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Quick Facts

Medium Of InstructionsMode Of LearningMode Of Delivery
EnglishSelf StudyVideo and Text Based

Course Overview

The certified course on Visualizing the Birth of Modern Tokyo is offered by MIT Visualising Cultures and the Smithsonian Institute. The course deals with the emergence of modernity helping in the transformation of Tokyo city from the era of gas-lit 1870s to the Jazz-based 1930s. The course will cover content in terms of daily life, nightlife, neighborhoods, and the city’s challenges with its vagaries of nature. The students get to learn the tradition of “100 views” which it depicts the city in a composite way to witness both the excitement and losses. 

The learning of Visualizing the Birth of Modern Tokyo Online Certificate course is designed for the duration of 4 weeks and the student needs to put in an effort of 1 to 3 weeks every week. The Visualizing the Birth of Modern Tokyo Course is self-paced and in the format of a course as the learners will be able to witness multiple viewpoints. The Visualizing the Birth of Modern Tokyo Certification course will bring several scholars from different disciplines for their instructions or arguments. The Visualizing the Birth of Modern Tokyo Course will cover the concepts of cosmopolitanism and ultranationalism which made Tokyo city imperial by nature. The candidates will be choosing between 2 tracks, Audit, and Verified for pursuing the course. During the verified mode, the candidates will be getting unlimited access whereas during the audit mode, the candidates will be receiving limited period access.

The Highlights

  • Self-paced programme
  • “100 views” visualisation method
  • 1 to 3 hours of student involvement.
  •  Audit option for the course
  • Verified certificate granted by edX
  • 5 faculty course instructors.
  • English mode of instruction
  • 4 weeks of course duration
  • 100% e-learning course

Programme Offerings

  • Video transcripts
  • quizzes
  • Module exam
  • discussions
  • Guest lectures
  • Final exam.

Courses and Certificate Fees

Fees InformationsCertificate AvailabilityCertificate Providing Authority
INR 4088yesMIT Cambridge

The total fee that has been decided to take up Visualizing the Birth of Modern Tokyo Online Certificate course is Rs. 4,088

Visualizing the Birth of Modern Tokyo Fees Structure

Fee Details

Amount in Rs.

Total fee

Rs. 4,088

Eligibility Criteria

Certification qualifying details

The certificate has graded coursework in the form of this model exam, discussions and a final exam which must be attended compulsory by the students and the candidate must pass the final exam to receive a certificate of completion. The candidates also need to get themselves upgraded to the verified track by paying the amount specified, to get the certificate. 

Note: There is no proper passing percentage or grade mentioned

What you will learn

Knowledge of Urban Planning

Visualizing the Birth of Modern Tokyo Certification course on Visualizing the Birth of Modern Tokyo is planned with the following ideas in mind

  • The candidates will acquire basic background information and skills that help them understand about the modernisation of the capital city of Tokyo in Japan. 
  • The candidates will understand the technique of 100 views, visual sources and how it is used for the study of history. 
  • The candidates will learn to study visual images, visual communication and work with large data bases in understanding the study. The candidates will learn about the translation in bringing cultural change from one period to another. 
  • A candidate will use visual primary sources for investigating the cultural and political interactions between Japan and outside methods through scholarly methods. 
  • The candidate will be able to use visual motifs for capturing intangible and tangible qualities. 
  • The candidates will learn how city was always rebuilt from different forms of destruction

Who it is for

This certificate course on Visualizing the Birth of Modern Tokyo has been designed for the following:

  • Students who are interested to learn more about urban transition from one age to the other. 
  • Urban planners and art lovers who wish to learn more about urban visualisation techniques.

Admission Details

The admission step by step procedure to be followed for Visualizing the Birth of Modern Tokyo  course is: 

Step 1: The participant first has to visit the following link given and register himself by creating an account with the details that are pertinent.

Step 2: After account creation, the participants can enrol in the program using “Enroll” and click the desired course needed. 

Step 3: The participant can get into the “Verified” track of learning through which he or she can obtain the certificate.

Step 4: The participant is required to pay for the programme with this link

Step 5: The participant has to check if the details are correct and then pay using any online method for payment using the “Place Order” button.

The Syllabus


MIT Cambridge Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

1: Is this an introductory difficulty level course?

Yes, this is a beginner or amateur level course which offers a unique perspective in terms of Tokyo’s modernization and the candidate doesn’t need any prerequisites. 

2: What is the central idea for offering this programme?

Visualizing the Birth of Modern Tokyo Course is designed for anybody interested in learning about the transformation of Tokyo city and exploring its modernization from the 1870s to 1930s.

3: Can students with financial hardship audit the course?

The candidate owing to some issues of financial hardships can audit the course with the condition that they will not receive any certificate of completion or graded assignments. 

4: Who are the faculty instructors who have helped to offer Visualizing the Birth of Modern Tokyo Certification course?

Shigeru Miyagawa, John W. Dower, James T. Ulak, Hiromu Nagahara, and Ellen Sebring are the five faculty members who have worked on the collaboration of MIT and Smithson Institute to offer Visualizing the Birth of Modern Tokyo Certification course on modern Tokyo. 

5: What are some of the programme offerings in Visualizing the Birth of Modern Tokyo Online Certificate course?

Some important programme offerings are

  • Quizzes
  • Discussions
  • Module exams
  • Final exams
6: What is the fulfilling criterion to complete this certificate?

The student upon passing the module as well as final exams along with all the other related assessments will fulfill the requirements for the verified certificate student.

7: When is the start date for Visualizing the Birth of Modern Tokyo Online Certificate course?

Presently, the programme has been archived and will require the announcement of the edX platform for the start of the course dates.

8: What is the planned course duration in this programme?

The entire duration of the course is for a period of four weeks and the student needs to work for at least one to three hours at his or her own pace to complete the course successfully without any issues.



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