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Biomolecules - Definition, Structure, Functions, Examples, Facts, Carbohydrates, Proteins

Biomolecules - Definition, Structure, Functions, Examples, Facts, Carbohydrates, Proteins

Edited By Irshad Anwar | Updated on Aug 12, 2024 03:03 PM IST

What are Biomolecules?

Biomolecules are compounds rich in carbon and vital to life; some biomolecules are proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, and lipids. They are involved particularly in the biosphere where they are utilized as the components of cells, accelerators of biochemical processes, carriers of genetic material, and energy sources.

Biomolecules - Definition, Structure, Functions, Examples, Facts, Carbohydrates, Proteins
Biomolecules - Definition, Structure, Functions, Examples, Facts, Carbohydrates, Proteins

Altogether, this article explains the existing biomolecular categories and their main characteristics regarding biochemical activity and the structural level, as well as underlining the primary utilities of biomolecules in living organisms.

Types of Biomolecules

The various types of biomolecules are listed below


Definition and General Structure:

Carbohydrates are organic molecules composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, usually in a 1:In terms of the crisis communicators, the preferred ratio in this aspect is 2:1. They can be and often are simple sugars, but can also be complex polysaccharides.


Monosaccharides, Disaccharides, Polysaccharides: For example, glucose is a kind of simple sugar and is also classified as a monosaccharide. The oligosaccharides; contain more than two monosaccharides but less than a polysaccharide like a sucrase. Starch and cellulose are examples of polysaccharides because they are large structures made up of monosaccharide components.

Functions in the Body:

Besides being a source of energy, carbohydrates are essential in the structure of cells and cell signaling.


Some of the examples of carbohydrates include glucose, a monosaccharide; starch, a polysaccharide that acts as an energy store in plants; cellulose another polysaccharide found in the cell walls of plants as a structural component.


Definition and General Structure:

Proteins can be described as large biomolecules that are created from amino acids that are joined by peptide bonds to form structures with great complexity and intricacy regarding their shape.

Amino Acids:

Building Blocks of Proteins:

Protein is also known as an amino acid polymer because it is made up of organic compounds which are amino acids, and 20 different types of amino acids play a role in the protein variant.

Levels of Protein Structure:

Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, Quaternary:

Protein structure has four levels: firstly, the primary structure consists of amino acid sequences, secondly, secondary structures are formed by alpha helices and beta sheets, thirdly, the tertiary structure by the 3D folding, and finally the quaternary one is a set of multiple polypeptide chains.


Protein is involved in enzymatic activities, as hormones, in the structure and shape of the cells, and acts in immune defense too.


Some of them include; Hemoglobin in the transportation of oxygen, Keratin, a structural protein present in hair and nails, and insulin a hormone that helps regulate blood sugar.


Definition and General Structure:

Lipids include compounds soluble in nonpolar solvents they contain a large number of carbon-hydrogen atoms in long chains or the form of rings.


Triglycerides act as energy storage or fat, phospholipids are part of cell membranes and steroids encompass cholesterol which is a hormone.


Lipids are involved in energy storage, determination of membrane fluidity plays a role in signal transduction.


Usual lipids are the fats and oils (triglycerides), phospholipids that set up cell membranes, and sterol–cholesterol.

Nucleic Acids

Definition and General Structure:

Nucleic acids can be defined as large biomolecules that are made up of a chain of nucleotides; a nucleotide is a molecule that has both a sugar as well as a phosphate group and contains a nitrogenous base.


DNA and RNA: Deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA is an example of a genetic molecule that contains information and ribonucleic acid or RNA is responsible for the expression of the stored information.


Nucleic acids are involved in the replication of genetic data and also involved in the synthesis of proteins and transmission of heredity.


DNA and RNA where DNA is the carrier of the code and RNA takes a part in the code implementation.

Functions of Biomolecules

The functions of biomolecules are discussed below:

Energy Storage and Supply

Organic structures from starch to cellulose, and lipids from oils to waxes supply and store energy in unsaturated structures. Models for the type of energy that is being supplied are glucose which in technical terms is carbohydrates being used for energy through cellular respiration while lipids such as triglycerides are the stored energy in the cells.

Structural Components of Cells and Tissues

Most of the cells’ and tissues’ structural framework is formed by proteins and polysaccharides. For instance, collagen a structural protein gives strength and flexibility to Derma and connective tissues; Cellulose another carbohydrate offers rigidity to plant cell walls.

Catalysis of Biochemical Reactions (Enzymes)

They are proteins that have the functionality to catalyze biochemical reactions and reduce the activation energy needed. For example, in carbohydrate metabolism, an enzyme known as amylase that assists in the breakdown of carbohydrates is the significant function of enzymes in metabolism.

Regulation and Coordination of Biological Processes

These are chemical substances that control and synchronize different functions of the body; most of them are proteins or lipids. Insulin is a protein hormone that regulates glucose concentration in the bloodstream to maintain normal concentration within the body.

