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Quick Facts

Medium Of InstructionsMode Of LearningMode Of Delivery
EnglishSelf StudyVideo and Text Based

Course Overview

The Operations Research course by Swayam will delve more deeply into the concept of optimization. Optimization is the process of making the most effective use of a certain product or resource. It is one of the most important sub branches under the Operations Research field and finds its applications in various walks on life of a human. The subject consists of various mathematical concepts and the final goal of the subject is to find the most effective alternative to a problem.

The course hopes to teach the students the expertise they’ll need in order to realize the given problems mathematically and do so linearly. The basic optimization problems are linear by character and even the constraints they are subjected to are linear in nature.

With the completion of this course, the student will be able to apply the methods and concepts they learn and apply them in order to effectively solve the problem and find the most suitable alternative as a solution.

The Highlights

  • Certificate approved by the Indian Government
  • Highly qualified and experienced course instructor
  • Immersive learning
  • 15-week course
  • Certificate provided by Swayam

Programme Offerings

  • Self-assessment tests
  • quizzes
  • video lectures
  • Reading Material
  • Interactive course
  • Discussion forum present online for discussing doubts.

Courses and Certificate Fees

Fees InformationsCertificate AvailabilityCertificate Providing Authority
INR 1000yesJadavpur University, Kolkata

The certificate exam fees for the course is -

Exam feesRs. 1,000


Eligibility Criteria

Certification Qualifying Details

Students need to have an average score of 25% in the assignment (score to be more than 10/25) calculated on the basis of best scores of 6 assignments out of 8. For the final end-term proctored exam, the student needs to score more than 75% of the total score (score to be more than 30/75). 

The final score will be assignment score+end-term exam score. Even if the student’s final score is more than 40/100, they will not be eligible for the certificate if they have not completed both the afore-mentioned criteria. After all the given requirements are fulfilled, the student will be eligible to receive the certificate.

What you will learn

Programming skillsOperations analysis

When the student completes the course successfully, they will be able to:

  • Apply concepts of Operation Research to solve and analyze operational problems
  • Be able to apply concepts of Linear Programming while trying to solve problems on optimization
  • Understand the limitations of the concepts learnt during the course

Who it is for

The Operations Research course by Swayam is ideal for:

  • Students who wish to pursue a career in Finance, Business, Commerce, Mathematics and so on.
  • Students pursuing the above-mentioned fields in undergraduate level and trying to figure out which subject to do their graduation in.
  • Individuals interested in learning about the basic concepts of operations research
  • Industry professionals of any industry looking to boost their profile.
  • Companies who are looking to maximize output and reduce the cost of production.

Admission Details

The student should go through the following steps if they wish to enrol for the Operations Research course by Swayam.

*The enrollment for the course is currently suspended as the course is ongoing. But when the course becomes available again, the following are the steps the students should take.

Step 1: Visit the course page by clicking on the link -

Step 2: Press the “Join” button.

Step 3: Now the login page shall appear before you. You can use your existing login details, or login using your Microsoft Account, Google or Facebook. If you don’t have an account, you can sign up on the website as well.

Step 4: You need to confirm your email on the next step and continue.

Step 5: Enter the required details asked for in order to create your profile.

Step 6: Now you are registered to both the website and the course. You will now be taken to a homepage where you can track all the posted announcements and browse the details of your course.

The Syllabus

Chapter 1 – Linear Programming Problem
  • Mathematical Formulation of LPP and Graphical Method for Solving LPP 
  • Simplex Method for Solving LPP and Big-M Method

Chapter 1 – Linear Programming Problem
  • Some Special Cases in LPP
  • Duality, and Solving LPP using Duality in Simplex Method
  • Dual Simplex Method and Revised Simplex Method

Chapter 2 – Transportation and Assignment Problems
  • Mathematical Formulation and Initial BFS of Transportation Problem
  • Optimality Test by Stepping Stone Method and MODI Method, and Some Special Cases of Transportation Problem
  • Assignment Problem and Its Solution by Hungarian Method, and Travelling Salesman Problem

Chapter 3 – Game Theory
  • Basic Concept and Terminologies, Two-person Zero-sum Game, and Game with Pure and Mixed Strategies
  • Dominance Principle, Arithmetic Method, and Graphical Method for Solving  (2× n) Game
  • Graphical Method for Solving (m×2) Game and Solution of  Game by Simplex Method

