WAN Full Form

WAN Full Form

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Mar 13, 2023 09:19 AM IST

What is the full form of WAN?

A wide area network is defined as WAN for short. It is generally used in the networking industry.WAN connects the Local area network(LAN) and Metropolitan area network over a Geographical area. In late 1950, it was established by the United States air force to interconnect sites in the Semi-automatic Ground environment radar defence system(SAGE).WAN is accessible even in remote areas. Many enterprises help in providing WAN to various Industries. The shift to cloud-based applications doesn't happen overnight. Due to the drastic evolution, enterprises must focus on providing quality data connections, security and better digital experience to the users.

This Story also Contains
  1. What is the full form of WAN?
  2. Advantages
  3. Disadvantages
  4. LAN Vs WAN
  5. WAN Technologies
WAN Full Form
WAN Full Form

In WAN, the data is transferred to various parts of the world and there is no limit to data input.LAN provides internet only in a closed area whereas WAN is the connection of many LANs.At the end of the LAN connected to another LAN forming a network of wide range and thus providing more accessible internet connections all over the world. Currently, WAN is attaining intensive growth which is an opening door to our modern future. In our next segment, let us discuss the advantages, disadvantages, diverse technologies of WAN and also the basic difference between LAN and WAN.


  • WAN technology helps everyone to share data over a vast area. There are no connectivity barriers to exchanging information. As it is a public network, one can access content and data effortlessly.

  • People from all over the world can work for a specific company online which increases collaboration among people from different nations.

  • This led to the emergence of IoT(the Internet of things). Images, videos, and files are shared efficiently.


  • The construction cost of WAN is very high and there is also a threat of hackers. But compared to LAN, it is not safe to invest all our resources.

  • It is more complex and tangled.


LAN (Local Area Network)

WAN(Wide area network)

It is only up to certain regions and beyond that, it doesn't work. To fix up this drawback, WAN came into play.

As I said earlier, it covers a geographical area which enables users to unite all over the world.

It is of low cost as compared to WAN.

It costs high because it connects all LANs by a leased line which is rented from a large network provider like ISP(internet service provider).

Though it works up to a fixed point, it transfers data quickly and securely

It is at a slower rate and the certainty of data is not assured.

WAN Technologies

  • Packet switching: When the data is transferred, it converts into small pieces and at the point of destination, all of them are ordered together to express prominent information. This technology is designed to send the data independently in order to check data corruption.

  • Router: A Router is a networking device that helps in converting LANs to a wide area network known as a WAN device. Generally, WAN might follow multiple routes.

  • Frame relay: It is a device which packs data into frames to secure its information. It specifies packet switching in telecom channels.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Who is responsible for providing WAN connections?

ISP(Internet service provider) is responsible for all connections. All our home network devices work on the network provided by WAN through ISP.

2. What type of networks do we use on our mobile phones?

We use both LAN and WAN. When we connect our device to home routers(LAN), it further connects it to Multiple routers (WAN) to keep connected with the outside world

3. What are the three WAN connection types?

Automatic IP(Internet protocol), Static IP (Internet protocol), PPPoE (Point-to-point protocol over Ethernet).

4. What is a WAN carrier?

 It is a communication network that connects Remote areas to cities and even countries.

5. Is WAN wireless or LAN?

WAN is usually labelled as an Internet that was connected to a DSL modem or Cable providing connections to a vast area. On the other hand, LAN provides connections for computers connected with ethernet cables using wifi in a particular building. Hence WAN is wireless.

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