Genetic Information Storage and Transfer

They include nucleic acids of which DNA and RNA are imperative in the storage and transfer of genetic information. DNA contains the hereditary material while Ribosomes and RNA transcribe this information to manufacture proteins thus playing the role of heredity and cell functions.

Cellular Communication and Signaling

Proteins and lipids that are used in cell signaling and communication occur in foods. Measures of receptor proteins on the cell provide information about interactions with signaling molecules or external stimuli while lipid hormone signals like steroids convey information and adjust bodily procedures.

Synthesis and Breakdown of Biomolecules

The process is discussed below:

Anabolic Pathways

Anabolic mechanisms are those biochemical reactions that involve synthesizing larger molecules from the smaller ones and for this process, energy is used. These paths are concerned with the anabolic or biosynthetic processes through which large molecules for instance, proteins, nucleic acids, and polysaccharides are built from simpler molecules

Catabolic Pathways

Catabolic processes are the processes, in which there are conversions of large molecules into simple molecules with the liberation of energy. This energy is normally used to drive various cellular activities. For instance, the breakdown of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins into ATP; is the principal energy currency of a cell.

Enzymatic Reactions in Synthesis and Degradation

Catalytic actions of enzymes are involved in biosynthesis as well as the degradation of biomolecules. As such enzymes facilitate metabolic reaction processes by increasing the rate of such processes. For instance, the specific enzymes DNA polymerase is used to synthesize DNA and proteases which are used to deconstruct proteins into amino acids.

Examples of Metabolic Pathways:

Glycolysis: A glycolytic sequence of reactions that involves the breakdown of one molecule of glucose into two molecules of pyruvate with the generation of ATP and NADH. It is the initial process in the sequence that is known as respiration in the cells.

Krebs Cycle: The Kreb cycle or citric acid cycle, is a catabolic process that breaks down pyruvate into ATP, NADH, and FADH2, all of which are energy molecules.

Protein Synthesis: This process includes DNA transcription to mRNA and mRNA translation to form polypeptides that are folded into functional proteins.

Biomolecules in Health and Disease

The role of biomolecules are discussed below:

Role of Biomolecules in Maintaining Health

Biomolecules are involved inter alia in the regulation of physiological processes leading to complex organism’s homeostasis and health condition. They include carbohydrates that supply energy, proteins required for tissue building and enzymatic processes, lipids that are useful in the formation of cell membranes and for energy storage, and nucleic acids that contain stored hereditary material.

Disorders Related to Biomolecule Metabolism


Diabetes is a disease of metabolism and is defined by a malfunction of glucose metabolism and increased blood sugar. This condition stems from a lack of generated insulin as in the case of Type 1 diabetes or reduced insulin sensitivity in Type 2 diabetes patients blood glucose levels are high since glucose absorption and utilization are affected under this condition


Hypercholesterolemia is a situation that results from the high density of lipids and cholesterol in the blood and this may be a result of genetic or dietary matters. This condition results in the formation of plaque in arteries and therefore exposes the patient to the possibility of heart attacks and/or strokes.


PKU is a metabolism disorder that occurs when the body lacks enough of the enzyme called phenylalanine hydroxylase to properly metabolize phenylalanine. Phenylalanine can harm the patient if it accumulates and causes intellectual disabilities and other neurological disorders if not under the Phenylketonuria diet.

Biomolecules as Therapeutic Targets

Biomolecules play a central role in the process of finding therapeutic approaches. Strategies that aim at particular biomolecules alter diseases; for example, insulin among diabetic patients, statins in minimising cholesterol, and enzyme replacement therapy in cases of PKU. As the fields of biotechnology and pharmacology keep developing, biomolecular aims and objectives remain utilised and implemented in novel therapies and patients’ benefits.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What are the four main types of biomolecules?

The four main classes of biomolecules are carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acid.

2. How do proteins differ from nucleic acids?

Out of all the biomolecules, proteins share the closest relationship with nucleic acids and their difference lies mainly in their characteristics. These are biomolecules made up of amino acids and they are involved in activities such as catalytic, structural, and the control of biological events. Polynucleotides, deoxyribonucleic acid, and ribonucleic acid in their structure have nucleotides and are responsible for genetic information transfer. 

3. What role do lipids play in the body?

Lipids have farreaching functions in the body; these are energy storage in the form of triglycerides, structural components in cell membranes in the form of phospholipids, and acting as informational molecules such as steroids and eicosanoids. 

4. How are carbohydrates important in energy metabolism?

Carbohydrates are involved in energy metabolism because they are easily degraded to provide energy as ATP through processes such as glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation. Carbohydrates are one of the major food classifications, and an example of a carbohydrate is glucose which is used by cells for energy. 

5. What techniques are used to study biomolecules?

These methods of analyzing biomolecules include chromatography which is Gas chromatography and liquid chromatography, spectrometry Uvvisible spectrometry, Infrared spectroscopy, Mass spectrometry, electrophoresis which includes, Agarose gel electrophoresis, SDSPAGE, Xray crystallography and NMR spectrometry of which stands for Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. These methods help enable researchers to dissect biomolecules in terms of structure, content, connection, and role in the biochemical processes occurring inside the cells. 


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