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Quick Facts

Medium Of InstructionsMode Of LearningMode Of Delivery
EnglishSelf StudyVideo and Text Based

Course Overview

This course Professional Certificate in Introduction to Stroke Care training is a four months online course that will help you to understand the concepts of stroke how to analyze stroke symptoms and etc can be covered. This course syllabus was designed by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and the course was offered through the EDX platform. The experienced faculty from the Hong Kong university explains this online course.

When a stroke occurs, the most common question a survivor has is whether or not he or she will recover. Recovery from a stroke can take months, years, or even a lifetime. As a result, every stroke survivor must adjust to their new normal to regain and, in many cases, relearn specific body functions and skills. The survivor's collaboration with the interdisciplinary stroke team is critical to achieving the best possible recovery outcomes. Individual healthcare professionals take on different roles and approaches at different stages of recovery.

Stroke's effects on the human body, including the gross and histological anatomy of relevant body systems. Healthcare professionals' services to stroke patients, as well as relevant anatomy knowledge for clinical procedures. The importance of an interdisciplinary stroke team and critical elements of the stroke care pathway. The rationale for a modern post-stroke rehabilitation approach. An experiential learning process for stroke recovery. Participants will get an option to enroll either in the free audit track that offers limited access or they can choose to upgrade to the paid version which is the verified track.

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The Highlights

  • Four months online course
  • Self-paced
  • Expert instruction
  • 2 Skill building courses
  • Video transcript
  • Shareable course completion certificate
  • Video lectures
  • 2-4 hours of weekly effort is required

Programme Offerings

  • University of Hong Kong polytechnic designed syllabus
  • Introductory level
  • Graded Assignments
  • exams
  • Access to course materials

Courses and Certificate Fees

Certificate AvailabilityCertificate Providing Authority
yesThe Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong

The admission fee details for this online Professional Certificate in Introduction to Stroke Care fee are Rs.25266/-.



Course Fee

Rs. 25,847

Eligibility Criteria

Certification Qualifying Details

The completion of the Professional Certificate in Introduction to Stroke Care by EDX platform and this was designed by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. In order to receive the certificate, students who are eligible must pass the exam and complete the program.

What you will learn

After completing this Professional Certificate in Introduction to Stroke Care syllabus, students can understand the journey of stroke recovery and the needs of stroke survivors. Interdisciplinary stroke care, major roles of individual healthcare professionals in the stroke recovery process, and stroke carer skills.

The effects of a stroke on the human body, including gross and histological anatomy of relevant body systems. Healthcare professionals provide stroke patients with services and relevant anatomy knowledge for clinical procedures.

The importance of an interdisciplinary stroke team, as well as key elements of the stroke care pathway. A modern post-stroke rehabilitation strategy is justified. An experiential learning process for stroke recovery. Students who complete this course will be qualified to work as healthcare providers, medical social workers, nursing assistants, and stroke coordinators.

Who it is for

The Human Anatomy for Stroke course is highly recommended for the following: Candidates who are interested in learning about the fundamentals of human anatomy and understanding the effects of stroke on the human body can apply for this course.

Admission Details

Students may take the following steps to gain admission to the Professional Certificate in Introduction to Stroke Care course classes:  

Step 1: Follow the official URL:

Step 2: On the Edx website, the participants have to register themselves.

Step 3: Admission is confirmed only after the participant can register and log in.

The Syllabus


The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

1: Who explains this Professional Certificate in Introduction to Stroke Care online course?

The experienced faculty from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University explains this online course.

2: What job opportunities exist after completing this online course?

After completing this online course, job opportunities include healthcare providers, medical social workers, nursing assistants, and stroke coordinators.

3: What is the average salary for a stroke coordinator after completing this online course?

The average annual base salary for a Stroke Coordinator is $94,678.

4: Does the institute provides course completion certificates?

Yes, the institute provides a course completion certificate.

5: Is there a transcript for this course available?

Yes, an English video transcript for this course is available.


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