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Quick Facts

Medium Of InstructionsMode Of LearningMode Of Delivery
EnglishSelf StudyVideo and Text Based

Course Overview

Swayam offers the Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems training programme under the guidance of NPTEL and a well-structured course from IIT Patna. The course will span over eight weeks. Prof Rajiv Misra from IIT Patna leads the online course. 

The Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems online course explore the delivery of storage, applications, computations, and more IT resources. This is achieved using the platform with the business model of the pay-as-you-go. The course provides in-depth information about current cloud computing technologies. Candidates will understand the concepts of distributed computing and distributed algorithms with this Swayam’s cloud computing course.

After discussing these techniques and concepts, the course will introduce features of industry systems like Google’s Chubby, Apache Spark, MapReduce, and many more. The Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems certification syllabus requires candidates to understand data structure and algorithms. The curriculum is highly comprehensive and consists of eight modules and various reference books. 

The Highlights

  • Verified by NPTEL
  • Weekly assignments
  • Computer Science and Engineering category
  • Lectures in English
  • Written exam
  • Eight weeks to complete
  • By IIT Patna
  • Digital certificate
  • PG/UG - level course
  • Elective course
  • Online mode
  • Reference books and textbooks

Programme Offerings

  • Free online course
  • Eight graded assignments
  • Final Exam
  • English lectures
  • elective course
  • Transferrable credits
  • digital certificate
  • Expert Faculty
  • FDP.

Courses and Certificate Fees

Fees InformationsCertificate AvailabilityCertificate Providing Authority
INR 1000yesIIT Patna
  • Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems certification fee is free for audit. To earn the certificate, candidates have to pay Rs. 1,000/- to appear for the external examination.

Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems fee structure - 

Course Title

Total fee

Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems (registration only)


Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems (with certificate)

Rs. 1,000/-

Eligibility Criteria

Candidates who want to join the Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems online course must know about data structures and algorithms. Also, an understanding of computer architecture, networking concepts, and basic OS will be ideal.

Besides, candidates must get an average of 10 out of 25 in the assignments and at least 30 out of 75 in the external proctored exam. These marks will make up the final score.

Candidates have to hand in eight practice assignments, and the best six will be used for the final score. At least 25% or above in these assignments and 75% or above in the exam is mandatory to get Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems  certification by IIT Patna, Swayam, and NPTEL. 

What you will learn

Knowledge of engineering

After thoroughly understanding the Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems certification syllabus, you will be well-versed with the following:

  • Virtualisation, clouds, and virtual machine
  • Geo-distributed clouds and network virtualisation
  • Distributed and industry systems and leader election in cloud 
  • Industry systems and classic distributed algorithms 
  • Recovery, Paxos, and Consensus in clouds
  • NoSQL, and distributed cloud computing
  • Uses of P2P  in industry systems 
  • Distributed systems in cloud computing
  • Various cloud applications such as Apache Spark, Kafka, Zookeeper, and many more

Who it is for

The Cloud Computing And Distributed Systems certification is ideal for:

  • Cloud Administrator
  • Cloud Engineer
  • Cloud Solution Architect
  • Cloud Solution Developer

Admission Details

Step 1. Learn with the Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems classes on the official Swayam website at

Step 2. Go to ‘Sign-in/Register’ on the menu bar to open the account.

Step 3. Mention the details and tap ‘send verification code’.

Step 4. Fill in the code and tap the ‘Verify Code’ tab.

Step 5. Tap ‘Create’ and locate the course to enroll.

Application Details

The process to apply for the Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems training only includes creating an account. Sign up by mentioning the username, password, email ID, and username. Verify the account by entering the code and join the course.

The Syllabus

  • Introduction to Cloud Computing: Why Clouds, What is a Cloud,Whats new in todays Clouds, Cloud computing vs. Distributed computing, Utility computing, Features of today’s Clouds: Massive scale,  AAS Classification: HaaS, IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, Data-intensive Computing, New Cloud Paradigms, Categories of Clouds: Private clouds, Public clouds
  • Virtualization: What’s virtualization, Benefits of Virtualization, Virtualization Models: Bare metal, Hosted hypervisor
  • Types of Virtualization: Processor virtualization, Memory virtualization, Full virtualization, Para virtualization, Device virtualization
  • Hotspot Mitigation for Virtual Machine Migration: Enterprise Data Centers, Data Center Workloads, Provisioning methods, Sandipiper Architecture, Resource provisioning, Black-box approach, Gray-box approach, Live VM Migration Stages, Hotspot Mitigation

