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Quick Facts

Medium Of InstructionsMode Of LearningMode Of Delivery
EnglishSelf StudyVideo and Text Based

Course Overview

Artificial Intelligence in Marketing Certification is an introduction to Marketing of the new age, as we all know that AI is everywhere now! By harnessing the power of Artificial Intelligence there has been amazing growth potential to cash in and opportunities for enhancing marketing with AI are always expanding exponentially as with other new age technologies.

Artificial Intelligence in Marketing Training helps the candidate understand how businesses can use AI tools to drive their success and gain sustainable competitive advantages. What are the challenges faced by businesses and companies as they implement Artificial Intelligence (AI) into their marketing strategies?

All students get Artificial Intelligence in Marketing Certification developed by the Darden School of Business at the University of Virginia and provided by Coursera.

The Highlights

  • Provided by Coursera
  • Online course
  • Learn at your own schedule
  • Shareable Certificate

Programme Offerings

  • Online Course
  • Coursera certificate
  • Small Programme Duration
  • Graded Materials.

Courses and Certificate Fees

Fees InformationsCertificate AvailabilityCertificate Providing Authority
INR 4957yesCoursera

Artificial Intelligence in Marketing is free for all candidates when the candidates only choose to audit the program by getting only access to the materials except the graded ones. But there is a small amount of Rs. 4,957 that has to be paid in case there is a requirement for graded materials and certification from the students. 

Artificial Intelligence in Marketing Fee Structure


Amount in INR

Audit Mode


Course Certificate Fee

Rs. 4,957

Eligibility Criteria

Educational Qualification

Artificial Intelligence in Marketing Certification by Coursera is open to all candidates.

Certificate Qualifying Details

E-Certificates will be issued by Coursera to all such participants who have attended the program with a minimum of 90% attendance.

What you will learn

Knowledge of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence in Marketing Classes will explore an important frontier of digital transformation in marketing. Candidates will examine three key pillars that enable Artificial Intelligence (AI) in marketing strategies - Algorithms, Networks, and Data - and thus, gain a deeper understanding of how businesses worldwide in a wide variety of industries and organisations can get the most out of this exciting latest Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology. 

Students will see and understand the real-world examples of successful multinational companies like Ford, Netflix, and Washington Post that are using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to take on the competition in creative ways. They will also hear from various industry experts about how Artificial Intelligence (AI) is shaping the future in their respective industries. Marketing Certification Courses along with Artificial Intelligence (AI) will give marketing teams more time to work on strategic and analytical work

All students will understand the following things after completing of Artificial Intelligence in Marketing Online Course:

  • How to use data-driven Artificial Intelligence (AI) to improve customer engagement
  • Develop networked business models 
  • How to leverage network effects
  • To build a sustainable competitive advantage from data gathered on digital platforms
  • To use algorithms, networks, and data
  • Advertisements that are personalised to individual customers

Who it is for

Everyone interested can join the course and learn about the course. This course opens up the following job opportunities:

  • Digital Marketing Executive
  • Marketing Executive
  • Digital Marketing Analyst

Admission Details

Admission for the Artificial Intelligence in Marketing starts soon for limited seats only. Follow the steps mentioned below:

Step 1: Open the form on the website.

Step 2: Fill up the academic and career details.

Step 3: Pay Fees.

The Syllabus

  • Welcome to the Course
  • Welcome to Week 1
  • What Is AI?
  • Where Does the Data Come From?
  • Machine Learning
  • Deep Learning
  • Week 1 Takeaways
  • Course Overview and Requirements
  • Automation of Marketing Models
Practice exercises
  • Week 1 Practice Quiz 1
  • Week 1 Practice Quiz 2
  • Week 1 Final Quiz

  • Welcome to Week 2
  • An Autonomous F150?
  • Interview: Jim Snead on Automation at Ford
  • Autonomous Vehicles: Preconceptions and Reality
  • About the Discussion: the Autonomous Market vs the Current Market
  • Networks and Network Effects
  • Money and Subsidy Sides
  • Trigger Network Effects
  • About the Discussion: Network Effects in an Autonomous Vehicle Market
  • Can Machines Have Personalities?
  • Week 2 Takeaways
  • Driverless Trucks at Ford: Cruising Into a Compromised Brand Identity?
Practice exercises
  • Week 2 Practice Quiz
  • Week 2 Final Quiz

  • Welcome to Week 3
  • The Success of Netflix
  • About the Discussion: Keys to Success for Netflix
  • Disney+ Arrives on the Scene
  • About the Discussion: Why is Disney Entering the Streaming Space?
  • The Paradox of Civilization
  • Sources of Advantage
  • Netflix's Sustainable Competitive Advantage
  • Week 3 Takeaways
  • Technical Note on Sustainable Competitive Advantage 
  • Netflix, Inc: The Mouse Strikes Back
Practice exercises
  • Week 3 Practice Quiz
  • Week 3 Final Quiz

  • Welcome to Week 4
  • The Success of the Washington Post
  • Interview: Patrick Cullen on Innovation at the Washington Post – Part 1 
  • Interview: Patrick Cullen on Innovation at the Washington Post – Part 2 
  • Networks and Nodes
  • How Are Nodes Approaching AI?
  • AI Relationship Moments
  • Consumer Data and the Coke Freestyle Machine
  • Week 4 Takeaways
  • Course Conclusion 
  • Peer Reviewed Assignment Overview
Practice exercises
  • Week 4 Practice Quiz 1
  • 2nd Week 4 Practice Quiz
  • Video Feedback Survey
  • Week 4 Final Quiz


UVA Charlottesville Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

1: What is Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Marketing?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the capability to personalize purchasing processes through recommendations and hence many brands want to adopt Artificial Intelligence to connect with their customers.

2: How are the classes for this Artificial Intelligence in Marketing Online Course being held?

The Classes for this certification course by Coursera are taken online through video lectures.

3: Why is Artificial Intelligence (AI) important for marketing?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) helps marketers better understand customers and improve customer experiences. Also enables them to create a predictive customer analysis and be more targeted and individually tailored.

4: Who is the instructor for this certificate course?

Rajkumar Venkatesan, Professor of Business Administration at the Darden Business School at the University of Virginia is the instructor of this course.

5: How will Artificial Intelligence (AI) change marketing?

With Artificial Intelligence i.e. AI-powered tools, marketing teams will be able to automate certain cognitive tasks, spot current marketing and viral trends, as well as predict the future thereby helping to ensure the success of marketing campaigns.



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