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Quick Facts

Medium Of InstructionsMode Of LearningMode Of Delivery
EnglishSelf StudyVideo and Text Based

Course Overview

In the present age of technology, where the world is moving at a very fast pace, the advances in technology with the help of robotics seem to have never-ending horizons if taken up as a career. The course is for people who are inquisitive about robots and are willing to take-up robotics as a career. It is for someone who is intending to put efforts in order to learn the basics of mathematical modelling techniques that are applied in all subsidiary fields of robotics.

The course Modern Robotics, Course1: Foundations of Robot Motion is a part of specialisation- Modern Robotics: Mechanics, planning, and control that consist of six short courses that prepare the student for taking up advanced study in robotics or pursue robotics as a profession.

In the course 1-Foundation of Robot motion, the participant will learn about the basic material required for the robot configuration in robots with closed chains and in robots with serial mechanisms.

The participant will be building a library having a collection of robotics software in various languages like MATLAB, Python, and Mathematica, etc. They will also be making the use of robotic simulator V-REP on the cross-platform, which will assist them to create DIY (Do it yourself) robots at their home with no cost or investment involved.

The Highlights

  • Offered by Northwestern University.
  • Flexibility of deadlines 
  • Intermediate level course
  • Quiz based
  • Online learning
  • Certificates of compilation shareable to CV and LinkedIn profile
  • Approx 24 hours to complete

Programme Offerings

  • Practical exercises
  • quizzes
  • videos
  • Reading Material.

Courses and Certificate Fees

Certificate AvailabilityCertificate Providing Authority

Fee details Modern Robotics, Course1: Foundations of Robot Motion:



Fee for 1 month

Rs. 4,115/-

Fee for 3 months

Rs. 8,230/-

Fee for 6 months

Rs. 12,345/-

Eligibility Criteria

Certification Qualifying Details

The participants will be awarded the certificate of completion for Modern Robotics, Course1: Foundations of Robot Motion programme after paying for the certificate. The candidate needs to complete the programme as well in a way that all the assignments and projects are duly submitted to Coursera. 

What you will learn

Robotic skills

Participants will have an idea about the following skills after completing Modern Robotics, Course1: Foundations of Robot Motion programme:

  • Gain an understanding of the concepts like degrees of freedom, configuration space (C-space), implicit and explicit representations of configurations, C-space topology, and  nonholonomic and holonomic constraints
  • Learn representation of forces like wrenches and twists, along with the representation of spatial velocity.
  • Creating a collection of robotic software in various languages like Mathematica, Python, and MATLAB.
  • Using cross-platform simulator to work with ultramodern robots with ease at home.

Who it is for

Admission Details

Step 1: Visit the course page.

Step 2:  Click on the ‘Enroll for free’ tab to get access to the course material for 7 days.

Step 3: A new tab will appear which contains the details about information and policy. Read it and click on the hyperlink ‘Start free trial’.

Step 4: The participant will be asked to enter the details like the name on the card, card number, expiration date, CVV and name of the country.

Step 5: Fill in the details and get started.

The Syllabus

  • Welcome and Acknowledgments
  • Introduction to the Lightboard
  • Welcome to the Specialization!
  • Modern Robotics (MR) Code Library and Your Programming Language
  • CoppeliaSim Robot Simulator
  • How to Make This Course Successful
  • (Optional) Chapter 1
Discussion Prompt
  • CoppeliaSim Tips

  • Foundations of Robot Motion
  • Degrees of Freedom of a Rigid Body (Chapter 2 through 2.1)
  • Degrees of Freedom of a Robot (Chapter 2.2)
  • Welcome to Course 1, Foundations of Robot Motion
  • Chapter 2 through 2.
  • Lecture Comprehension, Degrees of Freedom of a Rigid Body (Chapter 2 through 2.1)
  • Lecture Comprehension, Degrees of Freedom of a Robot (Chapter 2.2)
  • Chapter 2 through 2.2, Configuration Space
Discussion Prompt
  • Degrees of Freedom of the Human Arm

