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Quick Facts

Medium Of InstructionsMode Of LearningMode Of Delivery
EnglishSelf StudyVideo and Text Based

Course Overview

Bridges have always played a significant role in infrastructure. However, structural engineering and bridge design are yet to be fully considered from an artistic perspective. Therefore, The Art of Structural Engineering by Edx will help you understand engineering from a creative discipline and art’s point of view. 

Furthermore, The Art of Structural Engineering certification syllabus will focus on learning through some of the significant bridges and their examples, built during the industrial revolution. It also deep dives into the social and economic context of bridge design, especially touching upon the interplay between its form and forces. This introductory course includes basic mathematics which is easy to grasp and understand. 

Offered by the prestigious Princeton University through Edx, The Art of Structural Engineering online course’s educator will be Maria Garlock, the Civil and Environmental Engineering department’s Professor. The program is engaging, containing a sophisticated methodology that combines engineering and artistic elements in a subtle and well-organized manner. 

The Highlights

  • Experienced faculty 
  • Self-paced learning 
  • Eight weeks, two-three hours each week
  • No certification 
  • Introductory-level course 
  • Free auditing 
  • English transcripts 
  • Engineering domain
  • Princeton University offering 
  • Video lectures

Programme Offerings

  • video lectures
  • experienced faculty
  • Self-paced learning
  • Princeton University Offering
  • Eight weeks
  • two-three hours each week
  • Free auditing
  • No certification
  • Introductory training.

Courses and Certificate Fees

Certificate Availability
  • Candidates need not pay to learn The Art of Structural Engineering by edX. It can be audited for free.

The Art of Structural Engineering: Bridges fee structure 

Course option


The Art of Structural Engineering: Bridges (Audit only)


Eligibility Criteria

The Art of Structural Engineering program entails no prerequisites and thus, anyone wanting to learn about structural engineering as an art form or pursue this field can undertake it.  

What you will learn

Civil Engineering skills

Upon finishing The Art of Structural Engineering: Bridges certification syllabus, you will learn the following: 

  • All about the cultural, economic, and social influences of structural design 
  • All about evaluating a structure within measures of structural art 
  • Understanding ways to analyse bridge forms such as suspension, beams, tie-arch, pre-stressed, cable-stayed, arch
  • Exploring ways to solve for structure efficiency using appropriate formulas

Who it is for

The Art of Structural Engineering: Bridges certification is for all candidates interested in structural engineering and who wants to learn it from a creative point-of-view.   

Admission Details

Candidates interested in learning The Art of Structural Engineering by Edx should register for the course, as shown below:  

Step 1. Visit Edx: 

Step 2. Type on the search bar “The Art of Structural Engineering: Bridges” and click on the course below.

Step 3. Now, click on “Enrol”, located on the programme webpage. You will now be directed to the account creation page. 

Step 4. Here, you must create your account or login using your existing Apple, Facebook, Google or Microsoft id. Once you enter the information, click on submit. 

Step 5. Lastly, you will receive a verification notification on your registered email id. After verifying, you can start learning.

Application Details

Learners wanting to receive The Art of Structural Engineering training do not need to fill up any form. Instead, they must sign up on edX with a new account, giving their name, country of origin, email id, and password. Alternatively, they can log in using their existing Facebook, Apple, Google, or Microsoft ids. 

The Syllabus


Princeton University, Princeton Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

1: Does edX award students with a certificate upon completion?

The course does not provide certificates or statements of accomplishment upon completion.

2: Which university is providing this course for me?

The course is provided by the prestigious Princeton University via Edx. 

3: Do I have to be from an engineering or arts field to apply for the course?

No. Candidates can apply for The Art of Structural Engineering course irrespective of their work or educational backgrounds. 

4: What is the maximum number of hours I must dedicate in a week to complete the course successfully?

All candidates must dedicate about two to three hours every week finishing the curriculum.

5: Do I receive mentorship from the instructor during the course?

No. Candidates do not have the option of availing of the mentorship facility for this course.  



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