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Difference Between Angiosperm & Gymnosperm

Difference Between Angiosperm & Gymnosperm

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Feb 02, 2024 11:20 AM IST

Angiospermic plant is called flowering plant, whereas gymnospermic plant is called non flowering plant. These plants are categorized into vascular containing plant groups. Gymnosperms are ancient time plants found till date on the earth. Angiosperm plant flower can be bisexual or unisexual in nature. Bisexual, means both male and female flower present in same plant; and unisexual, means any one male or female flower present in a same plant. Angiosperm contains different types of body form such as herbs, shrubs, vines, trees.

Angiosperm plants are divided into various families such as orchidaceae family, Asteraceae family, Fabacea family. The orchidaceae family plant (called as orchid) is found higher in number and it is generally found over the rocks and pollinated by fly vectors. The asteraceae family is also called the composite family, it is mostly found in high temperature regions and in subtropical regions of the earth. The fabaceae family is also called legume family and this family is the third largest angiosperm family which is able to produce root nodules which is beneficial for bacteria as well as plants to do nitrogen fixation.

Terminology Explanation

The terminology, angiosperm and gymnosperm used in the field of botany. These both words are Greek words. Gymnosperm is made up of two word that is ‘gymnos’ and ‘sperma’, ‘gymnos’ means opened or uncovered and ‘sperma’ means seed; And the word angiosperm also made up of two word ‘angeoin’ and ‘sperma’, ‘angeoin’ means vessel or hollow structure with in seed and 'sperma’ means seed.

Difference Between Angiosperm And Gymnosperm

  • In gymnosperm Seed present on leaves, Whereas in angiosperm seed is covered by plant Structure such as fruit.

  • Gymnosperm is the group of plants that is able to produce flowers; And angiosperm is the group of plants that has no flower in their life cycle.

  • Reproductive system of angiosperm found within flowers, Whereas in gymnosperm reproductive system occurs within the cones.

  • Plant leaf structure is also different in both types of plant, that is flat leaf structure shown by angiosperm and edge or needle like structure shown by angiosperm.

  • Gymnosperm plants are grown in specific seasons and in specific regions on earth, Whereas angiospermic plants are grown in every season of the plant.

  • Triploid tissue found in angiospermic plants and haploid tissue found in angiospermic plants.

  • Medium like animal, wind, water is required for the pollination process in angiospermic plants, and in gymnosperm plants medium like wind is required for the pollination process.

  • The wood structure or trunk structure of angiosperm plants is harder than gymnosperm plants, Whereas soft trunks are found in gymnosperm plants.

  • Angiosperm does not contain vessels, whereas within the gymnosperm vessels are present.

  • Angiosperm phloem lakes companion cell but within the gymnosperm companion cell are found.

  • In angiosperm reproductive system present within the flower whereas in gymnosperm reproductive system present within the cone.

  • Double fertilization found within the angiosperm, but in gymnosperm double fertilization not found.

  • Style and stigma present within the angiosperm, but in gymnosperm style and stigma is not found.

  • Within the angiosperm archegonia is found, but in gymnosperm archegonia is not found. 15.Sperm is immotile in angiosperm, bur in gymnosperm sperm is motile.

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Example of Angiosperm and Gymnosperm

Apple, hemp, orchids, lilies, broccoli, tomato, peppers, dandelions, wheat, maple, rose, walnut are examples of angiosperm plants; And pine, spruce, ginkgo, cycas, pins, araucaria, thuja, cedrus, picea are examples of gymnosperm plants.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the definition of gymnosperm and angiosperm?

Angiosperm means seed is produced by flowering plants and it is enclosed in the ovaries. Gymnosperm means seed is produced by a non-flowering plant and seed is either closed or uncovered.

2. What are the 3 main differences between gymnosperm and angiosperm?

1.Gymnosperm non covered seed is observed and covered seed found in angiosperm. 2.Archegonium not found in gymnosperm, but it is found within the angiosperm. 3.Gymnosperm plants grow in specific seasons and conditions but angiosperm plants grow in all conditions.

3. What is the meaning of the words- angiosperm and gymnosperm?

Angiosperm is made up of ‘angeoin’ and ‘sperma’ words, ‘angeoin’ means vessel-like structure and ‘sperma’ means seed. Gymnosperm term is made up of ‘gymnos’ and ‘sperma’ words, ‘gymnos’ means opened or uncovered and ‘sperma’ means seed.

4. Which plant is the oldest one?

Gymnosperm plant is the oldest plant.

5. What are examples of gymnosperm and angiosperm plants?

Apple, hemp, orchids, lilies, walnut are examples of angiosperm plants; And pine, spruce, ginkgo, cycas, pins, araucaria, thuja, cedrus, picea are examples of gymnosperm plants.


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