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Quick Facts

Medium Of InstructionsMode Of LearningMode Of Delivery
EnglishSelf StudyVideo and Text Based

Course Overview

With an edX-provided platform for education, the certificate program Nutrition and Health: Micronutrients and Malnutrition will focus on the main topics of malnutrition and micronutrients that can impact human health. As humans despite a lot of information being made available, it is not clear on what is true and better for health and its requirements. The course may be pursued by choosing 2 tracks, one is audit, and the other is verified. The verified mode offers unlimited time to complete the learning but during the audit mode, the candidates will only be able to learn the course in a limited period of access.

This course will address the relationship between both nutrition and human health by focusing on malnutrition-related health issues. The candidates will learn more about diet and nutrition impacting both current as well as future health.  The course explores the dangers of malnutrition concerning human health and global hunger. The course will also try to address and combat these problems created by malnutrition and improve them with proper strategies. The course is one of the few courses that is made an essential component of the “Food, Nutrition and Health” professional certificate programme. The course in the audit mode is self-paced but only provides a limited period of access whereas the candidates during the verified mode will be able to learn the course in an unlimited time frame.

The Highlights

  • 7 weeks period course duration
  • 6 to 8 hours of student engagement
  • 100% e-learning course
  • 4-course instructors from Wageningen
  • English mode of instruction
  • Audit option for the course
  • edX verified certificate
  • Self-paced with limited access in audit mode

Programme Offerings

  • Multiple choice questions
  • Video transcripts
  • Module exams
  • Peer review
  • Personal food quest

Courses and Certificate Fees

Fees InformationsCertificate AvailabilityCertificate Providing Authority
INR 20711yesWageningen University and Research, Wageningen

The aggregate fee set for this course is Rs.20,711 

Nutrition and Health: Micronutrients and Malnutrition

Fee Details

Amount in Rs.

Total fee

Rs. 20,711 

Note: Any student wishing to audit this course with no certificate will be able to do so without any fee payment.                                                                                                                                                                               

Eligibility Criteria


The candidate will need to have an undergraduate degree that covers basic biology in its coursework to be qualified to enroll for the course. 

Certification qualifying details

The candidate who is seeking a verified certificate in this program must pay for the program fee and will need to obtain at least 60% final score of all evaluations, in which 80% of the great goes towards the model exam and 20% accounts for the peer review assignment.

What you will learn

Knowledge of nutrition

This course on  Nutrition and Health: Micronutrients and Malnutrition is arranged for candidates who will learn the following:

  • The course will introduce the candidates to the area of nutrition and food. 
  • The student will learn about food composition. 
  • The candidate will learn about the basic chemistry associated with minerals and vitamins. 
  • The candidates will learn about the role played by both minerals and vitamins in the body. 
  • The candidate will learn about the impact caused by malnutrition on a global level and the solutions offered for treating the malaise of malnutrition. 
  • The candidate will learn to improve the status of nutrition through nutritional strategies and understand ways to combat malnutrition. 
  • The candidate will learn how to weigh and decipher information about nutrition and health. 
  • The candidate should learn about the connection between nutrition and lifestyle in terms of diseases. 
  • The candidates will learn how science and its development are relevant to society. 
  • The candidate will learn about the causes of vitamin deficiency of several vitamins required for the body

Who it is for

This course on  Nutrition and Health: Micronutrients and Malnutrition will be benefiting the following people: 

  • Healthcare professionals need to have nutritional knowledge of patient welfare.
  • Food industry workers with non-nutrition backgrounds who need to understand the health requirements of their target customers 
  • College graduates in Biology who are interested to pursue programs in nutrition.

Admission Details

It is easy and straightforward to follow through with the process of securing entry to the programme and the candidate must necessarily take certain steps to participate in the programme.

The admission for Nutrition and Health: Micronutrients and Malnutrition course is: 

Step 1: To begin the process of registration, the candidate has to open an account in the given link here

Step 2: After registering his or her account, the candidate can register for the course using the “Enroll” option.

Step 3: Once the option is set, a candidate needs to opt for the “Verified” course track, if he or she needs wishes to acquire a certificate after the course.

Step 4: With the programme that has been mentioned, the candidate must pay for the application here in the following link

Step 5: The candidate will be able to use the “Place Order” button and any online system to pay such as Paypal or others to pay the programme fee.

The Syllabus


Wageningen University and Research, Wageningen Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

1: What is the educational background requirement for this course?

The candidate needs to have an undergraduate degree course work in basic Biology in order to enroll in this course.

2: What are the topics of discussion in this program?

This curriculum has topics on nutritional science, micronutrient deficiency, global effects of malnutrition, vitamin deficiency and the basics of micronutrients. 

3: Who are the instructors for this course?

Profs. Sander Kersten, Alida Melse, Inge Brouwer and Guido Hooiveld are the instructors from the Division of Human Nutrition in charge of the course curriculum and instruction.

4: Is this course associated with professional programs?

Yes, this course is offered as a part of the series of lectures known as the Professional Program in Food, Nutrition and Health.

5: What is the contribution of exams and assignments towards the final grade?

The exams account for 80% of the grade and the peer assignment contributes to 20% of the final grade and the student must secure a 60% overall score to secure the certificate. 

6: What is the audit policy for the programs?

The audit policy is offered to students with the condition that no verified certificate or graded assessments will be provided to them.

7: Who is this course helpful for?

This course is useful for healthcare professionals and food service workers who need the theoretical knowledge required in nutritional assessments in their job profiles. 

8: What is the difficulty level in this program?

The course is planned as an intermediate difficulty level program that requires its eligibility and student dedication for program completion. 


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