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Quick Facts

Medium Of InstructionsMode Of LearningMode Of Delivery
EnglishSelf StudyVideo and Text Based

Course Overview

In the Geomorphology program, candidates will learn about the numerous behavior of natural surfaces as well as subsurface agents involved in the removal of the old and new landforms on the surface of the earth. The candidates will learn how to bring in sustainable development and the importance of every area while making any changes in the development. 

The candidates will be learning the usage of the knowledge in the industry. 

It will help candidates in the control of floods, disposal of waste, and the development of a smart city. The discussion forums will help candidates to have better learning and knowledge about the implementation of knowledge. The different layers of geomorphology have been well explained by the tutors.

The Geomorphology certification course also offers the candidates certificate after they complete the course successfully and give the end term examination. The importance of geomorphic evaluation has been well discovered throughout the syllabus. The certificate boosts up the resume or learning of the individuals.

The Highlights

  • 12 weeks program 
  • Certification course imparted by IIT Roorkee and NPTEL 
  • 100% learning program is free 
  • Course imparted by Swayam

Programme Offerings

  • Reading Materials
  • Self-assessments
  • Discussion Forums
  • video lectures
  • Multimedia
  • audio lectures
  • Online discussion forum
  • references
  • Books
  • tests
  • quizzes.

Courses and Certificate Fees

Fees InformationsCertificate AvailabilityCertificate Providing Authority
INR 1000yesIIT Roorkee
  • The Geomorphology certification benefits are for free for the candidates, no registration fees will be charged by the candidates.
  • The end-term exam will be charged Rs.1000 for the candidates seeking certification.

Geomorphology fees detail -

Fees Category


Certification Exam fees

Rs. 1,000

Eligibility Criteria


The candidates must have done engineering in geology and engineering in mechanics for taking the Geomorphology by Swayam.

Certification Qualifying Details

Candidates seeking certification must give the end-term exam. The total number of assignments is 12 where the average of the best 8 assignments will be calculated. The candidates must score 25% in the assignments and 75% in the end-term exam.

It is mandatory that the candidates keep a score as mentioned above for the course. The marks will be >=10/25 for the assignment and >=30/75 for the end term exam. The candidates must fulfill both of the criteria to get a certificate in Geomorphology online course. 

What you will learn

Knowledge of Geology

The candidates registering for the Geomorphology certification course will be gaining insights on the following points:

  • The candidates will be learning about the timescale and processes of landform development.
  • The course exposes the candidates to different factors playing a significant role in pedogenesis.
  • The aspirants taking the Geomorphology online course will learn the patterns of drainage and the concept of grade.
  • During the learning phase, the tutors will be teaching the candidates about the mass-wasting processes.
  • Paleosols in climatic interpretation have been covered in the course.
  • The course also includes the learning of the participants on the indicators of the activities in the tectonic.  
  • The course also explains the dating of geomorphic surfaces and events in the various layers.
  • The candidates will have their enhancement of skills through real examples while learning.
  • The Geomorphology certification involves patterns of waste disposal in the course.
  • The course also offers the aspirants learning on glaciers and glacial landforms.

Who it is for

Following candidates mentioned below can enrol in the Geomorphology certification benefits.

  • The aspirants who want certification can also explore by registering for the course.
  • The candidates from a Civil Engineering background can register for the course.

Admission Details

The Geomorphology certification will be registered by following the steps given below.

Step 1: Copy-paste the entire link and open it in the new tab of the browser.

Step 2: On the right side of the screen “JOIN” option be available where candidates need to click.

Step 3: The users who already have an account need to log in with their username and password.

Step 4: The new users must create an account with their details and password.

Step 5: The candidates will be filling in all the relevant information needed for the Geomorphology program.

Step 6: The candidates will be receiving confirmation regarding the same.

The Syllabus

  • Introduction to Geomorphology
  • Timescale and processes of landform development
  • Role of structure, time and processes
  • Palimpsest nature of present major landforms
  • Equilibrium and evolution
  • Energy flow in geomorphic systems
  • Role of uniformitarianism vs catastrophism in landscape development

  • Weathering- mechanical, chemical, and biological weathering
  • Weathering of silicate minerals
  • Soils- Horizonation, factors affecting pedogenesis

  • Paleosols in climatic interpretation and dating of geomorphic surfaces and events
  • Mass wasting processes – classification and hillslope evolution

  • Fluvial Geomorphology
    • Stream and river processes
    • Processes of transport
    • Channel geometry
    • Concept of grade
  • Depositional features
    • Floodplain
    • Fans
    • Deltas
    • Drainage patterns
  • morphometric analysis of drainage basins

  • Desert Geomorphology
    • Deserts and global wind patterns
    • Environments of wind action
    • Erosion
    • Transportation and depositional processes of wind
  • Use of desert
  • Geomorphology to study paleoclimate and paleogeography

  • Glacial Geomorphology
    • Formation glacier ice from snow
    • Morphological and thermal classification of glaciers
    • Glacial landforms
    • Glaciation and isostasy
  • Quaternary glaciations and their significance

  • Coastal geomorphology
    • Ocean waves
    • Currents and tides
    • Wave reflection and refraction
    • Longshore and rip currents
    • Littoral drift
    • Typical landscapes
    • Effects of base-level changes on coastal and fluvial geomorphology
  • emergence, submergence progradation, and erosion level

  • Tectonic Geomorphology - Geomorphic indicators of tectonic activity and paleoseismicity- geomorphic indices, process -response models, use of geomorphic elements such as drainage patterns, terminal fans, fluvial and marine terraces, paleosols and alluvial fans in neotectonic interpretation.
  • Geomorphic processes effect on Isostatic adjustment. Mountain front and foreland geomorphology

  • Seismic Geomorphology
    • Seismic Geomorphology an overview
    • Seismic geomorphology in a fluvial environment
    • In paleogeographic reconstruction
    • Seismic geomorphology on the sea bed.

  • Exploration geomorphology
    • Geomorphology in mineral exploration
    • In groundwater exploration
    • In hydrocarbon exploration

  • Engineering geomorphology
    • Geomorphology in constructing engineering structures such as the dam, tunnel, flood control structures and urban planning such as waste disposal sites, water storage sites

  • Geomorphological mapping
    • Methods of preparation of geomorphological maps
    • Map elements in different environments. 
  • Preparation of geomorphological map from satellite images. 
  • Study of geomorphic features from toposheets
  • Use of geomorphological map in developmental projects


IIT Roorkee Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

1: How to contact the help desk?

The candidates can reach out via mail or helpline number for any kind of help.

2: Will the exam be conducted online or offline?

The exam will be conducted in any of the modes, a prior notice regarding this will be forwarded to the candidates.

3: What books will I need during the course?

The candidates can find the books and the references on the site of the course.

4: For how many weeks the course will continue?

The course will continue for a time duration of 12 weeks.

5: What will I learn during the Geomorphology training?

The candidates can view the topics covered in the syllabus on the website.

6: Can I download the learning materials in the course?

The candidates can only access it, they will not be able to download the materials for any reason.

7: On which days the exams will be held?

There are no specific days on which the exam will be held, the candidates will have a prior notification for this.

8: Are there any course registration fees?

 The candidates must take the exam by paying Rs. 1,000 as the end-term examination fees.

9: In which form will we receive the certificate?

The e-certificate of the candidates will be available to them, no hard copies will be dispatched.

10: When will the classes be held for Geomorphology training?

The candidates can take the course depending upon the time as the learning materials are accessible always. 


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