Get to know about the processes involved in the talent management industry by pursuing the certification of Talent Acquisition and Management by Swayam.
The Talent Acquisition and Management certification course is a program that is designed in such a manner that it can be studied by graduates as well as postgraduates. The course comes under the category of management studies. Candidates who get admitted to this course learn the different processes and practices involved in the talent management industry. The course is provided to the students by the Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee. The course is available on the platform of Swayam for free for every student. The Talent Acquisition and Management certification syllabus can be completed in the given time of 12 weeks as well as more than the estimated time.
The program is an online course and offers flexible timings for attending the video sessions. The program provides self-paced training so that students can take any amount of time to understand the concepts. The program offers certification to the students towards the end of the course which is optional as it comes with the payment of exam fees followed by an in-person exam. The Talent Acquisition and Management certification grants full-time access to the course to all its students and students can join or leave the session from anywhere at any time according to their willingness.
Candidates can join the Talent Acquisition and Management program without paying any amount.
Candidates who seek to get a certificate by the end of the program should pay the quoted amount as Talent Acquisition and Management fees.
Talent Acquisition and Management fees details -
Amount in Rupees
Exam fees
Eligibility Criteria
Candidates should be high school graduates to be a part of this program and seek admission.
Certification Qualifying Details
Candidates who require the certification by the end of the Talent Acquisition and Management certification course can apply for the offline exam through registration. The exam will be if 100 marks in which 25 marks are reserved for assignments and 75 marks are reserved for the final exam. Candidates have to score at least 10 marks in assignments and 30 marks in the final exam to be eligible to get the certificate.
What you will learn
Human Resource Management
Candidates will be able to learn the following points by the end of the program:
Candidates will be able to understand the different talent management practices used in India as well as abroad.
Students will gain information on the numerous processes involved in the subject like acquisition, development, retention, etc.
Participants will gain amazing insights into the role of managers who manage and develop talent in the Talent Acquisition and Management online course.
Students will gain an understanding of how to develop the competence that is required to work efficiently and effectively.
Participants will get to know about the numerous challenges faced by the industry in the Talent Acquisition and Management training.
Candidates will be able to learn about global talent management drivers in this course.
Learners will come to know about the Zinger model through this course.
Who it is for
Following participants are suitable for the Talent Acquisition and Management program-
Candidates who have completed or are pursuing BBA, MBA, and P.hD.
Teachers and other working professionals of the same industry.
Admission Details
Candidates who are willing to be a part of this course can follow the given instructions-
Step 1- Candidates must visit the given link to apply for the course -
Note- Applicants are requested to wait for some time since the join course option is not available on the website.
The Syllabus
Module 1: Introduction To Talent Acquisition & Management
Module 2: Introduction To Talent Acquisition & Management-I
Module 3: Introduction To Talent Acquisition & Management -II
Module 4: Introduction To Talent Acquisition & Management-III
Module 5: Nurturing the Leaders of Tomorrow
Module 1:Talent Acquisition
Module 2:Talent Acquisition Practices -Infosys
Module 3:Talent Acquisition Practices -FedEx
Module 4:Talent Acquisition Practices -IBM
Module 5:Talent Acquisition Practices -Google
Module 1:Introduction to psychometric test
Module 2:Six Principle of Talent Management
Module 3:Employee Engagement
Module 4:Employee Brand
Module 5:Employee Retention
Module 1:Zinger Model
Module 2:Integrated Talent Management Process-I
Module 3:Integrated Talent Management Process-II
Module 4:Global Talent Management drivers -I
Module 5:Global Talent Management drivers -II
Module 1:Global Leadership Competencies -I
Module 2:Global Leadership Competencies -II
Module 3:Global Leadership Competencies –III
Module 4:Global Leadership Competencies -IV
Module 5:Talent Analytics
Module 1:Talent Management Challenges
Module 2:Talent Development
Module 3:Talent Enhancement
Module 4:Talent Mobility
Module 5:Rewards In Talent Management
Module 1:Integrated Talent management Models -I
Module 2:Integrated Talent management Models -II
Module 3:Reward Strategy for Talent Management -I
Module 4:Reward Strategy for Talent Management -II
Module 5:Coaching and Development
Module 1:Talent Development -I
Module 2:Talent Development -II
Module 3:Talent Development -III
Module 4:Meta -Analysis -Talent Analytics -I
Module 5:Meta -Analysis -Talent Analytics -II
Module 1:Organization Cultural -I
Module 2:Organization Cultural -II
Module 3:Organization Cultural -III
Module 4:Coaching with Compassion -I
Module 5:Coaching with Compassion -II
Module 1:Talent Success Drivers
Module 2:Talent Acquisition Strategy -I
Module 3:Talent Acquisition Strategy -II
Module 4:Talent Management _Pepsi Co -I
Module 5:Talent Management Pepsi Co-II
Module 1:Automated Screening _Talent Analytics
Module 2:Big Data _Talent Analytics
Module 3:Management in the New Economy
Module 4:Employment to Consultation
Module 5:Embedding and sustaining Talent Power
Module 1:Talent Enhancement & Drivers of Success
Module 2:Building sustainable talent through Talent Management
Module 3:Talent powered Organization
Module 4:Critical Issues in Talent Management
Module 5:Feeling and Sentiments analysis
IIT Roorkee Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)
1: How can I get the information regarding the Talent Acquisition and Management certification exam?
Candidates will be informed about the exam through their emails and an announcement will be made on the official website. Students are expected to keep a check on the website for important announcements.
2: How do I know if I am eligible for this training?
Candidates who have passed their high school studies can apply for this course.
3: Is there any way I can verify my certificate?
Yes, candidates can verify the certificate through this link -
4: What details will the certificate carry?
The certification will carry the student's name and photo, marks obtained in the exam, and the logos of the IIT, Roorkee, and NPTEL.
5: Is this a verified course?
Yes, the program is an AICTE approved FDP course.
6: When is the enrollment process for the course ending?
There is no last day for enrollment in this program. Candidates can join the course at any time.
7: Can I take longer than 12 weeks to complete the Talent Acquisition and Management certification syllabus of the course?
Yes, candidates are free to take longer than 12 weeks to complete the course as this is a self-paced program.
8: How many topics and sub topics are discussed in the program?
The total topics included in this course are 12 which are further divided into 5 more sub-topics in each topic. So, there will be a total of 60 topics discussed throughout this course.
9: How do I achieve the certificate for this course?
The certification for this course will be available through the process of an offline exam.
10: Can this course be considered equivalent to the university level course?
No, the online program cannot be considered equivalent to the university credit.