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Quick Facts

Medium Of InstructionsMode Of LearningMode Of Delivery
EnglishSelf Study, Virtual ClassroomVideo and Text Based

Course Overview

The Remembering Empire online course is about the collective memory of the empire. It talks about the memories of French settlers in Algeria and their view of Algerian colonial history. In this program, you will learn about these settlers’ history, the subsequent eight-year-long Algerian War of Independence, and the French settlers’ mass exit in 1962. The curriculum focuses on the mass migration’s cultural impact and aims to arrive at how France shaped Algeria’s colonial history. 

The UK Government’s Arts and Humanities Research Council has funded the Remembering Empire certification. It is a five-week online course in the field of Social Sciences and Humanities. You will be learning through videos, short readings, discussions, and quizzes through an interactive and comprehensive journey. 

Dr. Fiona Barclay of the University of Stirling, Scotland, will deliver the Remembering Empire program. You do not need any prior knowledge to join this course. Moreover, this in-depth curriculum will help you seek career prospects in cultural industries, charities, and amongst memory activists, museums, etc. 

The Highlights

  • The University of Stirling, Scotland’s faculty
  • Course in Social Sciences and Humanities
  • History, Literature and Memory program
  • No prerequisites
  • An in-depth case study
  • Five-week online course
  • Videos and quizzes
  • Free admission
  • Short readings and discussions
  • Arts and Humanities Research Council’s funded project

Programme Offerings

  • Memory programme
  • videos
  • quizzes
  • Short readings and discussions
  • Social Sciences and Humanities
  • Funded by UK government’s Arts and Humanities Research Council
  • Faculty from University of Stirling
  • Five-week online course.

Courses and Certificate Fees

Certificate Availability

What you will learn

Knowledge of history

After completing the five-week-long Remembering Empire program, you will learn about:

  • Different types of memory models
  • Early years of French Algeria
  • French settlers in Algeria
  • The Mediterranean mass migration’s cultural impact
  • How the postcolonial minorities comprehend themselves and their relationship with their nation
  • The Algerian War of Independence 
  • Exile of settlers in 1962

Who it is for

The Remembering Empire by iversity is relevant for individuals in a variety of fields such as: 

  • Education
  • Memory activists
  • Cultural industry
  • Charities
  • Museums and heritages

Admission Details

You can enroll in the Remembering Empire online program through these simple instructions: 

Step 1: Click on this link: and locate ‘Enroll’ on the page. Go through the curriculum details. If you are interested in the course, click on the ‘Enroll’ button. 

Step 2: If you are using the iversity platform for the first time, you must sign up. You can use your current email address for this.  Else, you can skip the sign-up process and proceed to sign in using your Google, Facebook, or LinkedIn account.

Step 3: If you’re already registered, sign in to the website and start learning. 

Application Details

The Remembering Empire training does not have an application form. You need to register for free through your email address and a preferred password. Alternatively, you can also use your social media accounts to sign in, namely LinkedIn, Facebook or Google. 

The Syllabus

  • What is memory based on competition?  
  • What are the different models of memory? 
  • What is memory based on implication?

  • What happened in the early years of French Algeria? 
  • How are they remembered? 

  • What were some of the myths about settler society? 
  • What were the material realities of settler colonialism in Algeria? 

  • The Algerian War of Independence is a crucial part of 20th century world history
  • How is it understood by the former French settlers? 

  • What happened to the settlers when they left, en masse, in 1962? 
  • How has this moment shaped their memories? 


University of Stirling, Stirling Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

1: Which website offers the Remembering Empire programme?

Iversity, the online learning website, offers the Remembering Empire programme.

2: Will there be quizzes in this course?

Yes, there will be weekly quizzes in this course. 

3: I want to work in a museum. Will completing this course help me upgrade my resume?

Yes. Remembering Empire is a course in History, Literature, and Memory. It is relevant to museums and heritage. 

4: Who will be teaching the Remembering Empire course?

Dr. Fiona Barclay from the University of Stirling will be the instructor for this course. 

5: Do I need any prior knowledge to join this training?

No. This curriculum requires no prior experience. 



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