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Quick Facts

Medium Of InstructionsMode Of LearningMode Of Delivery
EnglishSelf StudyVideo and Text Based

Course Overview

The Cryptography: Boolean functions and related problems online course is offered by the Novosibirsk State University in the online educational platform Coursera. The course instruction of this online programme is for five hours and is scheduled for five weeks. It is led by the course educators, Kutensko Aleksandr(Researcher), Anastasiya Gorodilova(Senior Lecturer), Natalia Tokareva(Associate Professor), Stjepan Picek(Assistant Professor), George Pintus(Researcher). 

The Online training helps the learners gain advanced knowledge about cryptography and the algorithm skills associated with it. It provides the opportunity to understand the boolean functions of cryptography. The expert guidance from the educators and feedback from the peers during discussions will enable the students to gain an enhanced skill set of Cryptography. This advanced-level course provides the benefit of earning a course certificate that can be shared for a reference to your knowledge of cryptography. The videos, readings, and practice exercises in the course training help the students get a wholesome learning experience.

The Highlights

  • Online mode
  • Five hours course instruction 
  • Advanced level course
  • Adjustable deadlines
  • Subtitles in English
  • Certificate
  • Financial aid
  • Audit option

Programme Offerings

  • Lectures
  • videos
  • Final test
  • Quiz
  • Practice Exercises
  • Graded Assignments
  • Certificate
  • Self-learning.

Courses and Certificate Fees

Fees InformationsCertificate AvailabilityCertificate Providing Authority
INR 2162yesNovosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk

The candidates who wish to access the graded assignments and the shareable certificate of the Cryptography: Boolean functions and related problems online course can apply for the ‘Financial aid’ provided by Coursera.

Cryptography: Boolean functions and related problems Fee Structure

ParticularsAmount in INR

Audit mode (Candidates will have access to all course materials except graded items)


Graded assignments and certificate

Rs. 2,152

Eligibility Criteria

Certificate Qualifying details

The Cryptography: Boolean functions and related problems certificate is provided by Coursera to the candidates who have paid for the shareable certificate and completed the course.

What you will learn

Knowledge of CryptographyKnowledge of Cyber SecurityKnowledge of AlgorithmsMathematical skill

This Cryptography: Boolean functions and related problems online certification course will let the candidates learn about the techniques involved in cryptography in detail. It helps them understand its development in Russia and the Soviet Union. The candidates will gain knowledge about the boolean functions and S-Boxes and the nature of resistance of a particular cipher tends to be based on the boolean function. The students of this online programme get to learn about the methods involved in cryptanalysis and the two significant types of boolean functions called the Bent function and the Almost Perfect Nonlinear(APN) function. The course familiarises the trainees with the Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning(ML) of cryptography.

Who it is for

The Cryptography: Boolean functions and related problems online certification course will benefit those interested in knowing about cryptography in detail and the maths used in the ciphers while understanding the essence of the defence system against the potential threats.

Admission Details

The Cryptography: Boolean functions and related problems online certification course admission is done by the following steps,

Step 1: Go to the course page in the official website of Coursera using the link,

Step 2: Click on the ‘Enroll for free’ option on the course page.

Step 3: Create a Coursera account for the enrollment process.

Step 4: Choose between ‘Purchasing the course’ or ‘Audit only’ options and register for the course.

Application Details

The candidates have to use their email ID and password to log in to the course and fill in the required details to join the Cryptography: Boolean functions and related problems online course.

The Syllabus

  • What is the course about?
  • The beginning of the Russian cryptography
  • Soviet and modern Russian cryptography
  • From cryptanalysis to cryptographic Boolean functions
  • Cryptographic Boolean functions: main properties
  • Boolean functions in cryptographic ciphers
Practice Exercise
  • Quiz 1

  • Boolean functions
  • S-boxes
  • Boolean functions and heuristics
  • S-boxes and heuristics
  • Artificial intelligence in cryptology
  • Machine learning and side-channel attack
Practice exercise
  • S-Boxes and artificial intelligence

  • Introduction and history
  • Algebraic normal form of a bent function
  • Bent rectangles and simple constructions of bent functions
  • Automorphisms of the set of bent functions
  • Bent functions in small number of variables
  • Bent sum decomposition problem
  • Generalizations of bent functions
  • Cryptographic generalizations
Practice exercise
  • Bent functions: results and applications

  • Introduction. Differential uniformity
  • Basic properties of APN functions
  • EA- and CCZ-equivalence
  • Monomial APN functions
  • Polynomial APN functions
  • APN permutations
  • Differential equivalence of APN functions
Practice exercise
  • Almost Perfect Nonlinear functions

  • Introduction to quantum information technology
  • Mathematical foundations of quantum informatics
  • Description of Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) protocol BB84
  • Intercept and resend attack on BB84 protocol
  • Description of QKD protocols B92 and E91
  • Basics of PNS attack
  • Key distillation
  • Examples of using
Practice exercises
  • Foundations of quantum key distribution
  • Final test

Evaluation process

The candidates will have to take a final test to complete the course instructor of the Cryptography: Boolean functions and related problems online certification programme.

Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

1: Which institute offers the course on ‘Cryptography: Boolean functions and related problems’ in the online course website Coursera?

Novosibirsk State University has developed the course on Cryptography: Boolean functions and related problems in Coursera.

2: From when is the Cryptography: Boolean functions and related problems online programme available on Coursera?

The course is already available on Coursera, the candidates can enrol themselves and join the course at their own convenience.

3: What is Cryptography: Boolean functions and related problems online course duration?

The online course takes five hours for the candidate to complete.

4: What is the eligibility for the Cryptography: Boolean functions and related problems online training?

There is no eligibility requirement for this online course.

5: Is the Cryptography: Boolean functions and related problems online certification course available for free?

Yes, the candidates can access the course materials, videos and practise exercises for free in the audit mode.



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