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Quick Facts

Medium Of InstructionsMode Of LearningMode Of Delivery
EnglishSelf StudyVideo and Text Based

Course Overview

In the contemporary age, the process, known as the “Judicialisation of Politics” is taking place rapidly. This is the phenomenon in which the power of the courts or the judiciary is expanding quickly in democratic countries. The Comparative Judicial Systems training aims to shed light on this unprecedented proliferation of power and its real-time impacts. 

Candidates who enrol for the Comparative Judicial Systems programme will explore how and why the decision-making rights are being shifted from the legislative and executive to the judiciary. The course emphasises the relationship between courts and the current political environment. It also looks at the judiciary's overall role in setting a precedent and how it impacts the politics of a country. 

The Comparative Judicial Systems certification syllabus takes candidates through the judicial system's structure, appointment procedure, the judge’s role, power and independence. The Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico (University of Naples Federico II) has created this five-week short law course. You can also avail English and Italian video transcripts with the programme. By enrolling to any one of the tracks namely verified and audit the students may learn the programme. During the audit track, learning is free for a limited time period whereas during the verified track learning is unlimited but paid.

The Highlights

  • Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico (University of Naples Federico II) course 
  • Short term duration- five weeks 
  • Free enrolment procedure 
  • Video transcripts available 
  • Self-paced programme 
  • Verified certificate by the institute 
  • 5 weeks duration
  • Course on Law 

Programme Offerings

  • Free enrollment option
  • Certificate of completion
  • Short-term duration
  • Examples
  • English and Italian video transcripts
  • Pre-recorded Video Lectures
  • Self-paced learning
  • Verified Certification

Courses and Certificate Fees

Fees InformationsCertificate AvailabilityCertificate Providing Authority
INR 4589yesUniversity of Naples Federico II, Naples
  • edX offers the Comparative Judicial Systems Online Course for free, and candidates can get full access to the course material with the free audit option.
  • However, if you want to get the institution's verified certification, you need to pay a Comparative Judicial Systems Certification Fee.

Comparative Judicial Systems Fee Structure

Course Title

Fee in INR

Comparative Judicial Systems Course 


Comparative Judicial Systems Certification Fee

Rs. 4,589

Eligibility Criteria

Certification qualifying details

The Comparative Judicial Systems certification by edX is offered to those students only who complete the course, and also have paid the full fee while taking admission. 

What you will learn

Knowledge of law

Candidates who complete the Comparative Judicial Systems certification syllabus will gain in-depth knowledge of the following: 

  • The structure of the judicial system
  • The role plates by the judges in adjudication
  • The essential components of the judicial system and their interaction
  • The relationships of courts with the political environment
  • Transformation of contemporary politics
  • Future alternative and perspective of reform in different political concepts

Who it is for

The Comparative Judicial Systems Online Course is designed for students pursuing a Master's degree in law or political science like lawyers. Other interested individuals who wish to learn and analyse the global judicial system's transformation are also welcome to enrol. 

Admission Details

  • Candidates who wish to register for the course on Comparative Judicial Systems classes by edX can do so by visiting the official edX website. Click on this link to open the website:
  • Enter the course title “Comparative Judicial Systems” in the search tab and click on the online course to see the details.
  • Once you have gone through the online programme details, select the option to “Enroll”. You can also choose either of the “Sign in” or “Register” options.
  • On the registration page, enter your name, email ID, etc. to create an account or log in using your existing accounts on Microsoft, Apple, Facebook, or Google.
  • edX will send you a confirmation mail on your registered email address, after which you can begin the course.

Application Details

The Comparative Judicial Systems Certification Course does not have an application form. Candidates can directly take admission into the course by following the steps mentioned above to register as a user.

The Syllabus

  • Lesson 1 - Introduction. The global expansion of judicial power

  • Lesson 2 - The process of adjudication and the role of the judge in constitutional states
  • Lesson 3 - Assessing judicial power: the judicial system and its access

  • Lesson 4 - Assessing judicial power: the powers of the judge
  • Lesson 5 - Assessing judicial power: the judiciary

  • Lesson 6 - Models of judicial decision-making
  • Lesson 7 - Theories of judicial power

  • Lesson 8 - Courts and politics in common law systems: the USA
  • Lesson 9 - Courts and politics in civil law systems: the case of Italy

  • Lesson 10 - Courts in totalitarian and authoritarian regimes


University of Naples Federico II, Naples Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

1: What are the benefits of the certification?

The certification by edX holds the logo of the institute offering the course, the Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico (University of Naples Federico II). This can significantly boost the credibility of your knowledge and qualifications and open up avenues for greater opportunities. The certification is a proven motivator as it is signed by the instructor.

2: What is the Comparative Judicial Systems online course length and how much time is required per week?

The course duration is five weeks, and candidates need to put in the effort for five to eight hours per week.

3: Does the course include live online sessions?

No, the course consists of pre-recorded video lectures, and there are no live sessions with the instructor. Candidates can access the videos at any time as per their convenience.

4: Is this an advanced-level online course?

No, this is an introductory level course by edX.

5: Which institution has created this Comparative Judicial Systems course?

The Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico (University of Naples Federico II) has created this course, available for free audit on edX.



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