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Application of Biotechnology Medicine

Application of Biotechnology Medicine

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Feb 02, 2024 03:00 PM IST

Biotechnology is a branch of science where biological organisms are utilised to develop different products beneficial for sustainable development. It includes various technologies that improve the quality of living and focuses on human welfare. Biotechnology has its use in a wide variety of fields like medicine and food processing. Medical biotechnology has applications in the development of various techniques for the diagnosis and treatment of different disorders. Several innovative technologies have been developed under biotechnology to prevent contagious diseases. The role of biotechnology, particularly in medicine, is in developing pharmaceutical and therapeutic drugs. The applications of biotechnology are discussed in detail in this article.

Medical Biotechnology

It is a branch of medicine that makes use of cell materials and living cells for the research and development of pharmaceutical products. These products are used in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of various diseases. Human DNA has been mapped with about 23 markers identified. Vaccines for various deadly diseases like smallpox and COVID-19 have been developed. Drug treatments for diseases like cancer and artificial tissue culture are the most recent developments in the field of medical biotechnology.

Major Advancements In Medical Biotechnology

  • CRISPR: It stands for the molecular DNA splicing mechanism. The Cas9 protein is used as a molecular scissor for DNA slicing and in genetic engineering. It helps in the alteration of gene sequences for various applications like the treatment of diseases, agricultural improvement, and prevention of the spread of diseases.

  • Recombinant DNA: As the name suggests, it involves the recombination of the DNA molecules of two different species and the insertion of the recombinant DNA into the host cell. The host organism with recombinant DNA produces results that will have the combined effect of the parent genes. It is a method used for improvements in the agricultural industry by combining two superior genes to produce super-quality seeds.

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  • HPV vaccine: The vaccine is used for the treatment of cervical cancer caused by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). It has significance since cervical cancer is the second-most common cancer in women.

Applications Of Biotechnology In Medicine

Biotechnology has great importance in medicine since it helps in the development of various drugs to cure diseases. Some of its applications are:

  • Recombinant Insulin: Insulin is an enzyme produced in the pancreas that helps to remove excess sugar in the blood. It is utilised by diabetic patients to control their sugar levels. For the external administration of insulin, the human insulin gene was introduced in E-coli bacteria to initiate insulin production in these bacteria. Later, the recombinant human insulin is isolated and administered in humans.

  • Gene Therapy: Gene therapy is a technique introduced as a solution to the increasing cases of genetic disorders. It focuses on treating genetic disorders by gene modification. These disorders get expressed due to the presence or absence of some gene sequences. In gene therapy, the defective genes are replaced by the normal gene with the help of some vectors (agents). This normal gene replaces the defective gene and carries out its functions. Gene therapy has the highest possibility to cure genetic disorders at an early stage.

  • Vaccines: Vaccines are inactivated or suppressed pathogens (bacteria or viruses) inserted into the human body either orally or through injections. There are vaccines for flu, hepatitis, rabies, smallpox, tetanus, and even the recent COVID-19 development.

Edible vaccines are produced using biotechnology by inserting the antigens into edibles like tomatoes and bananas. These edibles, when consumed, can act as a vaccine.

  • Other applications in medicine: Gene silencing (harmful genes are suppressed), tissue engineering, production of antibiotics, gene sequencing, and polymerase chain reaction are some of the booming sectors in medical biotechnology.

Other Applications Of Biotechnology

  • The production of alcohol, curd, and bread by fermentation is the earliest form of biotechnology.

  • Crop breeding by creating varieties mixing the desirable characteristics of species benefits the agriculture sector.

  • Tissue culture helps in the multiplication of plants with the help of plant tissue. Endangered plants can be multiplied by this method.

  • Biotechnology in forensic science is used to solve parental disputes and criminal identification.

Scope Of Biotechnology

Biotechnology has applications in pharmaceuticals, food, agriculture, medicine, and many other industries. Genetic engineering is gaining popularity for producing biological organisms and other materials like proteins. Developing antibodies, transgenic animals and plants, tissue culture, etc., are some branches where biotechnology has been established.

Ethical And Medical Issues Of Biotechnology

  • Human life at risk - The clinical trials of the new medicines put human life at risk.

  • High cost - These most modern technologies involve a huge expenditure, making the cost of such treatments higher.

  • Privacy issues - Interpreting the DNA sequence of a person is a breach of a person's privacy.

  • Bioterrorism - Biowars are possible using these technologies. These lead to the depletion of funds in search of a cure to the diseases caused intentionally.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is red biotechnology?

It refers to the use of biotechnology in the medical and pharmaceutical industries. Red biotechnology includes the production of vaccines, antibiotics, and artificial organs.

2. List a few applications of biotechnology in the field of medicine.

Biotechnology has several applications in medicine.

  • Recombinant DNA

  • Recombinant Insulin

  • Edible vaccines

  • Gene therapy


3. What is the application of biotechnology in agriculture?

In agriculture, new varieties are created by mixing desired traits/ genes of related varieties. It aids the development of agriculture by producing more yield (quality and quantity).

4. List a few biotechnology products.

The products of biotechnology are numerous of which are listed below:

  • Bioinformatics - application of biotechnology in computations.

  • Bt. cotton (genetically modified cotton)

  • Antibiotics

  • Industrial products like alcohol, bread, and yoghurt.

  • Pharmaceutical products

  • Agricultural seeds

5. What is ELISA?

ELISA stands for Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay. It works based on antigen-antibody reactions. ELISA can detect the presence of antigens of foreign pathogens, or antibodies produced against these pathogens, for the detection of infections.


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