Chapter 4 – Job Sequencing and Replacement Theory
  • Basic Terminologies and Assumptions of Job Sequencing, and Processing of n Jobs through 2 and 3 Machines
  • Processing n Jobs through m Machines, and Processing 2 Jobs through m Machines - Graphical Method
  • Introduction to Replacement Theory and Determination of Optimal Replacement Time
  • Selection of the Best Machine, and Individual and Group Replacement Policies

Chapter 5 – Inventory Theory
  • Economic Order Quantity and EOQ Models without Shortage
  • EOQ models with Shortage and EPQ Models with/without Shortages

Chapter 5 – Inventory Theory
  • Multi-item Inventory Models, Purchase Inventory Model, and Inventory Models with Price Breaks
  • Newsboy Problem and Probabilistic Inventory Model with Instantaneous Demand and No Set up Cost
  • Probabilistic Inventory Model with Uniform Demand and No Set up Cost, and Buffer Stock in Probabilistic Inventory Model

Revision, Assignment and Evaluation

Chapter 6 – Queuing Theory
  • Basic Characteristics of Queuing System and Probability Distribution of Arrivals 
  • Probability Distribution of Departures and Model I (M|M|1):(∞|FCFS) 
  • Model I. (General): (M|M|1): (∞|FCFS), and Model II. (M|M|1): (N|FCFS) 
  • Model III - (M|M|s): (∞|FCFS), and Model IV - (M|Ek|1): ( ∞|FCFS)

Chapter 7 – Network Analysis
  • Basic Components of Network and Critical Path Method (CPM) 
  • Total Float and Free Float of Activity, and CPM Model: Time-cost Optimization

Chapter 7 – Network Analysis
  • Module-3: Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) 
  • Module-4: LP and Dual LP Solutions to Network Problem

Chapter 8 – Dynamic Programming
  • Basic Concept and Terminology, and Dynamic Programming Models I and II 
  • DP Model III, Solution of Discrete DP Problem and Solution of LPP by DP

Chapter 9 – Integer Programming
  • Introduction to Integer Programming, and Gomory's Cutting Plane Method for All IPP 
  • Gomory's Cutting Plane Method for Mixed IPP, and Branch and Bound Method

Chapter 10 – Nonlinear Programming
  • NLPP with Equality Constraints: Lagrange Multiplier Method 
  • NLPP with Inequality Constraints: Kuhn-Tucker (KT) Conditions, and Quadratic Programming 
  • Wolfe's Modified Simplex Method and Beale's Method

Revision, Assignment and Evaluation


IIT Roorkee Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

1: Is the certificate beneficial to professionals only in some particular industries?

This course is beneficial to professionals who belong to any kind of industry. Every industry looks for ways to maximize profits and minimize their investment in production costs.

2: Will the addition of this certificate to my resume give me a salary bump?

This course is beneficial in many ways and one of the most exciting benefits is the possibility of an increase in salary. If an individual gets a qualification in this particular course, their profiles are instantly boosted and their role in the company becomes more secure and engaging.

3: Is the course very expensive?

This course is completely free of cost for any participant who wishes to be enrolled in it. The only time any payment is required is when the student registers for the final exam in order to receive the certificate. The registration fee is Rs. 1,000.

4: Will I still be eligible to receive the certificate if I don’t meet one of the criteria but my total is 40%?

Unfortunately, the student will only be eligible to receive when each of the criteria is fulfilled. If a student gets more than 75% in the end-term exam but fails to get 25% is the assignment assessment, the student is not eligible to receive the certificate even if the student has a total of more than 40%.

5: Will I receive a hard copy of the certificate?

No, the certificate for this course will be an e-certificate which will have the symbols of NPTEL and  Jadavpur University, Kolkata. on it. It will have your name, photo and the score you have received along with the full breakdown.

6: How will prospective employers or existing employers believe that my certificate is genuine?

Your certificate is easily verifiable on the NPTEL website. The link for the website is

7: What is the format of the final exam?

The final exam is in the MCQ format. You will get used to the format once you start practicing the tests and quizzes which will be provided to you during the course.

8: How will the course be distributed over the time duration?

The course material will be covered on a weekly basis. Each week has been allotted a certain number of topics and the material will be covered in that manner.



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