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Quick Facts

Medium Of InstructionsMode Of LearningMode Of Delivery
EnglishSelf Study, Virtual ClassroomVideo and Text Based

Course Overview

Healthcare services are widely hailed as the most sought-after and rewarding out of all the professions. However, due to the lack of proper resources and awareness, it has become increasingly complex for healthcare professionals to provide optimal services. This course in Introduction to Management and Leadership in Health Services by FutureLearn is designed to train health and social care staff inefficient managerial skills. 

The candidates enrolled in the Management and Leadership in Health Services certification will undergo training to acquire crucial skills like management, decision-making, adaptability, analytical skills, leadership and creativity. The course curriculum is designed by keeping the current scenario in mind, and it is imparted by expert instructors from the University of Glasgow and Adam Smith Business School.

The Management and Leadership in Health Services online micro-credential has a 10-week duration. The candidates will learn to assess the delivery of healthcare, health service policy, causes of underperformance and system failures. After completion, they will get ten academic credits of the Master’s level from the University of Glasgow. 

The Highlights

  • University of Glasgow credits
  • 10-week duration
  • Expert faculty
  • Postgraduate-level 
  • Project assessment 
  • Career-oriented 
  • Self-paced learning
  • Micro-credentials in two parts
  • Flexible joining 

Programme Offerings

  • University of Glasgow postgraduate credits
  • completion certificate
  • Summative assessment
  • Experienced Instructors
  • Student support services
  • Library
  • Enrolment advisors

Courses and Certificate Fees

Certificate AvailabilityCertificate Providing Authority

To pay the fee, you can choose from Visa, American Express or Mastercard, or pay through PayPal using the payment portal.

Management and Leadership in Health Services fee structure

CourseTotal Fee

Management and Leadership in Health Services


Eligibility Criteria


The candidates eligible for the Microcredential on Introduction to Management and Leadership in Health Services would include the individuals who hold an undergraduate degree of at least 2.2 honours level or equivalent in a relevant discipline. Along with this, they must have a minimum of six months of work experience in the healthcare department. Besides, those with a relevant professional qualification and a minimum of two years of work experience in professional healthcare management are also eligible.

Certificate qualifying details

The candidates will receive a certificate of completion from the University of Glasgow. This certificate holds 10 academic credits of the postgraduate-level for the university’s MSc in Health Services Management.

What you will learn

LeadershipRisk Management

After completing the Introduction to Management and Leadership in Health Services programme, the learners will achieve the skills required to: 

  • Assess the role of leadership and management in health care services
  • Evaluate the inter-organizational issues, the organization and delivery of health care services
  • Evaluate the underlying principles of health service policy and health services development
  • Apply principles like quality assurance, risk management and clinical governance in health care services
  • Judge the health intelligence data employed in improvement activities and health service quality

Who it is for

This course is designed for professionals working in social and health care who are looking to boost their career opportunities or level-up their skill-set.

Admission Details

Step 1. To get admission in the Introduction to Management and Leadership in Health Services course.

Step 2. Here, you will find the option to ‘Join now $1,199’. Click on it, or select the ‘Sign in’/ ‘Register’ option.

Step 3. Next, enter your account details to log in. If you don’t have an account, you can create one by signing up or using your Google/Facebook Ids to sign up.

Step 4. After registration, pay the course fee. 

Application Details

No separate application form has to be filled by the candidates to enrol in the Management and Leadership in Health Services programme. They can directly register on FutureLearn’s website and enrol for the course. 

The Syllabus

Week 1: Introduction and Navigating the healthcare terrain
  • Welcome
  • Accessing Glasgow University Resources
  • Course Information
  • Navigating the healthcare terrain
Week 2: The nature of healthcare management
  • Introduction to Week 2
  • Strategy and Healthcare Management
  • Compassion in healthcare management and leadership
  • A ‘mixed economy’ of care
  • Summary of Week 2
Week 3: Human elements of healthcare management
  • Introduction to Week 3
  • Managers and Management
  • Leaders and Leadership
  • Comparing Management and Leadership
  • Summary of Week 3
Week 4: Governance and accountability
  • Introduction to Week 4
  • The role of governance in healthcare organisations
  • Exploring organisational culture
  • Governance and accountability from the perspective of a CEO
Week 5: Assessment 1 / Data You Can Count On
  • Assessment 1: Bulletin
  • A Note on Data

Week 1: Introduction to systems approaches
  • Introduction to Week 6
  • Working across boundaries
  • Systems Thinking in Healthcare
  • Alternative Approaches to Health and Social Care Integration
  • Conclusion
Week 2: Understanding Policymaking
  • Introduction to Week
  • Making Policy
  • 'Wicked Problems': Drug-related deaths in Scotland
  • Working with 'Wicked Problems' from a Policy Perspective
Week 3: Leading change
  • Introduction to Week 8
  • Managing a Change Process
  • Examples: Change at national and local levels
  • Seizing the Opportunity: Unplanned Changes
Week 4: Health Economics and Economic Evaluations
  • Introduction to Week 9
  • Principles of healthcare economics
  • Decision Making on Allocated Healthcare Resources
  • Preparing an Economic Evaluation for Peer Review
  • Summary of the course and making future career plans
Week 5: Assessment
  • Assignment 2


University of Glasgow, Glasgow Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

1: Is the course curriculum Scotland-specific?

Although the University of Glasgow offers the course, it has a global approach and contains real-world international examples to make it relevant and applicable for all countries. 

2: I reside in India. Can I take the course?

Yes. This FutureLearn microcredential is open for learners from all parts of the world. For this purpose, the live sessions are recorded, and you can access them at a comfortable time of the day as per your time zone. 

3: Can I pay the course fee by cash?

As of now, you can make the fee payment only via the online portal. You can use a Visa, Mastercard or American Express card to pay or use PayPal for the online payment.

4: What is the course duration?

The course comprises two parts, of 5-weeks duration each. Therefore, the total course duration is ten weeks.

5: Are there any assignments during the microcredential?

Yes, the candidates will get tutor-marked projects and assignments to test their skills. 



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