  • Configuration Space Topology (Chapter 2.3.1)
  • Configuration Space Representation (Chapter 2.3.2)
  • Configuration and Velocity Constraints (Chapter 2.4)
  • Task Space and Workspace (Chapter 2.5)
  • Chapters 2.3-2.5
  • Lecture Comprehension, Configuration Space Topology (Chapter 2.3.1)
  • Lecture Comprehension, Configuration Space Representation (Chapter 2.3.2)
  • Lecture Comprehension, Configuration and Velocity Constraints (Chapter 2.4)
  • Lecture Comprehension, Task Space and Workspace (Chapter 2.5)
  • Chapter 2.3 through 2.5, Configuration Space
Discussion Prompt
  • Topological Equivalence

  • Introduction to Rigid-Body Motions (Chapter 3 through 3.1)
  • Rotation Matrices (Chapter 3.2.1, Part 1 of 2)
  • Rotation Matrices (Chapter 3.2.1, Part 2 of 2)
  • Angular Velocities (Chapter 3.2.2)
  • Exponential Coordinates of Rotation (Chapter 3.2.3, Part 1 of 2)
  • Exponential Coordinates of Rotation (Chapter 3.2.3, Part 2 of 2)
  • Chapter 3 through 3.2
  • Lecture Comprehension, Introduction to Rigid-Body Motions (Chapter 3 through 3.1)
  • Lecture Comprehension, Rotation Matrices (Chapter 3.2.1, Part 1 of 2)
  • Lecture Comprehension, Rotation Matrices (Chapter 3.2.1, Part 2 of 2)
  • Lecture Comprehension, Angular Velocities (Chapter 3.2.2)
  • Lecture Comprehension, Exponential Coordinates of Rotation (Chapter 3.2.3, Part 1 of 2)
  • Lecture Comprehension, Exponential Coordinates of Rotation (Chapter 3.2.3, Part 2 of 2)
  • Chapter 3 through 3.2, Rigid-Body Motions
Discussion Prompt
  • Other Representations of Orientation

  • Homogeneous Transformation Matrices (Chapter 3.3 through 3.3.1)
  • Twists (Chapter 3.3.2, Part 1 of 2)
  • Twists (Chapter 3.3.2, Part 2 of 2)
  • Exponential Coordinates of Rigid-Body Motion (Chapter 3.3.3)
  • Wrenches (Chapter 3.4)

Chapters 3.3 and 3.4

  • Lecture Comprehension, Homogeneous Transformation Matrices (Chapter 3 through 3.3.1)
  • Lecture Comprehension, Twists (Chapter 3.3.2, Part 1 of 2)
  • Lecture Comprehension, Twists (Chapter 3.3.2, Part 2 of 2)
  • Lecture Comprehension, Exponential Coordinates of Rigid-Body Motion (Chapter 3.3.3)
  • Lecture Comprehension, Wrenches (Chapter 3.4)
  • Chapters 3.3 and 3.4, Rigid-Body Motions
Discussion Prompt
  • Screws, Twists, and Exponential Coordinates, Oh My!
Peer Review
  • Modern Robotics Course 1 (Foundations of Robot Motion) Project


Northwestern University, Evanston Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

1: Is there any provision for taking up more than one course?

The participant can get enrolled in more than one course depending on his/her capacity and availability.

2: Are there any enrolment options provided?

Coursera provides two types of enrolment options: 

  • Audit the course, wherein the participant can view reading materials and videos without a certificate and any access to the graded assignment.
  • Enrol in the course by subscribing to Coursera after 7 days of a free trial.
3: What kind of help is being provided to the student who is having financial problems?

Coursera provides financial aid for the students. All they need to do is fill the application form. It may take around 15 days for the application review after which the student will be intimated.

4: What is the level of course with respect to complexity?

The course is of intermediate level.

5: Is there any money-back guarantee or refund option available for the course?

There is no provision of refund or money-back guarantee after subscription to the course. However, the participant may stop the subscription anytime.

6: What teaching-learning methodology is being applied in the course?

The participants of the course are provided reading material, videos, and practice exercises along with quizzes at regular intervals.

7: Is there any provision to rectify dialect error, if any?

There is a provision of video subtitles in languages like French, Spanish, Russian, English, and Portuguese (Brazilian) to rectify dialect error.

8: How are the grades provided in the course?

The participant needs to appear for quizzes that are provided after each module to fetch the grades in the course.

9: What time frame is required for course completion?

The course completion takes about 24 hours approximately.



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