The Simulation Skills: This Is Your Brain on the Future online course is built on the Coursera platform in collaboration with the Institute for the Future and presented by Jane McGonigal, director of the institute. The online course takes 13 hours to complete and includes a certified certificate at the end. The course will be taught in English with nine different language subtitles for a better learning environment. The Simulation Skills: This Is Your Brain on the Future syllabus is offered as a four-week course that allows students to learn strategy and forecasting. Applicants do not need to meet any prerequisites in order to enrol. This program is a beginner-level course with a flexible deadline that will provide students with hands-on skills in future envisionment.
The fees for the course Simulation Skills: This is Your Brain on the Future is -
Amount in INR
1 month
Rs. 4,115
3 month
Rs. 8,230
6 month
Rs. 12,345
Eligibility Criteria
This certification course does not require any prior educational background specified for enrollment.
Certification Qualification Details
Students must complete the requisite coursework, quizzes and materials to earn the Simulation Skills: This Is Your Brain on the Future certification.
What you will learn
The Simulation Skills: This Is Your Brain on the Future programme is planned for the following:
The course will teach the candidate to learn about the basics of mental simulation and imagination.
The Simulation Skills: This Is Your Brain on the Future certification syllabus will help the candidate learn about the three techniques used for creativity and opportunity identification.
The candidate will learn about first-person futures and will help him or her visualise the future from a subjective point of view with strategy, creativity and motivation.
The candidate will learn about simulating alternative futures with multiple possibilities and employ a powerful method for creating different futures at the same time.
The candidate will learn from simulating four to a maximum of hundred different versions of the same perceived future.
With imagination, the candidate will be introduced to advanced topics which will involve innovations related to haptics, virtual reality, design and storytelling.
The candidate will be empowered in strategy, motivation and develop forecasting skills for the best possible simulation.
Application Details
In order to enroll in the Simulation Skills: This Is Your Brain on the Future online course and obtains a certificate, you must follow the steps outlined below.
Step 1: The applicant should go to the website to start an application for the programme.
Step 2: After selecting "Enroll" from the menu, students must click the "Next" option.
Step 3: The applicant must then fill out the registration or application form with all of the necessary details and submit it.
Step 4: Before enrolling in the course, applicants must first pay the course fee.
The Syllabus
Welcome to the course! Meet your professor Jane McGonigal
What can't be different in the future?
Technique #1: Predict the Past
Technique #2: Remember the Future
Technique #3: Hard Empathy
Neurological Pathways of Simulation
Take a two-minute survey about the future!
Simulation Skills Brief: Your "cheat sheet" for this course
What is Mental Simulation?
Future-Proof Your Brain
How to "Fill in the Blanks" of Your Brain
Neurological Pathways of Simulation
Peer Review
Unstick your Mind
Discussion Prompts
Introduce yourself!
What CAN'T be different in the future?
"Specificity training" practice
Your Future Self is a Stranger
Thinking in Facts versus Thinking in First Person
Let's try some first person futures!
First Person Creativity
The Superstruct Game
2022 Update! Did the simulation you just learned about accurately predict the real pandemic?
Why Your Future Self is a Stranger
Welcome to the Internet of Things
Superstruct Scenario
Updates to this Lesson! (Added July 2022)
Excerpt from Jane McGonigal's IMAGINABLE: How to See the Future Coming and Feel Ready for Anything, Even Things That Seem Impossible Today
Why the brain thinks differently about your future self
Peer Review
First-Person Future: Extreme Heat Wave
Discussion Prompts
First-Person Future: Blockchain voting
Internet of Things
First Person Creativity: The Brick Challenge
100 Ways Anything Could Be Different
SCENARIO: The Future of Marriage
Introduction to Alternative Futures
How to Envision Alternative Future (Part 1)
How to Envision Alternative Futures (Part 2)
Alternative Futures for Caregiving in 2031
The Future of Marriage Project (How We Did It)
TOOL: Envision Alternative Futures
Future of Caregiving in 2031
Peer Review
Envision Alternative Futures
Discussion Prompts
Future of Marriage
Future of Caregiving
Introduction to Advanced Simulation Topics
The Simtainer
What is Afrofuturism?
Full Body Simulation Part 1
Full Body Simulation Part 2
Congratulations on finishing this course!
Future of Video Simulation
Future of Touch Simulation (Haptics)
Black to the Future (Afrofuturism)
Experiential Futures Show and Tell
Future of Newport, Year 2061
An invitation to join our free Alumni Network
New Kinds of Simulation
Discussion Prompts
Where would you create a full-body experience of the future?
What's your biggest "a ha" moment from this course?
Institute for the Future, Palo Alto Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)
1: How to register for the programme?
Visit the official website to register and submit your application.
2: What are the benefits of using the trial alternative option for this course?
Applicants to the Simulation Skills: This Is Your Brain on the Future training programme will have access to the programme for one week and will be able to participate in the lectures.
3: What if the applicant's command of English is restricted and he or she wants to speak in a language other than English?
The course is completely taught in English, but subtitles are provided in nine different languages available to aid the candidate’s learning.
4: What are the benefits of taking this course as an individual?
As an individual, the course will assist him or her in strengthening their simulation and forecasting skills to create futuristic visions with creativity and strategy.
5: Do applicants require any prior qualifications or experience to be considered for this position?
The Simulation Skills: This Is Your Brain on the Future certification does not need to meet any particular qualifying criteria in order to apply and learn.
6: Can I share the certificates on my social media handles?
On completing the Simulation Skills: This is Your Brain on the Future training online course, you add the same to your portfolio, resume, or CV, and share it on social media platforms.
7: Does Coursera offer financial assistance?
In the Simulation Skills: This Is Your Brain on the Future certificate, the students must apply for the "Financial Assistance" option following the "Enroll" option on the website tab.
8: What is the course duration?
The fully online course can be completed in 13 hours.
9: What are the advantages of taking the above programme as a flexible curriculum?
The Simulation Skills: This is Your Brain on the Future benefits the candidate in a self-paced learning system at one's leisure or available time without being bound by a tight timetable or schedule.