UNO Full Form

UNO Full Form

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Mar 10, 2023 02:29 PM IST

What is the full form of UNO?

UNO is the abbreviation that stands for “United Nations Organisation.” The organisation was established in 1945, after the Second World War. The principle behind the establishment of such an organisation was to preserve international peace by developing friendly relations among nations and promoting social progress, better living standards and human rights. The 51 member nations of this organisation signed a treaty for the formulation of this new agency. Since then, UNO has been tirelessly functioning to maintain friendly relationships between the different nations of the world, while enhancing the living standards of communities and uplifting human rights.

This Story also Contains
  1. What is the full form of UNO?
  2. Majors Functions of UNO
  3. Framework of the United Nations Organisation
  4. The General Assembly of UNO
  5. The Security Council of UNO
  6. The Trusteeship Council of UNO
  7. The Economic and Social Council
  8. The International Court of Justice
  9. The Secretariat
UNO Full Form
UNO Full Form

Majors Functions of UNO

The member nations largely function for maintaining world peace and stability. UNO procures the authority to penalise a nation which is found responsible for hindering global peace, growth and security. UNO majorly works in the sectors dealing with international peace, relief help, improving the lives of the poor people, eliminating hunger, diseases, illiteracy, and formulation and implementation of laws to safeguard human rights for human welfare.

Framework of the United Nations Organisation

The framework of the UNO occurs to be based on its easy functioning and better efficiency. The important functional components of the UNO include the following:

  1. The General Assembly.

  2. The Security Council.

  3. The Trusteeship Council.

  4. The Economic and Social Council.

  5. The International Court of Justice.

  6. The Secretariat.

The General Assembly of UNO

The General Assembly plays a pivotal role in policymaking and its implementation. The assembly elects the President of the General Assembly every year. The draft resolutions are prepared by the General Assembly with the aid of its six committees as mentioned:

  1. Disarmament and International Security.

  2. Economic and Financial.

  3. Social, Humanitarian, Culture.

  4. Special Political and Decolonization.

  5. Administrative and Budgetary.

  6. Legal.

The Security Council of UNO

The Security Council primarily takes the lead in maintaining global peace and security. The Security Council comprises 15 members, each with one vote. All the member states are obliged to follow the Council's decisions. It tries to settle the disputes between the nations in peaceful and manageable ways by recommending several adjustment terms.

The Trusteeship Council of UNO

The Trusteeship Council has the vital function of examining and discussing the reports from the Administering Authority, dealing with the political, economic, social and educational improvement of the population of Trust Territories. Equally, it plays a critical role in examining the petitions and other special missions of the Trust Territories. The Trusteeship Council has five permanent members which include, China, France, the Russian Federation, the UK and the US.

The Economic and Social Council

The Economic And Social Council of UNO deals with the reviewing of the policies and recommends the required improvement in the economic, social and environmental issues. It implements the globally determined development goals. It comprises 54 members into administration for the term of three years.

The International Court of Justice

The International Court of Justice forms the main judicial component of the UNO. It serves and strives for providing unbiased justice and verdicts to the involved nations. It was established in June 1945 and began working in 1946. It occurs as a derivative of the Permanent Court of International Justice, established by the League of Nations in the year 1920.

The Secretariat

The United Nations Secretariat performs the regular work of the UNO as instructed by the General Assembly and other components of the UNO. The Secretary-general (the head of the Secretariat), comprising several thousands of UNO staff members, works at their duty stations every day all around the world. Much of the UN Secretariat is based in the city of New York, US. However, the UN has three substantially functioning offices outside of its headquarters with five Regional and Economic Commissions.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Which are some of the UNO-funded programmes?

Some of the UNO-funded programmes includes; The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), The United Nations Environment Programme (UN Environment), United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA), United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat), World Food Programme (WFP) etc.

2. With how many entities does the Economic and Social Council of UNO coordinate the work?

The Economic and Social Council of UNO coordinates the work of 14 UN specialised agencies, 10 functional commissions and 5 regional commissions.

3. Which are the bodies governing under the Economic and Social Council of UNO?

The bodies governing under the Economic and Social Council of UNO include; specialised agencies, ad hoc bodies, governmental bodies, functional commissions, regional commissions and standing committees.

4. Who coined the term “United Nations.”?

The term “United Nations'' was coined by Franklin D. Roosevelt - the president of the US.

5. What is the significance of the UN Charter of 1945?

The UN Charter of 1945, occurs to be the primary treaty of the United Nations as an intergovernmental organisation.

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