope, accelerometer, magnetic compass, inclinometer, tactile and proximity sensors, ultrasound rangefinder, laser scanner, infrared rangefinder, visual and motion sensing systems.

  • Robot navigation: Localization, Error propagation model, Probabilistic map based loclaisation, Autonomous map building, Simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM).

  • Motion and path planning: collision free path planning and sensor-based obstacle avoidance.

  • Motion control of mobile robots: Motion controlling methods, kinematic control, dynamic control and cascaded control.

  • Introduction to modern mobile robots: Swarm robots
  • Cooperative and collaborative robots
  • Mobile manipulators
  • Autonomous mobile robots.

Evaluation process

Students can write an end-term assessment to satisfy the Wheeled Mobile Robots certification criteria. Registrations for the examination will be announced on the course website. Candidates need to click on the URL provided and choose their preferred exam centre, along with the timing (morning or afternoon).

It will be an in-person, proctored, and written test at the selected test centre. To know all the details, learners can check the online form once it's available for registration.


IIT Madras (IITM) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

1: Does the course provider list any prerequisites?

No. Anyone interested in the Wheeled Mobile Robots by Swayam can apply and learn from it.

2: Shall I wait for the next week to start a new module?

Once students complete the topics given under a module, they may proceed to the next module immediately.

3: Who are the trainers?

Professor Asokan T from IIT Madras and professor Santhakumar Mohan from IIT Palakkad mentor learners.

4: How many assignments must we submit for the programme?

The Wheeled Mobile Robots certification course requires candidates to submit eight assignments in total.

5: Is the certificate verifiable?

You can verify your e-certificate online on NOC Home (



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