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Quick Facts

Medium Of InstructionsMode Of LearningMode Of Delivery
EnglishSelf StudyVideo and Text Based

Course Overview

This Industry 4.0: How to Revolutionize your business certification course is all about the big revolutions taking place in the industrial sector. This course provides a broad perspective and detailed analysis of how the world is shifting towards new systems and technologies which will impact business and society. Industry 4.0: How to Revolutionize your business certification course is all about revolutionary changes and how they will impact our lifestyle, homes, offices, and economies. The cyber-physical system that will soon become the new trend is explained and analyzed here. Introduction to tools such as Cloud computing, Cyberphysical systems, Big data, and the Internet of Things are discussed. 

Industry 4.0: How to Revolutionize your business certification is understandable and suitable for participants from all disciplines. It is not a technical course, only part of it focuses on the skills gap, readiness in the organization, and knowledge workers' competencies. Industry 4.0: How to Revolutionize your business certification is verified by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. The instructors for this course are professors from renowned universities.

After Industry 4.0: How to Revolutionize your Business online course is completed a verified certificate will be provided. This certificate is very valuable. It is shareable on all platforms such as Linkedin. This certificate will ensure career growth and better opportunities in the future. Among the 2 tracks offered to the students, during the audit mode, the candidates will get limited access to the course materials for free and during the verified track, with some payment, unlimited access to the course materials is offered.

The Highlights

  • Introductory level
  • Self-paced course
  • Verified by the Hongkong polytechnic university
  • Duration of 6 weeks
  • Weekly 6-8hours of effort
  • Discussion forum
  • Free course for audit learners
  • Shareable certificate
  • 90% financial assistance

Programme Offerings

  • Quiz
  • video lectures
  • discussion forum
  • Survey

Courses and Certificate Fees

Fees InformationsCertificate AvailabilityCertificate Providing Authority
INR 17439yesThe Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong

The participants who are interested to know more about Industry 4.0: How to Revolutionize your Business course contents and wish to enrol can check these fee details given below-

  • The participants who enrol through audit track will be able to access the course for free
  • The participants who enrol through a verified track will be able to access the course and receive a verified certificate. For that, the payment for this course will be Rs. 17,439

Industry 4.0 How to Revolutionize your Business Fees Structure

Fee category

Amount in rupees


Rs 17,439

Eligibility Criteria

Certification qualifying details

To qualify for the certificate the participants will have to enroll in the verified track. They will also need to score a minimum required grade in the exam to secure the Industry 4.0: How to Revolutionize your Business certificate.

What you will learn

Knowledge of Big DataKnowledge of cloud computing

The key learning outcomes that Industry 4.0: How to Revolutionize your Business online course offers are given below:

  • Introduction to the fourth industrial revolution is the basis of the course given to the participants.
  • The participants will understand futurable skills and why they will be needed.
  • The usage of robots for collaboration will be understood.
  • The reduction of the challenges found in cybersecurity will be accessed by the course learners.
  • This course is filled with examples of automation and its usage in products and services. This knowledge will help the participants know about the markets better.
  • The advancement of smart factories will be shown. The participants will learn to compare present factories to future ones.
  • Since cloud computing will form a big part of the future world. Its importance and key roles will be emphasized in the Industry 4.0: How to Revolutionize your Business chapters. 
  • Industry 4.0: How to Revolutionize your Business online course gives insights into how organizations and knowledge workers prepare for the fourth industrial revolution.
  • Knowledge about how drivers and enabling forces work towards Industry 4.0’s growth.
  • The functioning of big data and how predictive analysis is used in data-driven decisions will be shown to the participants.

Who it is for

  • This course is suitable for learners from all disciplines.
  • The participants who are interested in knowing more about the fourth industrial revolution will be benefitted.

Admission Details

The participants willing to enroll in Industry 4.0: How to Revolutionize your business course have to follow these steps given below. To access the course swiftly these steps will help-

Step 1: The participants will have to click on this URL-

Step 2: To access the course first the participants will have to register through their email id, Google, or Facebook account.

Step 3: After registering, the participants can Sign in to the course.

Step 4: The participants then can explore this course and click on the Enrol tab.

Step 5: There are two ways to enrol in this course. Through the audit track and the verified track.

Step 6: The participants who opted for the audit track will access the course for free. And the participants who opted for the verified track will gain a verified certificate after completing the course.

Step 7: The audit track participants can upgrade their course for the verified certificate. They can also apply for financial assistance if required. 

The Syllabus


Eric Tsui

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong

Jay Lee


Norbert Gronau


The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

1: Where do I contact if my ID/ photo is not getting verified?

In case of troubleshooting, the participants can look for answered queries in edX's Learner Documentation and edX’s FAQ’s. If the participant’s issue still isn’t getting solved, they can email  for further assistance.

2: Who are the instructors for Industry 4.0: How to Revolutionize your business online course?

The instructors for Industry 4.0: How to Revolutionize your business online course are Jay Lee, Doug Vogel, Norbert Gronau, and Eric Tsui. They are esteemed professors from renowned universities who have years of teaching experience.

3: In how many days, the certificates for self-paced courses are received?

The certificates for self-paced courses are issued to verified participants right after they pass the required exams in the course. The self-paced participants don’t have to wait until the course is ended.

4: What is the discussion forum in the course for?

The discussion forum is designed for interaction among the batchmates in the course. Here, all the necessary course-related topics are discussed.

5: Does financial assistance have any kind of deadline?

Financial assistance is provided in most of the courses offered by edX. The deadline for each course varies. The upgraded deadline pops up on the right side of the Home tab. 

6: Is it possible to retake the course if anyone fails in the course?

The participants who failed in the exam for a course can enrol in it again in the next session. The participants of Industry 4.0: How to Revolutionize your business training will have to enrol and pay the fee for a verified certificate again. It isn’t possible to retake the course but the participants can enrol again.

7: What is edX’s mission?

edX is a non-profit organization whose mission is to provide free education to everyone. It wants to make knowledge more accessible and affordable. It keeps its funds running through verified certificates.

8: Where can I download the certificate?

The certificates of edX’s courses can be downloaded from a link that appears on the participants' edX dashboard. For further help, the participants can view the edX documentation for receiving the certificate and for printing and sharing certificates.

9: How can I access edX’s courses if the course end date has passed?

To access the course content after the course end date, go to archive course content and materials. It can be accessed as long as it is on the edX platform.

10: In which language is the video transcripts for Industry 4.0: How to Revolutionize your business training?

The video transcripts for this course are in the English language.


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