Biological classification helps classify organisms into hierarchical categories according to similar traits and genetic relationships. The basis of biological classification is the foundation for this system, which classifies organisms according to characteristics such as cellular structure, modes of nutrition and genetic makeup. This topic is important in biology from Class 9 to NEET level as the basis for advanced studies.
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Biological classification is the way by which we categorize living organisms based on their similarities in terms of structure and genetics. This system brings order to the many forms of life found on this planet. The early classifiers like Aristotle and Linnaeus were keen on physical features which paved the way for the more modern taxonomic classification of today. The modern classification does not just consider the physical resemblance but also their genetic relationships and evolutionary history that would enable scientists to understand all these connections and diversity.
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The history of biological classification is as follows:
Aristotle: The first known to classify organisms, dividing them into plants and animals according to physical characteristics.
Carl Linnaeus: Systema Naturae propounded the existing taxonomic system with categorized hierarchies and binomial nomenclature for the naming of species.
Ernst Haeckel: Three-kingdom system was proposed in which he incorporated Protista besides Linnaeus's two kingdoms- namely Animalia and Plantae, paying homage to the unicellular microorganisms.
Robert Whittaker: Classified organisms into the five kingdoms, namely Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia; even this classification divided prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
The following key characteristics formed the Biological classification basis:
For example
Considers structure as well as function within the organisms with an emphasis on organs, tissues, and cells required for survival.
Homologous Structures: Organs that share a common evolutionary origin, though they often function for different purposes.
Example: The forelimb in mammals.
Analogous Structures: Organs that perform similar functions, but the fundamental structures do not match.
Example: Wings of birds and wings of bees.
DNA Sequencing: By using next-generation sequencing, scientists are capable of determining exact genetic sequences.
SNPs: These are single nucleotide polymorphisms that aid in genetic trait mapping and analyzing differences within populations.
Evolutionary Relationships: Genetic analysis provides an essential tool to be able to know how species are related and how they have come to evolve through time.
Phylogenetic Trees and Cladograms: These diagrams depict the evolutionary relationships of species illustrating where species diverge over time.
Developmental Stages: Having similarities in embryonic development stages, such as cleavage and gastrulation, across different species testifies to the theory of evolution and indicates common ancestry.
Comparison Across Species: Embryos from different animals exhibit similarities that testify to the theory of evolution that those organisms share a common ancestor but adapt to their environment.
Some key characteristics of biological classification basis are:
Cellular structure: Organisms are made up of cells. In some, it is unicellular, for instance, bacteria while others are multicellular, for example, plants and animals.
Nutrition Mode: Organisms produce food differently. While plants synthesize food through photosynthesis, animals draw energy by feeding on it.
Body Plan and Organisation: The body parts among plants and animals are different which gives way to sub-classifications because of specific features.
Reproductive Mechanisms: Organisms either reproduce sexually or asexually, which decides how they should be classified.
Genetic Information: Genetic makeup and sequence of DNA prove essential in determining relationships among different species.
Adaptation: Specific changes that help organisms to survive in different environments like desert or aquatic adaptation also can work as classification criteria.
Stages of Life Cycles: The relative development stages of the organisms help in the classification.
Some important systems of biological classification are:
Earlier, living organisms were divided into two kingdoms: Animalia and Plantae. The kingdom Plantae included all those species that can produce their own food from inorganic substances. These are the ones known to be autotrophs.
In 1866, taxonomist Ernst Haeckel expanded on this system by inventing a third kingdom, Protista, to house such species as Euglena and also include bacteria. Fungi remained under Plantae in this stage.
The classification evolved further through the improvement of the system designed by Robert Whittaker in 1967 into five kingdoms: Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia. The latter was then further developed by Margulis and Schwartz in 1988 as being divided into prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
Organisation of Knowledge: Biological classification is intended to systematise a vast diversity of living organisms in such a way that they can be well analyzed and understood.
Identification and Naming: It helps one identify and correctly name organisms thereby cutting on confusion in scientific communication.
Facilitates Research: Proper classification promotes more communication, information sharing, and elaboration of other persons' work on research topics concerning ecology, genetics, and medicine.
Conservation: The naming of organisms plus their classification helps biologists in knowing the species and ecosystems which may require preservation; most importantly, those endangered.
The tool for education: Biological classification is one of the most important educational tools that students utilise to understand complex biology while building better skills in life sciences.
Here are some tricks to study biological classification basis for exams:
"Mighty Animals Generate Embryos"
Visual Aids: Use diagrams and charts that represent relationships and characteristics among different groups of organisms.
Flashcards: Create flashcards with each characteristic and test yourself.
The table below indicates the weightage and types of questions asked on a biological classification basis in exams:
Exam Type | Types of Questions | Weightage |
Short answer questions on the basis of biological classification, including key characteristics and classification systems. | 3-4% | |
MCQs on the types of classification systems, significance of key characteristics, and examples from different kingdoms. | 2-3% | |
AIIMS | Assertion and reason questions that explore the principles and significance of biological classification in studying organisms. | 2-3% |
Nursing Entrance Exams | Scenario-based questions applying biological classification to real-life situations in healthcare and disease management. | 1-3% |
Paramedical Exams | True/False questions on major classification criteria, historical context, and examples from the biological classification system. | 1-2% |
Read More:
Kingdom Monera, Protista and Fungi | Taxonomic Hierarchy |
Taxonomical Aids | Binomial Nomenclature |
Plantae, Animalia and Viruses | Bergeys Classification of Bacteria |
Systema Naturae is a book written by Carolus Linnaeus on the classification of organisms.
The taxonomic classification shows how organisms are related to each other. To classify a set of species with similar characteristics, scientists study behavior, genetics, embryology, comparative anatomy, and the fossil record. A standardized nomenclature system makes it easy for scientists working on similar projects to communicate with each other.
Charles Darwin published the first theory of evolution in 1859.
Binomial Nomenclature is a nomenclatural system in which each species is given a name composed of two terms, the first of which defines the genus to which it belongs and the second the species itself.
Some of the characteristics used to classify organisms currently are as follows: Cell type: prokaryotic or eukaryotic. The number of cells is either unicellular or multicellular. Nutritional Mode - Autotrophs (Photosynthetic) or Heterotrophs (Non-photosynthetic).
The most important parameters used in classification are the ‘‘external’’ ones: morphological, anatomical, behavioural, genetic, and ecological features.
Five kingdom systems sort organisms into Monera (bacterial), Protista (unicellular eukaryotic), Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia based on cell organisation and feeding habits. The domain system divides all known organisms into three groups and uses genetic relationships for classifications.
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