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Quick Facts

Medium Of InstructionsMode Of LearningMode Of Delivery
EnglishSelf StudyVideo and Text Based

Course Overview

The analysis of biological datasets requires a strong computational background. If you happen to be a non-computational biologist, then this programme can be highly beneficial for you. The Analyze Your Genome programme by edX covers several biological problems concerning NGS or next-generation sequencing. It is an offering of the University of California, San Diego.

The edX Analyze Your Genome online course will take you through the process of using Illumina’s BaseSpace platform. It will enable you to run workflows in a convenient and user-friendly manner. Besides, you will learn to utilise modern best-practice pipelines. These will include Trio Analysis, Genome Assembly, Differential Expression Analysis, and Variant Calling.

Furthermore, the professors and doctoral students of the University of California will be the Analyze Your Genome certification course educators. It is a four-week training programme that follows a self-paced model of learning. Thus, you can learn the course content at any time, anywhere.

The Highlights

  • Free course enrollment
  • Four-week programme
  • Introductory-level training
  • English medium of delivery
  • Self-paced course
  • Online course
  • Learnt programme educators
  • Shareable programme certificate 
  • A University of California (USC) offering

Programme Offerings

  • Learnt course instructors
  • Self-paced learning
  • A University of California offering
  • Online Program
  • Shareable and verified program certificate
  • Free course enrollment
  • Four-week course
  • Biology and Life Sciences course

Courses and Certificate Fees

Fees InformationsCertificate AvailabilityCertificate Providing Authority
INR 4081yesUC San Diego

You can enroll in the Analyze Your Genome training course by edX for free. But in order to receive a shareable edX certificate for the program, you need to pay Rs. 4,081 

Analyze Your Genome Fees Structure

Certificate FeesRs 4,081 

Eligibility Criteria

To become eligible for the Analyze Your Genome course by edX, you must possess a fundamental understanding of the central dogma.

What you will learn

Knowledge of genetics

You can comprehend the following concepts by completing the Analyze Your Genome training course by edX:

  • Genome reconstruction by using the tiny fragments 
  • Working of genome assembly tools
  • Sequencing a pathogen with popular genome assembly techniques
  • Finding mutations in a genome
  • Testing the link of a genome to genetic diseases
  • Analyzing gene expressions
  • Investigating the cell types to identify the important ones for each type
  • Investigating the over-expression of genes in diseases such as cancer

Who it is for

The edX Analyze Your Genome program is intended for biologists who lack computational skills. It is an introductory-level program with minimal prerequisites to qualify for the course.

Admission Details

Step 1. Visit the edX website.

Step 2. Go to the “Analyze Your Genome!” program.

Step 3. On the program homepage, select “Enroll.”

Step 4. Now, you have the option of registering via a Facebook, Google, or Microsoft account. If you have a prior edX account, then log in with its credentials.

The Syllabus

  • Given raw whole genome sequence data, you will learn how to perform genome assembly, assess the quality of the assembled genome, perform annotation and gene prediction, and perform basic comparative genomics

  • Given raw whole genome sequence data as well as raw whole exome sequence data, you will learn how to perform variant calling and will dive into comparing and contrasting the pros and cons of each sequencing method

  • Given raw whole genome sequence data from parents and a child, you will learn how to perform variant calling on each and how to perform “trio analysis” (e.g. finding which parent was the source of each of the child’s SNVs, searching for rare de novo mutations, and finding compound heterozygous traits)

  • Given raw RNA-Seq data from different samples, you will learn how to align the reads, count the number of transcripts of each gene in either sample, and perform pairwise differential expression across the samples to determine which genes underwent the most significant expression changes


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UC San Diego Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

1: How can one analyse the entire genome sequencing data?

With the help of different software tools, WGS or whole-genome sequence data is read, interpreted, and analyzed. The idea is to identify variations or discrepancies in genetic codes and assess them against reference genomes, among other tasks.

2: How is genetic sequencing helpful?

Genetic sequencing allows scientists or physicians to determine the genetic information carried in a specific segment of DNA. It allows them to comprehend the molecular pathology of genetic disease presentations.

3: What is Illumina’s BaseSpace that we will study in the Analyze Your Genome online course?

Illumina’s BaseSpace gives informaticians and biologists a platform to analyze, store, and share genetic data. You can learn its use by enrolling in the Analyze Your Genome program by edX.

4: Does this program cover an advanced-level of learning?

No, the edX Analyze Your Genome course is not an advanced-level program. It has an introductory level of difficulty.

5: What is the program structure of Analyze Your Genome like?

Analyze Your Genome program by edX has a curriculum that will cover a particular biological challenge for practice every week. Then, the students need to use next-generation sequencing and Illumina’s BaseSpace platform to run pipelines.


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