The Urgent Optimism: How to Turn Foresight into Action online course is introduced by Jane McGonigal, the Institute for the Future's research director, and is built on the Coursera website in partnership with the Institute for the Future. The online course takes 10 hours to complete and comes with a verified certificate. For a greater learning experience, the course will be taught in English with five separate language subtitles. The Urgent Optimism: How to Turn Foresight into Action syllabus is a four-week course that teaches students creativity, innovation and foresight and for enrolment, the applicants do not need to fulfil any prerequisites. This course is a beginner-level course planned with a flexible deadline that will give students practical experience with artifact creation and roadmap planning.
The fees for the course Urgent Optimism: How to Turn Foresight into Action is -
Amount in INR
1 month
Rs. 4,115
3 month
Rs. 8,230
6 month
Rs. 12,345
Eligibility Criteria
The enrollment in the Urgent Optimism: How to Turn Foresight into Action certification does not necessitate any previous educational experience.
Certification Qualification Details
To achieve the Urgent Optimism: How to Turn Foresight into Action certification, the students must complete the necessary coursework, quizzes, and materials.
What you will learn
CreativityManagerial skill
The Urgent Optimism: How to Turn Foresight into Action programme is planned for the following:
The Urgent Optimism: How to Turn Foresight into Action certification syllabus will help the candidate get introduced to learn about preferred futures and tips on working with them through a regression methodology.
The candidate will learn about creating images of the future as well as measures and influences affecting them.
There will be knowledge of artifacts that are futuristic and the tips to progress towards thinking and creating them.
The candidate will learn about identifying obstacles as well as plan, make allies, allocate resources, and refer to an action plan for preferred futures.
Who it is for
The Urgent Optimism: How to Turn Foresight into Action programme is for the following
Candidates who wish to make changes in their work, life, and their surrounding world in general.
Application Details
Take the steps listed below to enroll in the Urgent Optimism: How to Turn Foresight into Action online course and receive the certificate.
Step 1: To begin an application for the programme, the applicant can go to the website.
Step 2: Students must press "Next" after choosing "Enroll" from the menu.
Step 3: The applicant must then complete and apply the registration or application form containing all of the required information.
Step 4: Students must first pay the course fee before enrolling in the course.
The Syllabus
Welcome to this Course! Meet your professor, Jane McGonigal
What's a preferred future?
Tips on Preferred Futures
Working Backwards from a Preferred Future
Good news from the future!
Take a two-minute survey about the future!
Urgent Optimism Skills Brief (Your "cheat sheet" for the course)
Hello from the year 2050: An example of a preferred future
News of the Future
TOOL: Headline the Future
Peer Review
What's your preferred future?
Discussion Prompts
Introduce yourself!
Write a headline from the future!
What's an image of the future?
Today's Images of the Future
Measuring and Influencing Optimism About the Future
3 Images of the Future, Year 2027
Images of the Future (excerpt)
OPTIONAL: 7 Images of the Future from 1947
A Golden Age for Dystopian Fiction
OPTIONAL: Six Short Stories From the Future
Images of the Future
Discussion Prompts
+1 a Future Scenario for Yourself
What's your reaction to these images of the year 2027?
What are artifacts from the future?
More Examples of Artifacts from the Future
Tips for Thinking of Artifacts
DEMO: How I Made These Artifacts!
How to Make Artifacts from the Future
Artifacts from the Future
Peer Review
Make an Artifact from the Future
Discussion Prompts
Made an artifact? Share it here!
Introduction to Action Roadmaps
How to Build an Action Roadmap (Part 1)
How to Build an Action Roadmap (Part 2)
Mini-Masterclass: Group and Community Futures (Part 1)
Mini-Masterclass: Group and Community Futures (Part 2)
SCENARIO: Sudan 2030
TOOL: Build an Action Roadmap
Climate Action Map
OPTIONAL: Kenya Youth Scenarios in 2030
OPTIONAL: UNDP Foresight Manual: Empowered Futures for the 2030 Agenda
Climate Action and YOU
What community would you bring together to future?
Peer Review
Build your Action Roadmap
Take the Pledge to Make the Future
Congratulations on finishing the course!
Pledge to Make the Future
An invitation to join our free alumni network
Discussion Prompts
How will you pledge to make the future?
What's your biggest "a ha" moment from this course?
Institute for the Future, Palo Alto Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)
1: How will the programme curriculum be beneficial for me?
The applicant in a self-paced learning environment will have Urgent Optimism: How to Turn Foresight into Action benefits and they will be able to learn at their own pace without being constrained by a strict scheduled timetable or plan.
2: What are the advantages of the trial option?
Applicants to the Urgent Optimism: How to Turn Foresight into the Action training programme will have one week of access to the programme and will be able to attend lectures.
3: What steps does an applicant take in order to be considered for admission to the programme?
Applicants must first apply for the software at the official link and then request the application at the official link.
4: What are the advantages of taking this course on your own?
Individually, the course will help them develop their skillset and improve their forecasting abilities in order to generate roadmap actions.
5: What if the applicant has a limited command of English and wishes to learn in a language other than English?
Since the course is taught entirely in English, subtitles in five languages are given to aid the candidate's learning.
6: What are the benefits of obtaining an accredited credential using this application?
On completing the Urgent Optimism: How to Turn Foresight into Action online course, you can mention the same on your portfolio, resume and share it on your social media handles.
7: Is there any requirement for candidates to have any previous education or experience in order to be eligible for this position?
To register for and read about the Urgent Optimism: How to Turn Foresight into Action certification, the candidate does not need to follow any specific qualifications.
8: What is the duration of this credential programme?
The coursework will be completed entirely online which will take a total of 10 hours to complete.
9: Can students get financial help to complete the course?
Students need to register for the "Financial Assistance" option after selecting the "Enroll" option on the website tab in order to receive financial aid in the Urgent Optimism: How to Turn Foresight into Action certificate.