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Quick Facts

Medium Of InstructionsMode Of LearningMode Of Delivery
EnglishSelf StudyVideo and Text Based

Course Overview

Advanced Graph Theory certification course will offer the candidates learning on the different notions of the graph theory. All the theories and algorithms have been well discussed so that the candidates know their importance in the field of computer science.

The aspirants will be covering the fundamental principles during the course along with the techniques in the field of Graph Theory. Some emerging applications will be discussed with the candidates so that they have a glimpse of significant impact. Spanning trees and enumeration are headings where the experts have laid emphasis on. The course prepares the candidates for industry exposure as well.

After the completion of the Advanced Graph Theory certification, the candidates will be having intimate knowledge about the role of graph theory and the technology used to solve all of these problems. The candidates will be coming across many of the theorems and how the algorithm is formed for each of these in the computer science field.

The Highlights

  • Learning will be imparted till 8 weeks 
  • Certified course by IIT Patna
  • Sessions will be held online
  • The course is of the elective type
  • Undergraduate/Postgraduate level
  • The verified certificate will be offered

Important dates

Certificate Exam Date

Start Date : 22 Mar, 2025

Programme Offerings

  • assignments
  • Discussion Forums
  • Online Sessions
  • Video lectures.

Courses and Certificate Fees

Fees InformationsCertificate AvailabilityCertificate Providing Authority
INR 1000yesIIT Patna
  • Advanced Graph Theory certification syllabus has no registration fees for the candidates who want to take this course.
  • If the candidate is looking for certification, an end-term exam has been designed for Rs. 1,000 as the exam fees.

  Advanced Graph Theory fees detail -

Fees Category


Exam fees

Rs. 1,000/-

Eligibility Criteria


The aspirants enrolling in the Advanced Graph Theory certification must have well knowledge of Discrete Mathematics.

Certification Qualifying Details

During the Advanced Graph Theory by Swayam the candidates will be having around 12 assignments to submit. For the process of certification, the candidates must have around 25% of the marks in their assignments. The average will be calculated for the best 8 assignments.

Followed by this the candidates will have an end-term exam where the candidates need to score at least 75% of the marks. A score in both categories is of utmost importance. Failing to score in any of the assignments or the end term will not make the candidates eligible for the certificate in Advanced Graph Theory training.

What you will learn

Mathematical skill
  • The candidates will be acquiring knowledge on the fundamental principles and models underlying the theory.
  • Algorithms and the techniques of proof will be cleared out in the theory of graph.
  • The participants will be taught the emerging application of graph theory in the field of computer science.
  • The candidates will be brushing up their skills in online graphs and edge-coloring in graph theory.
  • Advanced Graph Theory certification covers different properties of trees so that the topics are clear with the basic knowledge.
  • The candidates will also be learning Stable Matchings and Faster Bipartite Matching in the course.
  • The experts will be teaching the candidates Menger's Proof using Max-Flow Min-Cut Theorem.
  • The course also involves extensive learning in Traveling Salesman Problem and NP-Completeness.
  • During the course, the participants will be taught Caley’s Formula as well as Prufer code.
  • The Advanced Graph Theory online course will offer the candidates learning on Stable Matchings and Faster Bipartite Matching.

Who it is for

The list of candidates mentioned below can register for the Advanced Graph Theory online course.

  • The candidates of UG, as well as PG, can register for the course and gain skills.
  • The students who are looking for a certification in the Advanced Graph Theory program can also enroll in the course.

Admission Details

For Advanced Graph Theory training, the candidates need to follow all of the steps given below.

Step 1: The candidates will be clicking upon the link or copy-pasting in the browser.

Step 2: The participants need to click on the round circular icon given for “SIGN IN/REGISTER”.

Step 3: For all the pre-existing users, the candidates need to directly log in using their credentials.

Step 4: If the candidate is a new user, they must register with the help of all the information required to create an account.

Step 5: With the help of Google, Facebook, or Microsoft accounts, the candidates can register themselves.

Step 6: The Advanced Graph Theory certification benefits course form opens where the aspirants need to fill all of the data given to them.

Step 7: After completing the above steps, candidates will be notified about their successful registration.

The Syllabus

  • Introduction to Graphs & its Applications
  • Basics of Paths
  • Cycles, and Trails
  • Connection
  • Bipartite Graphs
  • Eulerian Circuits
  • Vertex Degrees and Counting
  • Degree-sum formula
  • The Chinese Postman Problem and Graphic Sequences.

  • Trees and Distance
  • Properties of Trees
  • Spanning Trees and Enumeration
  • Matrix-tree computation
  • Cayley's Formula
  • Prufer code

  • Matchings and Covers
  • Hall's Condition
  • Min-Max Theorem
  • Independent Sets
  • Covers and Maximum Bipartite Matching
  • Augmenting Path Algorithm
  • Weighted Bipartite Matching
  • Hungarian Algorithm

  • Stable Matchings and Faster Bipartite Matching
  • Factors & Perfect Matching in General Graphs
  • Matching in General Graphs: Edmonds’ Blossom Algorithm

  • Connectivity and Paths: Cuts and Connectivity
  • K-Connected Graphs
  • Network Flow Ford-Fulkerson Labeling Algorithm
  • Max-Flow Min-cut Theorem
  • Menger's Proof using Max-Flow Min-Cut Theorem

  • Vertex Coloring and Upper Bounds
  • Brooks’ Theorem and Color-Critical Graphs
  • Counting Proper Colorings

  • Planar Graphs
  • Characterization of Planar Graphs
  • Kuratowski's Theorem
  • Wagner's Theorem

  • Line Graphs and Edge-coloring
  • Hamiltonian Graph
  • Traveling Salesman Problem and NP-Completeness
  • Dominating Sets


IIT Patna Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

1: What are the dates for enrollment in the course?

There are no specific dates released as of now, the candidates can keep a track of the course on the website.

2: Can I take the course without the end term exam?

The candidates can take the course without any end-term exam. The candidates will not be given any certificate.

3: Is there any process to sign out of the Advanced Graph Theory program?

No, there is no definite process to leave the course or sign out. The candidates are advised to complete the entire course.

4: What are the timings in which I can take the sessions?

The participants will be having the learning materials with them always. The candidates need to complete it depending on their availability.

5: Can I download the learning materials for the future reference?

The candidates can refer anytime, but they will not have the access to download the courses.

6: In which languages are the course available?

The course is only available in the English language for now; the candidates can contact the help desk for further queries.

7: Will the exam be conducted online or offline?

The exam will be conducted offline; a notification regarding the same will be mailed to the candidates.

8: Is there any job available?

The candidates can use their certification for getting jobs in any of the industries.

9: Are there any prerequisites for the course?

There are no definite prerequisites for the course, the candidates must have knowledge of discrete mathematics for a better learning process.

10: How many months will the course continue?

The course will continue for around 8 weeks, from the starting date of the Advanced Graph Theory certification course.


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