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Quick Facts

Medium Of InstructionsMode Of LearningMode Of Delivery
EnglishSelf StudyVideo and Text Based

Course Overview

The Online Course of Indian Constitution certification is a course by the Nalsar University of Law, Hyderabad, which has also gained sponsorship from the Department of Legal Affairs, Ministry of Law & Justice, Government of India, New Delhi. This course has 15 different video content that can be accessed for 6 months till the registration time. 

The Online Course of Indian Constitution training provides the students with the history of the constitution, and debates in the Constituent Assembly, the preamble drafting of the constitution, the relationship between fundamental duties, and rights, and other concepts. Some other important concepts learnt from this course by the participants are powers of the judiciary, the role of judiciary, and powers of union and state executive. This online certification also adds other concepts related to the relationship between the prime minister, and president, and the amending powers, and the ordinance power of the Parliament.

The Highlights

  • Online mode of programme
  • 6 months content access
  • 15 video content
  • Completion certificate
  • Sponsored by Government of India

Programme Offerings

  • Online Course
  • 15 Video Lectures
  • Online Assessment
  • Certificate of participation
  • Certificate of Merit
  • Certificate of Appreciation
  • Free registration
  • Up to 6 Months Course Access
  • Course in English

Courses and Certificate Fees

Fees InformationsCertificate AvailabilityCertificate Providing Authority
INR 100yesNLU Hyderabad (NALSAR)

The Online Course of Indian Constitution certification fee is actually free but for an online certificate of participation, an exam fee of Rs. 100 has to be sent online.

Online Course of Indian Constitution Fee Structure


Amount in INR

Programme Fee


Exam Fee

Rs. 100

Eligibility Criteria

Educational Qualification

  • The participants can even learn this certification if they are in class 10.

Certification Qualifying Details

  • A certification of participation for the Online Course of Indian Constitution by  Nalsar University of Law, Hyderabad, will be given to everyone who watches all the videos fully. Along with this, a certification of appreciation, and merit will be showered on those giving the exam, and securing less than or more than 60% respectively in the online test.

What you will learn

Knowledge of law

With the Online Course of Indian Constitution certification syllabus, the candidates will learn:

  • The participants shall become familiar with constitution texts and leading cases.
  • The fundamental policy choices that are applied in the constitution can be understood.
  • Opinions can be articulated on vital, controversial, significant, and current issues of the constitution. 
  • The historical evolution can be evaluated by doctrines tests and standards. 
  • India's post-independence journey can be understood.

Who it is for

The students can be varied like even a kid studying in class 10 may opt for this course.

Admission Details

For admission to the Online Course of Indian Constitution classes, the steps are

Step 1: Visit the official site-

Step 2: Next, logging in or registering has to be done by the participants using an email address.

Step 3: After registering which is free, the students get proper admission.

The Syllabus

An Introduction to the concept of 'Democracies' and 'Constitutions'
  • Why are constitutions Drafted? 
  • When are they Drafted? 
  • What should be the Contents of a Constitution?
  • What are the Various Types of Constitutions?
  • How and Why do Democracies and Constitutions Fail?

An Insight into why the Indian Constitution is drafted the way it is?
  • What are Constituent Assembly Debates?
  • What is the Composition of the Constituent Assembly?
  • What were the Choices available to the Framers of the Constitution?
  • What were the Choices exercised by the Framers of the Constitution?

An introductory statement explaining the philosophy and objectives of the framers of the Constitution
  • What is a Preamble?
  • What does it Include?
  • What is the significance of a Preamble?
  • How is a preamble amended?

A deliberation about citizenship in India and NRC
  • What is Citizenship in a country?
  • Who is an Indian Citizen?
  • How is Indian Citizenship Acquired?
  • What is NPR?
  • What is NRC and why is it required?

A Basic Fundamental Right granting equal rights to all citizens
  • What is the Right to Equality?
  • What is Class Legislation and Reasonable Classification?
  • What is Non-Discrimination?
  • Right to Equality and role of State?
  • What are the Special Provisions for Women & Children and their relevance?

Affirmative Action under Indian Constitution - Impact on representation of marginal groups
  • What is Affirmative Action?
  • What is the need for Affirmative Action?
  • What is Reservation Policy under Indian Constitution?
  • Should there be a sunset clause for Reservation?
  • How can the reservation policy be improved?

A fundamental right to safeguard the liberty of thought and expression of the Citizens
  • What is Freedom of Speech?
  • What are the Statutory Limitations of Freedom of Speech?
  • What amounts to Sedation, Blasphemy, and Defamation?
  • Controlling Online Speech/Hate Speech

A primordial right which every human being must-have for all-round development
  • What is Right to Life & Liberty?
  • What is the concept of Privacy?
  • Aadhar - a comprehensive repository or intrusion of Privacy?
  • Preventive Detention - Constitutional Validity?

A Constitutional right to safeguard the religious freedom of citizens to preach and practice
  • What is Freedom of Religion?
  • Constitutional Validity of Conversion Laws?
  • The Case of Sabrimala - The role of courts and essentiality test
  • Do Prayers in Schools violate Constitutional rights?
  • Personal Laws and Uniform Civil Code

Individual and collective rights through which national minority groups are entitled to enjoy their own culture
  • What are Minority Groups?
  • What is Right to Culture?
  • Mother Tongue and Official Language?
  • Hindus and Minority Rights

Relationships between fundamental rights & Directive Principles
  • What are Directive Principles?
  • Non-Justifiable relationships between fundamental rights & Directive Principles

The fundamental obligations of the states to its citizens and the duties and the rights of the citizens to the State
  • What are the fundamental duties of Citizens?
  • Relationship between Fundamental Duties & Fundamental Rights?
  • The Case of standing up for the National Anthem

Articles of the constitution defining the President- Prime Minister Relationship
  • What is Union Executive?
  • Is Prime Minister Part of Union Executive?
  • Does the Prime Minister have controlling power over the actions of the President?
  • The Articles that relationship between president & Prime Minister defined? 
  • The powers to make ordinances

India's commitment to a strong Legal system is enshrined in the Constitution
  • Constitution and Supreme Court
  • Judiciary System in India
  • Appointment of Judges
  • Do the Judges have a ‘Lakshman Rekha’?  
  • Is Judicial review Anti-Democratic?

Constitutional Amendments - changes to the constitution suit to needs and aspirations of the people
  • Who has the power to make constitutional amendments?
  • What is the doctrine of Basic Structure Theory?
  • What is the difference between Constituent Power and Ordinary Legislative Power?

Evaluation process

An online MCQ assessment is held after 10 days of video watching for the students. Taking this exam, and receiving less than 60% will guarantee a Certificate of Appreciation whereas the ones getting above 60% are entitled to a Certificate of Merit.

NLU Hyderabad (NALSAR) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

1: Will the students get an online participation certificate for free?

Yes, every registered student who participates in the 15 lectures gets a certificate of participation.

2: What is the language of teaching the course?

All students can view the videos in English only.

3: Till how long will the videos of the Online Course of Indian Constitution be available?

The videos shall be watchable till 6 months of the validity of the registration.

4: After how much time can the students take up the online assessment?

After completing the last video, the students have to wait for 10 days.



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