  • Server Virtualization: Methods of virtualization: Using Docker,Using Linux containers, Approaches for Networking of VMs: Hardware approach: Single-root I/O virtualization (SR-IOV), Software approach: Open vSwitch, Mininet and its applications
  • Software Defined Network: Key ideas of SDN, Evolution of SDN,SDN challenges, Multi-tenant Data Centers: The challenges, Network virtualization, Case Study: VL2, NVP
  • Geo-distributed Cloud Data Centers: Inter-Data Center Networking, Data center interconnection techniques: MPLS, Google’s B4 and  Microsoft’s Swan

  • Leader Election in Rings (Classical Distributed Algorithms): LeLann-Chang-Roberts (LCR) algorithm, The Hirschberg and Sinclair (HS) algorithm
  • Leader Election (Ring LE & Bully LE Algorithm): Leader Election Problem, Ring based leader election, Bully based leader election, Leader Election in Industry Systems: Google’s Chubby and  Apache Zookeeper
  • Design of Zookeeper: Race condition, Deadlock, Coordination, Zookeeper design goals, Data model, Zookeeper architecture, Sessions, States, Usecases, Operations, Access Control List (ACL), Zookeeper applications: Katta, Yahoo! Message Broker

  • Time and Clock Synchronization in Cloud Data Centers: Synchronization in the cloud, Key challenges, Clock Skew, Clock Drift, External and Internal clock synchronization, Christians algorithm, Error bounds, Network time protocol (NTP), Berkley’s algorithm, Datacenter time protocol (DTP), Logical (or Lamport) ordering, Lamport timestamps, Vector timestamps
  • Global State and Snapshot Recording Algorithms: Global state, Issues in Recording a Global State, Model of Communication, Snapshot algorithm: Chandy-Lamport Algorithm
  • Distributed Mutual Exclusion: Mutual Exclusion in Cloud, Central algorithm, Ring-based Mutual Exclusion, Lamport’s algorithm, Ricart-Agrawala’s algorithm, Quorum-based Mutual Exclusion, Maekawa’s algorithm, Problem of Deadlocks, Handling Deadlocks, Industry Mutual Exclusion : Chubby

  • Consensus in Cloud Computing and Paxos: Issues in consensus, Consensus in synchronous and asynchronous system, Paxos Algorithm
  • Byzantine Agreement: Agreement, Faults, Tolerance, Measuring Reliability and Performance, SLIs, SLOs, SLAs, TLAs, Byzantine failure, Byzantine Generals Problem, Lamport-Shostak-Pease Algorithm, Fischer-Lynch-Paterson (FLP) Impossibility 
  • Failures & Recovery Approaches in Distributed Systems: Local checkpoint, Consistent states, Interaction with outside world, Messages, Domino effect, Problem of Livelock,  Rollback recovery schemes, Checkpointing and Recovery Algorithms: Koo-Toueg Coordinated Checkpointing Algorithm

  • Design of Key-Value Stores: Key-value Abstraction, Key-value/NoSQL Data Model, Design of Apache Cassandra, Data Placement Strategies, Snitches, Writes, Bloom Filter, Compaction, Deletes, Read, Membership, CAP Theorem, Eventual Consistency, Consistency levels in Cassandra, Consistency Solutions
  • Design of HBase: What is HBase, HBase Architecture, Components, Data model, Storage Hierarchy, Cross-Datacenter Replication, Auto Sharding and Distribution, Bloom Filter, Fold, Store, and Shift

  • Peer to Peer Systems in Cloud Computing: Napster, Gnutella, FastTrack, BitTorrent, DHT, Chord, Pastry and Kelips.

  • MapReduce: Paradigm, Programming Model, Applications, Scheduling, Fault-Tolerance, Implementation Overview, Examples
  • Introduction to Spark: Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDDs), RDD Operations, Spark applications: Page Rank Algorithm, GraphX, GraphX API, GraphX working
  • Introduction to Kafka: What is Kafka, Use cases for Kafka, Data model, Architecture, Types of messaging systems, Importance of brokers.

Evaluation process

Candidates will be informed when the registration forms for the offline exam are released. Go to the URL provided on the website and fill in the necessary fields. After submitting the form, pay the fees and secure a seat in the exam.

Check the registration forms for the time and date of the exam. Answer the proctored exam and fulfill the required criteria to get the Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems certification.


IIT Patna Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

1: What industry support does the Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems online course get?

Companies such as Google, Amazon, IBM, Microsoft, Facebook, and many more are involved.

2: Who has verified the Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems training?

The course is verified by NPTEL and designed by IIT Patna.

3: Do I have to pay extra GST for the exam registration?

No. Candidates only have to pay Rs. 1,000/- to participate in the course.

4: What are the minimum marks required to pass the external exam?

Candidates have to score at least 30 on 75 to pass the external examination.



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