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Quick Facts

Medium Of InstructionsMode Of LearningMode Of Delivery
EnglishSelf StudyVideo and Text Based

Course Overview

The Failure Analysis and Prevention online course, developed by IIT Roorkee and offered by Swayam, details failure’s numerous aspects. Through this extensive curriculum, candidates will get the opportunity to learn about common failure principles and prevention methods which are vastly applicable to various engineering industries. The training falls under the ‘Mechanical Engineering’ purview.

The Failure Analysis and Prevention certification syllabus covers the topic comprehensively. This includes modules like the failure of mechanical concepts, failure analysis procedure, testing, micro and macro mode of fracture, observing the fracture, report writing, etc. The course has a duration of twelve weeks, and there are eight modules in total, built at the undergraduate/postgraduate level.

IIT Roorkee’s faculty member, Professor D. K. Dwivedi, explains the curriculum in great detail. This is an elective course with wide recognition across heavy engineering, power plants, and pressure vessel industries. Learners can enroll in the Failure Analysis and Prevention certification course for free and access all the study material. There is also a final exam, passing which candidates can receive the e-certificate. 

The Highlights

  • PG/UG level of study
  • Online program
  • Case studies and presentations
  • IIT Roorkee course
  • AICTE-approved
  • Weekly assignments and final examination
  • FDP
  • Twelve weeks length
  • Expert faculty 
  • Paid certificate 
  • Mechanical Engineering domain

Important dates

Certificate Exam Date

Start Date : 04 May, 2025

Programme Offerings

  • AICTE-approved
  • FDP
  • Expert Faculty
  • Certificate
  • Online Program
  • UG/PG level
  • No prerequisites
  • Twelve weeks
  • industry support.

Courses and Certificate Fees

Fees InformationsCertificate AvailabilityCertificate Providing Authority
INR 1000yesIIT Roorkee
  • The Failure Analysis and Prevention program is free of cost. 
  • There is a Failure Analysis and Prevention certification fee which is optional for candidates looking to undertake the course examination.

Failure Analysis and Prevention fee structure -


Total Fee

Failure Analysis and Prevention 


Failure Analysis and Prevention   certification

Rs 1,000

Eligibility Criteria

Certificate Qualifying Details

However, candidates need to fulfill the certification eligibility criteria to get the e-certificate. They must obtain a minimum assignment mark of 10/25 and at least 30/75 in the term-end exam. Swayam will use 25% of the former and 75% of the latter to calculate the candidate’s final score.

What you will learn

Knowledge of engineering

After completing the Failure Analysis and Prevention training, candidates will gain full knowledge of: 

  • The scope of failure analysis 
  • Different types of design deficits that lead to failure
  • Failure’s industrial engineering tools for failure analysis
  • Fracture mechanics, their uses, and fracture toughness principles
  • Recommendation/report writing
  • Analysis findings
  • Sample preparation, preservation, testing, and the collection as failure’s general procedures
  • Observing fracture and its mode
  • Failure analysis procedure 
  • Failure sources 
  • Image analysis 
  • Metallographic procedure

Who it is for

The Failure Analysis and Prevention training is ideal for UG and PG students, practicing engineers, and research scholars in the mechanical and metallurgical engineering fields.

Admission Details

Step: 1 Hit the link given ahead to enrol for the Failure Analysis and Prevention certification course:

Step: 2 Find the “Sign in/Register” option and select it.

Step: 3 Proceed by entering your credentials to log in or use your Microsoft, Google, or Facebook account. 

Step: 4 You can also start your new Swayam profile by entering your username, email, and password. 

Step: 5 Choose ‘send verification code’. Receiving it at your email address, fill it in and select ‘create’ to activate your ID.

Application Details

Interested applicants can enroll for the Failure Analysis and Prevention online course do not need to fill a form. They can register on Swayam by giving their username, email ID, and password.

The Syllabus

  • Module 1: Introduction: Need and scope
  • Module 2: Fundamental sources of failure
  • Module 3: Failures due to deficient design
  • Module 4: Failures due to improper materials selection
  • Module 5: Failures due to improper imperfections in materials

  • Module 1: Failures due to improper manufacturing
  • Module 2: Failures due to improper service and maintenance
  • Module 3: Industrial engineering tool relevant failure analysis
  • Module 4: Pareto analysis 
  • Module 5: Fault tree diagram

  • Imperfections in base metals 
  • Improper Manufacturing I 
  • Improper Manufacturing II 
  • Improper Manufacturing III 
  • Improper Manufacturing IV and improper service conditions

  • Module 1: Reliability and failure analysis
  • Module 2: FMEA and Weibull analysis
  • Module 3: General procedure of failure analysis
  • Module 4: How to proceed for failure analysis
  • Module 5: Familiarizing with failure: background info

  • Module 1: Microscopic observation of fracture surface: I
  • Module 2: Microscopic observation of fracture surface: II
  • Module 3: Chemical analysis for failure investigation
  • Module 4: Metallographic examination of samples
  • Module 5: Image analysis of microstructures

  • Module 1: Fracture mechanics in failure analysis
  • Module 2: List of question to ensure proper investigation
  • Module 3: Analysis, report preparation, and recommendation
  • Module 4: Failure analysis of welded joints
  • Module 5: Failure of weld joints from HAZ

  • Module 1: Fracture toughness and its parameters: k, CTOD, J in
  • Module 2: Significance of SIF, CTOD
  • Module 3: Testing of fracture toughness
  • Module 4: Fatigue failure of weld joints
  • Module 5: Estimation of fatigue life using fracture toughness concept

  • Module 1: Failure of weld joints from fusion zone
  • Module 2: Failure of weld joints due to low temperature exposure
  • Module 3: Failure of weld joints due to high temperature
  • Module 4: Failure of weld joints due to SCC
  • Module 5: Failure of weld joints due to intergranular cracking

  • Module 1: Failure Analysis of Casting: Common Causes
  • Module 2: Failure Analysis of Casting: Cast Iron Sluice Valve
  • Module 3: Failure Analysis of Casting: Basics of Al-Si Alloys
  • Module 4: Failure Analysis of Casting: Al Alloy Casting
  • Module 5: Failure Analysis of Casting: Steel Casting

  • Module 1: Failure Analysis of Forming: Forming Related Issues
  • Module 2: Failure Analysis of Forming: Rolling Related Issues
  • Module 3: Failure Analysis of Forming: Defects in Formed Components
  • Module 4: Failure Analysis of Forming: High Strength Steel
  • Module 5: Failure Analysis of Forming: High Strength Steel Weld Joints

  • Module 1: Failure Analysis of Gear: Material, Manufacturing & Surface Condition
  • Module 2: Failure Analysis of Gear: Material, Manufacturing & Surface Condition
  • Module 3: Failure Analysis of Steel: Improper Heat Treatment
  • Module 4: Failure Analysis of Steel: Improper Case Hardening Treatment
  • Module 5: Failure Analysis of PH Aluminium Alloy: Improper Heat Treatment

  • Module 1: Failure Analysis of Weld Joints: Common Causes of Weld Joint Failure
  • Module 2: Failure Analysis of Weld Joints: Carbon Steel
  • Module 3: Failure Analysis of Weld Joints: Cracking of Steel Weld Joints
  • Module 4: Failure Analysis of Weld Joints: Austenitic Stainless Steel Weld Joints
  • Module 5: Failure Analysis of Weld Joints: Dissimilar Steel Weld Joints

Evaluation process

The certificate’s final proctored exam is held offline in various centers across the country. Candidates need to fill the exam application form online when Swayam releases it. They must pay the registration fees and attend the examination on the given date. Learners can check the form to know about their exam sessions, timings, allotted centers, etc.


IIT Roorkee Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

1: What does the certificate display?

The certificate displays the NPTEL and IIT Roorkee logos, the candidate’s name, photo, and total score.

2: How can I get the hard copy of the certificate?

NPTEL only provides the e-certificate. 

3: Who is the course instructor?

Professor D.K Dwivedi, the faculty member at IIT Roorkee, is the course instructor.

4: How much time will the MOOC completion take?

Candidates require twelve weeks to finish this course.

5: Are there any admission prerequisites?

This course has no prerequisites. 


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